Chapter 9

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Shadow's pov
Fuck that was embarrassing, but it felt so good.

I couldn't be bothered putting up with Faker's cockiness, so I just said night and went to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning he was gone, I felt a bit sad that he had just left but I'm guessing he's just processing what happened last night because that's what I'm also doing.

"Hey hun!" Rouge shouted from downstairs, it really annoyed me sometimes when she would just show up but at least she was filling Sonic's absence.

"Hi" I muttered as Rouge walked in, stretching as I'd just woken up.

"Where's Sonic? Expected him to have stayed again" She asked but her eyes had drawn to the bed sheets as she stood at the end of the bed.
"What's that?" She pointed at the white substance on my grey sheets, fuck!

"Sonic had cereal last night" I said trying to keep a calm expression but Rouge gave me a smirk, how was i supposed to fool Rouge? Fuck Sonic!
"And I don't know where he is I only woke up 5 minutes ago and he was gone. Good riddance."

"Hm you sure hun? Sure doesn't look like milk.." She giggled and my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

"Yes Rouge it is milk! Whatever you think it is, well you're wrong!" I snapped, shame to say she was right though..

"Whatever you say Shadow.. Are you hungry? I brought food." She said showing me a bag and I just nodded, not wanting to disappoint her.

Sonic's pov
I woke up to find myself snuggling into Shadow's chest fur again! What's up with me? I remembered the events of last night and kind of just wanted to get out of Shadow's, get some space. I tried moving away from Shadow but he had his arms around my waist, great. Struggling to move away, I heard purring coming from Shadow, wish I had my phone to record him because that would have been so funny. Finally I carefully broke free and left quietly, when I was running I saw Rouge heading my way so I hid in a bush making sure my top quill wasn't hanging out this time and she didn't see me. I got back to my place and Tails was up watching the TV.

"Hey Tails!" I said cheerfully to the little fox, he bounced up and came over to me.

"Hi Sonic! I was about to make breakfast, want some?" I gave him a thumbs up and started to go up to my room "By the way there's some white stuff on your muzzle!" He called up, oh shit.

I hurried to the bathroom to wash my muzzle, thank god he doesn't know what it is..

I feel quite bad leaving Shadow but last night was.. I don't know but I can't say much I did it. He has Rouge so I think he'll be fine for a couple of days, I haven't spent much time with my friends so I guess I'll go out with them for the time being.

Kinda short chapter sorry!! Please vote❤️

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