Chapter 12

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Shadow's pov

"Fuck have I been out for that long?" I sighed and Sonic nodded.

"Was Rouge here?" I asked, she probably was as she's always worried about me.

"Yeah, she actually left about a hour ago, better tell her your up" He said and started typing on his phone but I grabbed it.

"Don't." I muttered, as much as I like Rouge I'm very tired right now and don't have the energy for her company.

"Fine. You want food Shadz?" Sonic yawned and got up from bed, forgot I just woke him up.

"No I'm not hungry, I am the ultimate life form I don't need to eat that much remember? Come back to bed you're tired." I gestured him to come back next to me and he complied, snuggling into me (and my chest fur obviously) and fell asleep almost instantly. I regretted that about after 10 minutes, god how does he have such a tight grip?
Even though I had been sleeping for over a day I fell back asleep which was Sonic's doing, his light snore was soothing. Having him lying on top of me was comforting, reminds me of.. her.

Sonic's pov

I fell asleep as soon as I snuggled into Shadow, he is just so comfy!
I started to have a dream though..

Shadow had fully healed his leg and we were lying on my bed, when Shadow grabbed my face and started kissing me very passionately. His tongue danced around my mouth until i started getting competitive and fought for dominance. Shadow broke the kiss and turned around my full body so I was lying face first on the bed, he thrusted his dick into me and I couldn't help moaning.


Shadow nudged me and I managed opened my eyes, still lying on him, it looked to be the early hours of the morning.

"What kind of dreams do you have faker?" He grunted, seeming to have woken up just there, I remembered my dream and hid my face in my hands.
Why do I have these kind of dreams?! Fuck lucky it wasn't a wet one.. or was it..
Nope! I would of got killed.

"Maybe I'll just stop sleeping or something." I laughed awkwardly.

"I'm getting you a dream catcher." Shadow mumbled and pulled me in closer to him.
"Can I try heal my leg again today? Did Rouge say anything?"

"I'm not sure Shadz, she'll be here in a couple of hours, let's just go back to sleep." I said as I started to drift off again, Shadow kissed me on the head then we both went back to sleep.


Shadow's pov

When I woke back up, Sonic was gone but Rouge was lying up on her phone.

"Hi Rouge." I groaned as I sat up in bed, my leg wasn't to sore, thank chaos I'm sick of lying in bed all the time.

"Hey lover boy~" Rouge teased, I glared at her but it doesn't really work, she's not scared of me unlike other mobians (and humans).

"Shut up. Where's Sonic?" I grunted, which caused her to smirk, give me a break!

"Back at his and Tails' place, since I'm here he's back with Tails for a bit." I huffed "Shadow don't be jealous, for chaos sake the kid is 8! Sonic is his brother." She reminded me, but still I wanted him to be here.

"Do you think I'm fine to heal my leg?" I asked her, desperate to do so.

"I think you should eat first , as much as you are 'The Ultimate Life form' " Rouge rolled her eyes, "You can do with a little bit more energy, even if it's not chaos energy." She said, and then left to get me some food.

I lay in bed, impatient to get out of the damn thing.
Imagine being able to run top speeds, but confined to a small space, torture! As much as I like my room and stuff, I had been getting excessive amounts of sleep that I don't really need. The average mobian/human sleep is somewhere around 50 hours of sleep a week, whereas I only need about 7, but I have been getting about 50 hours. I feel sloppy and lazy, I like to get out and explore, run around fields or walk around the forest for hours.

"Breakfast is served hun, I'm a class chef!" Rouge announced as she walked into my room, with eggs, toast and bacon. Bit to much for me but as long as it makes her happy. I managed to munch down my food, Rouge closely watched me as if I was a baby or something and it got on my nerves.

"Can I heal my leg now?" I groaned and pushed the plate away from me, I shouldn't of ate all of that.

"You're so impatient, but yes you can. Don't go past your limits, take it slow hun." She said while examining my leg, should of kicked her while I had the chance, would've been funny but not sure what Knuckles would say about that.

Within the next 15 minutes I was up and walking about pain free.

"4 weeks bed bound ha! Only a week and a bit for me!" I exclaimed slightly cheerfully and Rouge smiled at me.

"I'm off for a run, see you soon!" I tried to contain my excitement, and sped off leaving Rouge in my room.

I must've been out for hours running, taking break's every so often. I'm always out running if I'm not doing a G.U.N. Mission, as much as the air shoes give me most of my speed, I still get all the exercise like Sonic.

The sun set quickly and the moon was out, it was extremely bright and the starts decorated the night sky. I ran up and around the mountain ranges, it had fascinating views, beautiful waterfalls, and a lot of greenery. I made it to the and top of the tallest mountain there to find a lonely looking blue hedgehog,
He was sitting on the edge, swinging his legs back and forth, not noticing I was there. I hid behind a rock, not really wanting to disturb him right now and I wanted to see what he was doing. He had headphones on(somehow??), humming and then gradually started singing it quietly.

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