Chapter 1

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"Argh! Rouge just leave it, the cast is fine and so am I. I can look after myself perfectly fine." Shadow grunted, clearly uncomfortable in his new cast.

"Ok fine Shadow!" Rouge snapped back "Honestly if anyone tries to help you, you just can't accept it. Even if you think you can look after yourself 'perfectly fine', you can't. Just accept it Shadow, phone me if any issues."  She said and walked over to the door, sighing and looking back at Shadow who looked ready to kill somebody.

"Thanks Rouge, I'll try not to phone much then."He mumbled back, his mind was just focused on that 'faker' and kept him filled up with rage.

Rouge left Shadow's house and headed straight to Angel Island to meet up with her friends, feeling slight sympathy for Shadow but honestly he did bring it upon himself.

'That idiotic hedgehog! Who does he think he is doing this to me?! The ultimate life form! I'll be fine by myself, I just can't believe I'm stuck in bed for weeks. When I'm fully healed that stupid blue faker won't know what will have hit him, he better PRAY I don't shatter every bone in his stupid body! I'd better get some rest, I need to heal quickly.' The ebony hedgehog thought before attending to calm down and fall asleep.

~ At Sonic's And Tails' House ~

"Sonic? Sonic wake up now, we're going to be late to meeting our friends!" Tails shouted from downstairs seeming frustrated.

Sonic sat up wearily, exhausted from his fight with Shadow yesterday.
'That definitely was one of our most extreme fights' He thought to himself , It was the first thing that came to his mind and then remembering what he did to Shadow causing a wave of guilt come over himself again.


Sonic sped downstairs and faced a annoyed Tails.
"Sorry buddy! Just go without me I'll get you all later, I've got some stuff to do" Sonic told him, He actually didn't have anything to do he was just no where near ready and couldn't be bothered getting ready.

"Oh cool, I'll tell them you'll be coming down later. By the way are you okay from yesterday? From what Amy said, it sounded quite bad." Tails asked.

"Yeah I'm completely fine! I'm not the one with a broken leg so.." The azure hedgehog chuckled, but he really did feel horrible, he just didn't want to say anything to Tails.

"Okay! I'm going to go now, I made you breakfast it's on the counter!" He said hurriedly and left.

Sonic's thoughts

Okay, well now I have nothing to do maybe later I ought to attempt to visit Shadow even though he'll really hate me right now, I feel horrible and I think I need to apologise and I wonder why he wanted to fight in the first place?  Wait, where does Shadow even live? Guess I'll have to text Rouge.

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