Chapter 14

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1 Month later
Authors pov

Shadow and Sonic raced through the open fields, still keeping a little of their old rivalry.

"I'm gonna win Shadz!" Sonic yelled at the ebony hedgehog who was a little bit behind the blue hero.

"Don't get cocky faker." Shadow shouted back, rolling his eyes and picking up his pace.

Shadow and Sonic came near to the end of the fields, elbowing each other as they got closer to the end. Sonic slightly just won, and as he skidded to a halt he lost his footing, Shadow catching him but Sonic managed to unbalance him and Sonic fell on top of Shadow.
Both panting heavily and a blush appearing on their muzzles, Sonic's emerald orbs looking into Shadow's ruby ones.

"I won.." Sonic panted, a grin appearing on his face, Shadow scoffed.

"Maybe but will you win this?" Shadow roughly pressed his lips into Sonic's and wrapped his arms around his waist, bringing the azure hedgehog closer to him.
Sonic tried not to let Shadow win but when the dark hedgehog's tongue entered his mouth he gave up.

"I won." Shadow gave Sonic a grin, just like he had done and Sonic stuck his tongue out.

"Fine. Let's go back to my place, need to check on Tails, race back!" Sonic stood up and sped off, Shadow quickly did the same, following the blue streak.


"I won, again!" Sonic cheered when Shadow appeared 2 seconds after Sonic.

"I should start calling you cheater instead of faker!" Shadow growled, Sonic chuckled at the dark hedgehogs temper and put his arm around his waist.

"Would have bet you anyways Shadz, I am the fastest thing on earth. And are you ever gonna drop the whole faker thing?"


The two hedgehogs walked into the house to find Knuckles,Amy,Blaze,Silver,Rouge and Tails in the living room, they all turned around to see Sonic holding Shadow's waist. Only Rouge and Tails knew about their relationship so far, they didn't want it getting public or cause any drama.
Sonic removed his hand quickly away from his partner's waist and Shadow slightly lowered his ears at the action.

"Uh.. Hey guys!" Sonic chuckled awkwardly as they gave them a weird look.

"I'm out of here." Shadow announced, turned around and started to walk out, the blue hedgehog grabbed onto his arm, giving him a look of 'don't'.
Shadow rolled his eyes and came back in.

"Um.. me and Shadow have something to tell yous, we uh-" Shadow cut off the blushing mess of his boyfriend.
"We're dating." Amy gasped loudly at this announcement and started to get very angry, while the rest were happy for the hedgies.

"Y-you're dating?!" Amy growled towards a unbothered Shadow.
"Yes." Shadow replied, trying to keep his lips from turning into a smirk, it was funny to see Amy getting jealous of him being with Sonic.

Amy's hammer appeared in her hand and she looked as if she was about to erupt.
"SONIC'S MINE!" She lunged and swung at Shadow who quickly dodged it and got into a fighting position, not scared of the pink hedgehog.

"Amy! Stop!" Sonic stood in front of Shadow and growled at her.
"I'm not yours Amy! You can't do that! I don't like you in that way, I'm sorry but you can't lash out on Shadow like that!" He yelled at Amy, who lowered her hammer and tears formed in her eyes. She ran out crying, Sonic instantly felt bad after all she was one of his closest friends, he just wished she wasn't so obsessed with him.

"Pfft, pathetic." Shadow grumbled, Sonic gave him a glare and ran out after his friend.

"Amy?!" The blue blue called out. "Amy!" He spotted her and ran over.
"Amy I'm sorry! I really do like you but just not the way you like me.." Amy stopped and turned around and hugged Sonic, he hugged back the pink hedgehog as she sniffled.

"I'm sorry Sonic, I just.. never thought you would be with someone else." Amy mumbled, still clinging onto the blue hero.

"It's fine Amy, please just don't take it out on Shadow." He slightly pushed Amy off so he could look at her, smiling.

"I-I'm gonna go home. Bye Sonic."

"Bye Ames!"

Sonic walked back into his house to see his friends starting to leave.
"We're going to Cream's! You coming?" Tails asked his older brother, Sonic looked over at Shadow who shook his head.
"I think me and Shadow are just going to stay here buddy, might come later!" Sonic patted Tails' shoulder and they all said goodbye.

"What you wanna do Shadz?" Sonic dashed over to the dark hedgie who was watching the tv.
"Watch a movie..?" Sonic nodded and grabbed a blanket, snuggling up to his boyfriend.

After about 10 minutes the azure hedgehog was slightly snoring, wrapping his arms around Shadow as he drifted off.
Shadow looked down and adored his sleeping, and drooling, boyfriend and kissed him on the head.
"I love you.." Shadow whispered in his ear.

"I love you too.." Sonic breathed and pulled Shadow in even closer.

The end!!!

Thank you sm for reading❤️❤️ This was my first story so I'm so thankful for all the comments and votes!! I'm writing some other books atm so be expecting more Sonadow!
Also I'm not really good at endings so I'm sorry😭😭
Love you all!💕🫶🏽

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