Chapter 2: Antisocial girl with troubled family

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Baila's POV

"Zan tafi, Baba(I'm leaving, Father)" I told my dad. He was sitted crosslegged on the spacious verandah, reading newspaper. He had dark, designer shades on as he read, making me wonder why the hell he's wearing shades so early in the morning. I'm also wearing shades too as I spoke to him, but I have my reasons. My eyes were red and puffy from excessive crying last night and I didn't want anyone in the house to see. Not like they'll inquire anyways since dad basically kinda forbade them from speaking to me talkless of me forming a relationship with any of them and leaving myself liable to being bullied by them. Again.

My dad too even if he sees the eyes I doubt he'd ask. The most he'd do is give me a prolonged look, but he would actually never ask. You see, he just doesn't care as much. Look at now for example. I'm standing in front of him, informing him that I'll be away to school. I'm going to be away to school for three good months, but as you can see, he doesn't care as much as to raise an eye from those annoying glasses to even show me any hint of acknowledgement.

"Okay" I sighed, nodding. I don't get a reply. No problem. This is my life. This is my father, I can never deny him, neither can I run away from him. Howsoever he is, I have to bear with him like that. I'm fated to have someone like him as my father, I can't run away from my fate.

But I know that this is not going to last forever. I want to believe that a better and happier life awaits me. As much as I'm such a pessimistic person, I'll try to make myself have some hope.

Filibus, the cheif caretaker of the house opened the back door of the Hilux for me. The car is huge, white and sparkly, and also too costly to be the car that's used for general runs in the house. But who cares? It's when there's no money that one can complain. When there's money anything can happen. That's just it.

We began the 50 minute ride to my school. My school, FCHS is located in the town outskirts, close to the airport. It's a private medical school, one of the best in this part of Nigeria. I'm resuming my second year, studying Medical Laboratory Science. It's not like I have any fancy for labs or something. I applied for Medicine and Surgery, but I didn't score too high in their entrance exams for me to be granted that. So i was granted MLS instead.

If I was really adamant on that MBBS though I could get it. My dad has the capacity to make me get it. With money or with force. I wouldn't even need to sit for any stupid entrance exams and I would get it. Anyways, I'm not the kind of person that enjoys exploiting my dad's power. I like to have the satisfaction that yes, I did this myself or I got this myself. I want at the end of the day to know that my degree was hard earned by myself.

I didn't even want this school in the first place. I wanted to go to one of the federal universities in Kano or Zaria, but at least by now y'all know my dad enough to predict what his response would've been if I asked. So I made it easy for myself and just went with what he would've loved; which is to have me around him since he's literally obsessed with me. So, and I'll be done insha Allah in three years time. No any stupid delay. It's a private school.

We finally arrived the school and Filibus drove in. There's still a drive of five minutes before we arrive the hostel. There's such a long ass walk still from the gate to the main part of the school. But we have a car, so our work is made easy already.

Finally, we pulled in front of the hostel. We had drove in front of the main hostel before taking a turn to the right of it where my hostel is located. There are two hostels in this school. There's the general hostel with lesser price which has smaller rooms and larger number of occupants, and there's the special hostel where I live, which has larger apartments and contain lesser occupants. It's sooo my kind of place like you can already tell. I'm such an introvert. Still an introvert. Always an introvert. I like to have my own space and I enjoy my solitude so much. That's just who I am.

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