Chapter 4

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Sonic sped out of Shadow's house and over to Angel Island, still thinking about Shadow, also surprised he accepted his help.

When Sonic got to Angel Island he couldn't see his friends and got confused "Tails?! Amy?! Knuckles?! Uhh Rouge?!" He called out to them but no answer back, "if they're not here, who's guarding the master emerald?" He thought and sped over to the emerald to be met by the chaotix, Vector, Espio and Charmy.

"Oh hey guys, where is "Knuckles and the rest?" He asked them,

"Hello Sonic!" Vector exclaimed, " Ehh, We're not sure, Knuckles just told us to watch the master emerald while they went out."

"Mm, ok better get going and look for them, bye guys!" Sonic said and he sped off, confused as why nobody would have texted him telling them they were going somewhere else.

Sonic went back to his and tails' house to see if they were there but they weren't, he tried phoning Amy, Tails and Knuckles but nobody answered and he started to worry.

He searched around green hill and some nearing villages but no luck until Tails finally texted him, "Ugh finally!" Sonic moaned.


Hey buddy where are you all?

Tails? Hello!!!!!

Tails answer your phone!!!

Why aren't you answering


Sorry Sonic! We're at the beach, we have just been playing that's why we haven't been answering but we're coming back soon so there wouldn't be much point in coming, just head to ours, cya soon!


Sonic groaned, " Of course I should have checked the beach! I'm so stupid, I think I'll go back to Shadow's, see if he's okay and I'm probably closer to his house than mines so.." And Sonic bolted off to Shadow's.

He went in quietly, just incase Shadow was asleep, which he was, and he crept up the stairs into his room.
"Shadow?" He whispered as he entered his room to see the ebony hedgehog sleeping, Sonic had never seen him look so content.
Sonic sat down in the wooden chair and was just sitting waiting for Shadow to wake up until he also fell asleep, after all his running around and seeing Shadow sleep made him feel more tired.


"Hedgehog? Faker? Sonic!" Shadow called out to Sonic, as he could hardly just get up and shake him or anything.

"Mm..huh?" Sonic barely opened his eyes, and then remembered he was at Shadow's
"This chair is so uncomfortable Shadz, my back is killing me" Sonic slowly got up off the chair and cracked his back, accidentally letting out a moan.

Sonic realised the noise he just made and Shadow just stared at him trying not to laugh, the azure hedgehogs muzzle went extremely red

"I didn't mean that!" He said, embarrassed.

"Ha! Okay hedgehog.." Shadow chuckled " Since you're up now, make me a coffee."
Sonic rolled his eyes and dashed down to make Shadow coffee.

Shadows thoughts

Damn, why did that kind of turn me..on? No fucking way Shadow! That's disgusting, it's Sonic!! But it was entertaining seeing how humiliated he was, and he looked kinda cute when he was sleeping until he started drooling.. Wait stop! He's your rival I can't be saying this, look at your goddamn leg! This is all his doing, control yourself! Or.. why should I? What's possibly going to happen, it's just for a laugh.

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