Chapter 11

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Sonic's pov
I love teasing Shadow, gets him riled up, I knew what I was doing when I called him cute.
I was so close to him again, fuck when did it get so hot in here? I just wish I could heal his leg or something ugh! Wait..!
Never mind I'll tell him after. His ruby red eyes stared right into mines and I pulled my cocky smile and leaned in and my lips landed on his.
I put one hand on his face and moved the other one onto his chest fur, if I'm being honest I just can't get enough it's too fluffy.

Shadow's pov
Sonic was fully going in for this kiss, different from the other night but I like it. He started stroking my chest fur, I couldn't stop myself from purring and that made Sonic kind of go faster? I have to admit he is a good kisser, he started pushing his body closer into mines but then I heard the door open.. fuck!

Rouge's pov
Hopefully Shadow is out of his mood, must be missing blue ha! They have to admit that they like each other because it's pretty obvious, well to me that is.
I opened the front door and walked in, I couldn't hear much so I thought Shadow would've been sleeping and I went upstairs quietly but when I got closer to the room I could hear some hm suspicious noises..
I peeked into his room to see him and Sonic kissing!I opened the door and stood there, the look on there faces! They were mortified! Shadow shoved Sonic off and they both went extremely red, damn I knew I was right!

"Damn Shadow I knew something was going on but this? Should I just leave you two to it?" I giggled, Shadow growled and Sonic grabbed a pillow and hid his face in it, cocky hedgehog seeming not so cocky anymore.
Shadow mouthed to me get out very angrily as if he was shouting silently, i smirked at his at made a heart with my hands then left.
Ahh, what a great visit this has been.

Sonic's pov
"That was so embarrassing" I said, sounding muffled from the pillow still covering my face.
Shadow just grunted and sighed, and actually he shoved me pretty hard I thought I was going to go flying off the bed!

"Well before that I was thinking.." I took my face out of the pillow and looked at Shadow "Couldn't you heal your leg with you chaos energy?"
Shadow looked dumbfounded.

"Oh my chaos, how the fuck did I not think of that?!" He said angrily, seeming annoyed with himself.
Shadow started to heal his leg, but I knew he was getting exhausted.

"Take a break, you'll lose a lot of energy Shadz" I said concerned, but he just shrugged and kept going.

Shadow's pov
I'm so stupid for not thinking to heal myself, I completely forgot. I don't know how much longer this will take and how much more I can take I am getting quite tired..

black out

My head is pounding ugh.. I feel so groggy, it's still night so I guess I've not been out for that long. My head felt so heavy trying to sit up but I did, I looked to my right and Sonic was sleeping curled up, he's so cute like that. I try to lift my right leg and it definitely doesn't hurt as much so it must be nearly healed, guess I'll just finish it off the now. I heard Sonic wriggling around and he sat up and groaned, still half asleep not realising I was up but when he did..

"Shadow! Fuck stop!" He shouted shaking me, damn!

"What is it hedgehog? Quicker i heal this the quicker I'll be out of this damn house!" I protested, but Sonic still grabbed my arm.

"Shadow you've been out for over a day! You used to much energy!" I groaned and lay back.

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