Chapter 5

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The next morning, Sonic woke to snuggling something fluffy.

"Mm, fluffy" He mumbled before realising what he was snuggling in to, Shadow.

"Yes I know it's fluffy faker, but I would appreciate if you got off so I could breath." Shadow said with a hint of playfulness but also going a bit red.
Sonic got up straight away and moved away from Shadow, clearly embarrassed that he was literally just snuggling into him.

" sorry I never knew." Sonic mumbled sheepishly.
He felt his phone buzzing repeatedly, "Shit! Tails! Need to go Shadow bye!" Sonic bolted out and back over to his and tails' house.

"Excuses excuses hedgehog!" Shadow shouted to him, annoyed at himself for saying anything.

Sonic's thoughts

That was so humiliating, last night and this morning, but why Shadow is acting weird? Different, not as cold as he usually is, but also flirting would I say? Might need to take him to the hospital to make sure he's ok, maybe his leg is making him act weird.. damnn

Sonic got to his house, he walked in to find all his friends waiting anxiously,
"Sonic!" Tails jumped up and gave him a hug

"Uhh hey guys.." Sonic said, the rest just stared at him, "Why are yous looking at me like that?"

"Why are we looking at you like this? Sonic we thought Eggman had taken you or something worse! You haven't answered your damn phone since yesterday, where have you been?" Amy exclaimed.

"Sorry guys my phone was out of battery and uhh.." Sonic didn't really want to say he was at Shadow's so he made up a excuse " I went a for a really long run then I got tired so I just slept on a tree, regretting it now to be honest." He said while trying to crack his back.

Rouge and Knuckles looked at each other, not fully believing what Sonic said but they just went along with it.

"So are yous just going to stay here and stare at me or..?" Sonic was praying they believed his lie.

"Hmpf, well I need to go back a guard the master emerald, so guess I'll be going now" Knuckles grunted.
"I'll come too Knuckles!" Rouge added and they both left.

"Are they annoyed with me? Its not even that big of a deal.." Sonic asked Tails confused.

"No Sonic they just got worried, you always usually just show up but last night you didn't, please just try to give us a heads up next time!" Tails says, but he didn't seem to bothered about the situation anymore just as long as Sonic was safe."I'm going to my workshop now! Bye!"

It was just Amy and Sonic left after and Sonic just didn't want to put it with Amy so he made small talk.

"You doing anything today Amy?" Sonic asked. I'm

"Might go visit Cream and Vanilla, want to come?"She made her way to the door.

"Nah, I'm okay."

Amy looked disappointed
"Sonic, where really were you last night?" She asked him.

"In the woods like I told you" He panicked .

"I'll speak to you later then." She said abruptly then left.

Sonic's thoughts

Even Amy's acting weird.. maybe something else is going on that I don't know about. Well better get freshened up, might actually go for a run in the woods and shopping for Shadow, that hedgehog has hardly any food whatsoever.


Sonic went for a shower and all that and got ready and went for a run, which was dumb as it got him all dirty. Then he went by the shops for some groceries for Shadow and some for himself & Tails, and obviously he got a chilli dog.

Sonic went back to his place and left a note to let them know he was going out again but this time he made up the excuse of going up the mountains, which was a poor lie. After a hour or so he headed back to Shadow's just a bit on the edge, only because of the way Shadow had been acting recently.

"Shadz?" Sonic called from downstairs, some bags in hand and he went into the kitchen to put the groceries away.

He went upstairs and into Shadow's room to see him trying to bend over to get a book while balancing on one foot. Sonic's blushed a little at the sight of Shadow, but quickly went over to help him.

"Shadow! What are you doing? You need to stay in bed, how did your book even get there anyway?" Sonic asked Shadow as he helped him back over to the bed.

"I threw it." He said bluntly, Sonic gave him a confused look but just brushed it off

"Weird but ok.. I got you some groceries because you have nothing and I'm a nice friend!" Sonic said cheerfully as he went and sat in the chair.

"So we're friends then faker?" Shadow fixed himself up properly in bed, and looked at Sonic.

"Well for now if you want? If we were still full on rivals I doubt I would be here right now Shadz."

"Hm, okay hedgehog. Seems the dream you were having last night sounded quite interesting, heard my name a few times and some well, strange noises." Shadow started smirking, knowing fine we'll this would embarrass Sonic.

"My dream last night..?" Sonic was trying to remember it and when he did his eyes went wide and his cheeks went a bit more red "Oh no that was nothing! Me and you were fighting again whatever else you heard must've just been random!"

"Sonic, you are horrible at lying. If you lied to your friends about your whereabouts, they'll catch on sooner or later if you make up bad lies like that." Shadow notices Sonic's rosy cheeks
"Now if you don't mind me asking as a friend, what was your dream last night faker?"

"Ughh fine"
Its not as if i control my dreams so fuck it
"I came over to see how you were and somehow your leg was fine? I sat down next to you talking but then you..uhh.." Sonic was thinking of making up another lie,

"Spit it out hedgehog"

"Youpinnedmedownonthebedgotontopofmeandst-artedkissingme." Sonic rushed it hoping Shadow wouldn't really catch on but then Shadow just started smirking, while also kind of going red.

"Ha, so that's why you were saying my name and how would I put it? Moaning?" He chuckled.

Sonic had turned fully red, "Shut up Shadow, not as if you haven't been acting weird" he mumbled, barely audible.

"Hm?" Shadow thankfully didn't hear him.

"Nothing, anyways let's just move off of this whole topic. How's the leg Shadz?" Sonic asked him and went over to sit on the bed.

"Fine I guess, just trying not to move it"Shadow says, "How did it go with your friends and your horrible lying?"

"I'm good at lying seeing as they all believed me!" Sonic said offended.

"Mm ok hedgehog, whatever you say." Shadow groaned as he was trying to reposition his leg.

Sonic sat his legs up on the bed and they were filthy, Shadow nearly had a heart attack.

"Sonic! Get your feet off the bed! How are you so dirty? Go wash yourself filthy hedgehog!" Shadow exclaimed

"Ughhh whyyyyyyyy i dont want tooooo~" Sonic groaned and he got up and walked to the bathroom,dragging his feet on the way.

"My floors faker!" Shadow called out to him and Sonic just peaked his head in and stuck out his tongue.

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