Chapter 7

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Rouge's pov
I just texted Shadow,telling him I'm just coming over. Wonder how Shadow is doing, should have visited him earlier, didn't he say he had a pair of crutches though? Just as long as he's resting well and stuff. Wait what was that noise? Sounded like someone running? But that's to fast.. unless it's Sonic? Weird might of just been some animals. I walked in and shouted upstairs,

"Hey! You up Shadow?" I called up to him and went up the stairs, when i passed the bathroom it looked like he had just been in for a shower, quite odd I'll ask him.

"Hi Rouge." He grunted as I walked in, he didn't look like he had been for a shower.

"Still grumpy? Have you been for a shower your bathroom is soaking" I asked him and sat on the bed,

"No. I left the sink accidentally running earlier, it was to hard to dry so.." He mumbled, was he lying? Unusual for him to do something like that.
"So have you been getting on okay? Sorry I didn't come sooner, something went on with Sonic and it held me up." I said
"Are you hungry,thirsty or anything? Do you even have any groceries actually?"

"Yes! I have plenty of stuff and I have already ate, but do you mind taking these dishes down for me?" Shadow picked up his dishes from his side table and handed them to me and I took them downstairs.
When I walked into the kitchen I saw groceries all scattered and the kitchen was a mess, I know this wasn't Shadow, even if his foot is injured he wouldn't leave the place such a riot..

I cleaned it all up, washed his dishes and started to head up when the door opened.
"Hi I'm ba-" Sonic went to say but saw me and shut the door and must've bolted, Sonic?! No wonder the place was a mess and why was he taking showers? Especially in Shadow's place, what is going on?!

I got back to Shadow's room and just stood at the door and sternly said,
"Shadow, why was Sonic just here?" his expression slightly changed to panic but tried to keep it normal.

"Faker?! Why is he here?!" He exclaimed and started to get out of bed.

"Shadow! Stay there! The kitchen was a mess, which I cleaned,someone got your groceries, and it seems very likely that someone was just in a shower so don't even bother lying. Why is Sonic here and is that why he didn't come home the other night?" I said, there was no point in him lying when Sonic literally just walked in like..?

"Ugh stupid hedgehog! He is just helping me because he apparently feels bad that he did this to me and said he would do anything and I can beat him up afterwards, so even if it is him at least I have help and company. Also the only reason he was in a shower is because he was filthy, thanks for cleaning up after that idiot by the way" Shadow said dully, seeming embarrassed that he had to accept help from his rival.

"There's no need to lie, but if you don't want me saying anything then I won't. I'll head out then seeming as your okay and have you have him, don't get up to anything handsome!" I giggled but obviously he didn't find it funny and growled at me.

"What's that meant to mean Rouge?!" He snapped at me but I didn't say anything and walked out laughing.

When I left I saw Sonic hiding in a bush, his top quill hanging out, what a dumbass.
"Sonic I can see you, I'm not stupid, just get inside I won't say anything to anyone. It's good of you to be looking after Shadow, hopefully your rivalry will come to a end." I called out to him and he got out the bush, a bit red and just nodded at me and raced inside. The whole situation is just weird, Sonic and Shadow? Hm..

Shadow's pov

Sonic entered the room, a bit red and he had leaves in his quills? Idiot.
"You should start being more careful hedgehog, now Rouge knows your here." I muttered,

"How was I suppose to know?" He remarked but I just held up his phone as a answer and he just groaned.

"You know what i have actually been wondering about faker?" Sonic looked at me "Aren't you really scared of water? Like how did you go for a shower?" I asked him.
"Well showers aren't that bad it's like water just falling on me so I'm not bothered to much but I can't go for baths or pools etcetera."  He replied "Can i sit?" he gestured towards the bed, I nodded.
He just came over, lay down and closed his eyes, seemingly worn out from his run, he acts like such a child!

"Can I stay again? Just one more night please I'm too tired to run home Shadz." He groaned and started making himself comfortable,I didn't even say yes yet but oh well..

"Fine Faker." I mumbled but I was even too bothered by him staying again, just more time I get to spend with him. I put on the tv as I wasn't really up for sleeping, I put on a horror and after a hour Sonic woke back up, weird.

"Did you only just go for a nap? It's like 10 I would of expected you to sleep on." I said to him confused, he sleepily looked up at me and shrugged.

"What you watching Shadz?" He asked and yawned loudly, causing me to also yawn.

"Mm, I think It's called Insidious, It's alright so far I just don't get scared from horrors."

We both sat and watched the movie until a jump scare came up and Sonic jumped over to me cowering, not really realising what he was doing, but I felt my cheeks flush. I groaned, the sudden movement caused my leg some pain but I didn't tell Sonic to get off.
He looked up and his emerald eyes met mines, I had never been this close to him, I didn't break contact.
Sonic leaned in just a tiny bit closer and our cheeks were touching, what was he doing?! I didn't want to move but I did at the same time, I somehow managed to grab his waist and bring him in closer to me.

"S-shad-" I cut Sonic off pressing my lips into his, I had no clue what I was doing, but he kissed back..

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