Chapter 2

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Shadow had woken up from a particularly painful nap, and accidentally moved his broken leg, letting out a yelp.
"Agh! Stupid Sonic, stupid cast!" He yelled but unbeknownst to him, he had a visitor.
"Hey! I'm not stupid!" Came a voice from the corner of Shadow's bedroom , Sonic stood up from the wooden chair and walked over to the bottom of his bed with a awkward expression on his face.

Shadow was shocked, but it only lasted for a moment before shouting at him "FAKER?! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE? YOU'RE SO LUCKY I HAVE THIS CAST ON OR ELSE.."
Sonic cut him off and slightly backed away from the bed

" Shadow stop! I've only come here to say sorry I'm not doing anything else! I felt really bad I know this probably won't even mean much to you as you already hate me"

He looked down to the floor, unable to look at Shadow.
Shadow was furious at Sonic, the look on his face was wild, "The nerve you have to come into my home after doing this to me? And you're right, your apology means nothing to me faker. And stop staring at the floor,"

Sonic looked up at him,

" Just look at what you've done! Imagine this has happened to you instead?" Shadow's voice sounded more darker than ever.

"Look Shadow, I feel really bad and I came to help and we all know you don't have many people willing to help you.I'll do anything you want, keep you company, please if you just let me. I know it obviously won't help with your leg but you can beat me up when your healed" Sonic fidgeted with his hand while speaking and Shadows expression still didn't change.

"You'll do anything I want?" Shadow replied, possibly considering Sonic's offer even though he was incredibly annoyed with him.

"Yeah anything!" Sonic stopped fidgeting and finally made eye contact with Shadow as a barely noticeable smirk appeared on his face.

Shadow's thoughts

Honestly I could have some fun with this, and he said I can beat him up afterwards, so why not?

"Hmpf, fine" Shadow grunted, Sonic's eyes lit up, "First thing I want you to do, go get me some water and food" Sonic sped off immediately and was back within a minute with a messy pb&j and obviously the water.
Shadow growled at him and snatched the food off of him, Sonic sat down in the corner of the room and watched Shadow eat slowly.

"Stop staring at me faker" He uttered and continued eating, Sonic went back to looking at the floor.

The room was filled with a awkward silence and Sonic became impatient and bored but Shadow was at peace, enjoying putting him through this.

"So are you just going to sit in bed silent for the next 5-6 weeks?" Sonic sighed,

"Well if it's bothering you, then yes" Shadow responded seeming happy with himself and Sonic just groaned.

"Ugh Shadz-" Shadow interrupted him before he could even finish,
"Don't call me that." He snapped.

"Sorry" he mumbled "it's only a nickname, not a big deal!"

"So? I don't want you calling me it faker." Shadow says. "But you're calling me faker? If I can't call you that, you can't call me faker" He replied, Shadow just gave him a death stare.

"Also Shadow, what was I meant to do? You come unexpectedly wanting a fight for no reason and if I just lay there I probably would have been in a worse state than you." Sonic said, he got up and walked to the end of Shadow's bed.

"What do you mean unexpectedly? You texted me calling me names, dumbass! You were asking for it! And you were meant to lie there and take it." Shadow started to sound more annoyed.

"What?!" Sonic exclaimed " I was with Amy the whole day at the markets, what are you talking about? And actually, you're welcome for me taking you to hospital!" Sonic was really confused and started to think this was all Eggman's doing..

"You took me to hospital? Hm, thought it was Rouge, well you definitely texted me come look at this." He gestured Sonic to come over and look at his phone.

"That's really weird.. Wait, that's not even my number! It must've been Eggman!" Sonic said

"So I'm basically sitting here with a broken leg all over lies? I'm going to kill Eggman when I see him! And don't think I'll let you away with it faker." Shadow was now even more pissed.

"I think I'm going to go, I said to my friends that I was going to meet up with them and you look like you could use some alone time right now? Just phone if anything I guess.." Sonic walked over to the door and left, wondering why Eggman set him up.

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