Chapter 13

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Sonic's pov

The moon is so nice tonight, I wonder what Shadow's doing. I wish he was here to see this with me, it's beautiful.

I lay back a little my hands keeping me sitting up, listening to my favourite song, thinking about how perfect everything was.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped out of my skin, who else could've been up here? I looked up to see Shadow! I put my headphones around my neck and stood up.

"Shadow!" I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around his neck, forgetting this is literally Shadow.

"H-Hey!." He choked out, forgot he isn't the very 'touchy' type, ha..
I let go and looked down at his leg.

"So is that you fully healed?" I asked him, a bit disappointed, did that mean we would go back to..normal?

"Yeah." My ears drooped a little, now he's definitely gonna know. "What? You wanted me to stay in bed, wasting away?" He chuckled and sat down, I also sat back down where I was.

"Is everything just going to go back to what it used to be? Us fighting and arguing?" I mumbled, slightly fidgeting with my gloves.
I looked up at Shadow, who slightly hesitated before saying anything.

"Well, personally I don't think I want to. I thought all these years I was fighting you because I hated you, now I see why I really was. " Shadow's muzzle seemed to turn a little red and I smirked at the sight.

"Isn't that cute?" I teased and poked his muzzle, he rolled his eyes at me and huffed, also hiding the blush on his muzzle.

"I'm trying to be serious, hedgehog." He grumbled and turned his face away from me, I think he was a little embarrassed.

"C'mon I was kidding!" I giggled and pulled his face back around to me, smiling softly.
His red eyes were mesmerising, the moonlight shone in them and I couldn't help but stare right into them.

"Kind of starting to scare me faker, I haven't seen you be this still." Shadow said jokingly, I stuck out my tongue at him and he scoffed. "Childish as ever."

"Well sorry! The moonlight really brings out your eyes, they're pretty." I retorted, even though I was literally giving him a compliment.

"Was that some sort of flirting, faker?" Shadow smirked, I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Shadow." I said, slightly shoving his shoulder a little.

"Make me." Shadow leaned in a little closer, that smirk still on his face, ugh.

"Ohhh, so that's how you wanna play?" I also leaned in, noticing Shadow's gaze shifting from my eyes to my lips, so I just went in for it.
He held onto my face, rubbing his thumb back and forth as the kiss got more passionate. We eventually moved back from the edge, then Shadow softly pinned me down, breaking the kiss and wiping saliva from each of our lips.

"Well that worked pretty good, maybe I should start doing it more often." I said smirking.

"Hm, maybe you should." Shadow whispered into my ear, then once again connected our lips.
His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, seeming as if he was asking for permission to enter, which I allowed. Shadow's hands moved down to my lower body, one hand on my waist and the other on my inner thigh.
I pulled out of the kiss, a string of saliva between us.

"Nuh uh. Not up here Shads." I moved my eyes down to where his hands were and he groaned.

"Fine." He grunted and I slightly sat up.

"Wanna race back to my place? Winner gets a prize~" I hinted, his eyes lit up.
Shadow stood up, then helped me up, and then we raced home.
Only this one time, I let him win..

i completely redid this chapter cos i really didn't like it n it was kinda rushed, not sure if im gonna change chapter 14.

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