Chapter 8

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Sonic's pov
A jump-scare appeared on the screen causing me to jump, ironic ain't it? I jumped and hid my face into something, then realised I jumped over into Shadow, fuck his leg! I looked up and just saw his red eyes, woah there just so.. mesmerising. Wait what am i saying?.. I moved in closer to him expecting him to push me off or something but he grabbed my waist, pulling me in closer.

"S-shad-" I was cut off by his lips being pressed into mines, I was shocked but then kissed back, it felt so good and i didn't want it to stop.

I had to take a breather but barely got a second or two when Shadow went back in for more but this time he stuck his tongue in my mouth and explored it. I was practically sitting on top of him, but made sure not to hurt his leg in any way, and i thrusted my groin onto him and he moaned.

Damn I wish I never done that to his leg now! I don't know what had come over me, and Shadow to be honest, never knew he had it in him.
His hands moved down my body and he held my ass, and he played with my tail and I kinda jumped a bit at the feeling, nobody's ever done that.

"Soft spot hedgehog?" Shadow panted, finally getting some breath, I just planted my face into his fluffy chest fur.

"Mm" I moaned, Shadow lifted my face back up to his and went back to kissing me and I felt something down there hard.. I broke the kiss from Shadow he just went extremely red..

Shadow's pov
Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Please don't notice!
He broke the kiss from me, he noticed and i felt my cheeks burn up.

"Are you hard?" He said trying not to laugh, what's so funny? What does he expect..

I looked away from him embarrassed, I can't believe this!
But Sonic got off and started going down on me..

Sonic's pov
Fuck it, we've gone this far now so no going back.
I placed my lips on the tip of Shadow's dick and teased it, he gasped and jerked up. I moved his member further down my throat and it was only a minute or so before a warm fluid filled my mouth, already?

"Damn Shadow, that fast?" I said smirking, wiping the fluid off my lips.

He mumbled something but I didn't catch on,


"Just shut up hedgehog." he said sheepishly.

"Why should I?" I lay back down, my arms behind my head "Remember what I just did for you? Damn my mouth's actually pretty tired now..." I said cockily.

"Don't fucking mention it Faker!" He growled, bipolar much?

"Calm down Shadz I won't, geez was giving you head a minute ago and now your threatening me?" Shadow punched my arm as I just laughed.

"I'm going to sleep. Night Faker" he grunted.

I rolled my eyes and started to drift off wondering.. what are we now?

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