Chapter 6

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Going to start doing like pov's example: Shadow's pov, 3rd person pov, Sonic's pov etc.

Sonic's POV

How do you work this shower? Wait maybe I turn this..? yeah ok sorted, let's just feel-
"AHH FUCK!" I yelped, the water it's boiling!

"You sound like a little girl faker!" Shadow called from the room.

"Shut up I'll come back in and get your room all dirty!" I called back, he never answered,

"That's what I thought!" I shouted again.
I wonder if you can lock the door? Damn you can't, oh well it's hardly as if Shadow will come barging in.

It was about 5 minutes before I heard Shadow banging at the door.

"Faker! Hurry up I'm bursting! Just cover up!" Shadow shouted.
What?! Fuck off!
"SHADOW DON'T YOU DARE!" I screamed at him but he barged in and i just lay face down on the floor, why am I so stupid?!

"Shadow cmon! You're supposed to be in bed but now you're literally barging on me in the shower!" I yelled at Shadow.

"I don't care faker," Shadow just hopped over to the toilet "get off the floor I wont look, your quills are so messed up by the way" and he chuckled.

"Stop looking at me!" I turned my head to look at him forgetting what he was doing..

"Stop looking at me!" Shadow said back to me after I turned around, but I decided just to stand up and get it over with, just to get a rise out of Shadow if he thinks this whole thing is just a laugh.
He noticed me standing and shot his head back around, I saw him go red, time for pay back.
He was washing his hands when I got out and dried myself, I felt his eyes on me.

"In a pretty good shape aren't I Shadz?" I teased, purposely flexing my abs and biceps, pulling my cocky grin.

"Shut up hedgehog, help me back to bed." He grunted, still looking quite red.

"Can't get enough" I grinned but he just stared at me, this is entertaining..

Shadow's pov

Sonic helped me back to bed then went back to the bathroom, I shouldn't of even went in, it massively backfired on me. But damn Sonic in the shower and him flexing? What is this hedgehog doing to me? I think I should stop now and just tell him to go home, but I don't really want him to, I like the company.

"Mmm, that was very refreshing" Sonic said as he walked back into the room and sat on the bed and kicked his feet up.
I just huffed.

"Hm? What wrong?" Sonic asked me grinning,

"Nothing. Your quills are still messy hedgehog." I told him and he tried to fix them, which he did a horrible job at.

"Ugh just let me do it! Its insufferable watching you try to do it." I grabbed a brush and quickly just went over them as he sat there like a little child.

"Thanks Shadz!" He turned around smiling, "Do you not have anything we could do? Like games? It's sooo boring just sitting reading! Books are boring!" He said excitedly, seems like he's on a high.

"No, except from cards but calm down, maybe go for a run or something I don't know your acting like a child" He made a grumpy face at me but got up to the door.

"Okay! I'll try not to get dirty again! Be back 20 mins!" He replied and rushed out the house.

Fuck I forgot I swear if he gets filthy again he's staying out there.
Oh Rouge texted me, she's coming over? Shit. I'll text Sonic to wait if she's coming over, wonder why she's coming at this time..? I felt the bed buzz when I texted Sonic, he's left his goddamn
phone here, dumbass! He better just come in quietly and hear us talking and take the hint.

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