Chapter 18: That Baila girl

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A/n: good day everyone, just to make the updates more coordinated, I've decided to be updating every Friday insha Allah. I know today's not Friday, but I'm just trying to use this short chapter to relay this information 😊 thank you all and don't forget to vote😍❤️

Sahl's POV

"Wow.." escaped from my mouth. I was just coming out of the house through the main door and turning my head, I saw Shamsu walking towards the door in his NYSC uniform and Nadeen coming down from the car which was used to take her to school by our driver whom I had hired.

Nadeen is twenty two currently. I promised her I'd buy her a small car when she starts going to the university, but then there's already a car that was used for our mother's errands, so I asked the driver to be taking her to school as well. He did that through out her first year and beginning of second year before COVID happened. I had to shift getting her the car for the time being and decided to just give her as a gift when they're finally going back to school after COVID. Unfortunately, the accident happened and I decided not to get the car anymore. I could read our mother's mind and I know she'll never allow it. Not after what happened to Bilal and Hanan. She couldn't risk loosing her only female child and last born to another motor accident.

I wish Mama just digested it that it's not everyone that'll die from a motor accident. Our father for example. He fell sick and died. Each and everyone of us, Allah has written how we're going to die. Some while sleeping, some even while walking. But does it mean that if we prevent ourselves from sleeping or walking because some died from it it'd stop us from dying as well? I'm even surprised she could suggest that me and her travel to Kano by road.

Even Shamsu who also owned his own car, she made a huge fuss after the accident that he must stop driving and let our driver be taking him to his affairs, but he sternly refused. To him it was close to an abomination to let a driver drive him. In his words "macce nike hala da zan kawai shige bayan mota wani kato ya tukani(I'm not a girl. I can't allow myself to be driven around by some dude)" I laughed a lot when he made that statement.

Somehow though, I wonder why she's not scared for me with cars. I drive all the time, sometimes she even prefers I drive her than our driver. I guess she just trusts me that much. I don't know where Bilal learnt how to drive, but he was definitely a clumsy driver. As for me, Mama personally enrolled me in a driving school which her friend ran. Perhaps why I was more careful than Bilal. I don't think Bilal learnt driving professionally. Then, when Shamsu was of age to drive, she let me teach him. She trusts that I'm very careful with roads, and she always tells me "Allah ya kiyaye(may Allah protect you)" whenever I'm leaving. As long as she sees me leaving, she'd always wish me well in that manner.

"Ranka ya dade(good evening sir)!" Our driver made a fist, greeting me respectfully. I really feel weird whenever he greets me like that, especially since the man was kind of older than me.

I greeted him back, trying to match the energy before we said our goodbyes. Too bad I don't have much money notes with me today to give him some. I'll definitely stop by the ATM and give him some cash tomorrow. I usually pay him monthly, but occasionally, especially whenever I had money on me, I'd give him some, hoping he'd buy some nice meat while he's going home for his family.

"Hmmm, confluence of the siblings" Nadeen bobbed her head, approaching me with folded arms.

She's right. I was also surprised when I saw them both arriving at the same time. I mean, we never get to jam all three of us like this unless there's a meeting or we're going on an outing together. It's either I run into Shamsu alone and Nadeen is not around or I run into Nadeen and Shamsu is not around. I'm sure it's the same for them as well. But today we've arrived all three of us at the same time. It's just that, everyone has one thing or the other they're up to. I'm managing our business, Nadeen is a fourth year medical student, and Shamsu is doing his national service.

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