Chapter 3

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~ 1 day ago ~

"Sonicccc!" A highly pitched voice came from outside the door after a continuous chorus of knocks, "I'm coming Amy!" Sonic groaned and opened the door dreading on seeing Amy, not that he didn't like her but she was just tiring.

"Hey Sonic!" Amy jumped onto Sonic, nearly causing him to fall, "Uhh.. Hey Amy." He gently pushed her off and backed up.
"Ready to go to the markets? Amy said excitedly,
"Yes, Lets go.." Sonic replied and they both walked out.

At the market Amy was in a clothing stall and Sonic followed her around with a chilli dog, Amy picked out a summery pink dress "Sonic! Do you this looks cute?" She questioned him, "Mhm" Sonic hummed, while scarfing the chilli dog.

Screams and shouts came from outside the shop, Amy and Sonic looked at each other and both ran outside.

"Shadow? Ugh what are you mad at me for this time?" Sonic yelled over to Shadow as the mobians fled the markets,

"Don't act like you don't know faker!" Shadow yelled back as he spin dashed towards Sonic and Amy.

"Amy move!" He shouted to her before spin dashing back at Shadow.

The two hedgehogs did there usual thing, punching, kicking, but this time Shadow seemed more aggressive towards the blue hero than usual, causing him to act the same.

Nearer the end Shadow went in for on last kick while Sonic was down but Sonic grabbed his leg and swung him, causing him to fly right out of the markets and you could hear the thud when he landed.

"Oh damn." Sonic fully expected Shadow to come right back 10x harder at Sonic, but nothing.
Sonic raced out of the markets, "Shadow?!" He called out, starting to panic, but what was he supposed to do? Take the hit from Shadow and causing him to get seriously hurt?

Sonic then heard him groaning down a lane, lying with the leg sonic swung him by sitting in a unnatural way. Shadow rubbed his head wearily and then passed out, Sonic couldn't of left him there so he picked him up bridal style and dashed to the hospital. The blue blur left him to the doctors, not wanting to stay because Shadow would obviously want to kill him.

When he left the hospital Amy was waiting outside for him and he actually wasn't even that bothered by her,

" Sonic? Are you ok?" She asked when he walked out.
"Yeah I'm fine, Shadow's the one who's hurt. I don't even know why he came to fight me, just glad it was him and not me in a hospital bed." He chuckled nervously and they walked home.


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