Chapter 10

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~4 days later~

Sonic's pov

Okay, I think I should probably go see Shadow now as it's been 4 days and he's probably thinking that I'm never going to go back. It's just going to be so awkward ugh! Did I take it to far? Has he ever done it before? I shouldn't of been that cocky!
But oh, how badly I want to see him but I don't know how he feels about it, after all it's Shadow he never expresses his feelings. I'll go for a run, shower since he's like a clean freak, and go see him. Hopefully it's not too awkward..

Shadow's pov

I've scared the damn hedgehog off! I should of just pushed him off but did I want to? No. I just can't stop thinking about him and it's even worse that he's not here, Rouge has been over nonstop and she can get really tiring, she never stops talking about Knuckles! Pretty sure I'm the only person who knows so that's why she's telling me all of her relationship 'drama' but I'm honestly not too interested. I just hope Sonic comes around and I can have a break from Rouge, though she'll just annoy me about us two, that stupid smirk of hers at the mention of his name is getting right on my nerves.

~two hours later~

I heard a knock on my door expecting Rouge so I shouted "Come in, Rouge" but the bat didn't walk through the door, Sonic did.

" sorry to disappoint I'm not Rouge." He said awkwardly when he walked in.
I wasn't disappointed.

"Faker? Thought you had abandoned me after the other nights events.." I grunted and didn't really hold eye contact with him, but fuck why did I bring it up?

Sonic's cheeks when red, what happened to the cocky hedgehog the other night? Maybe he was on another high.

"Mm, discuss that later." He said quickly obviously wanting to avoid that topic " but I wouldn't abandon you, I just wanted to spend time with my friends, that's all."

"Oh" I mumbled " Hate to say this but I missed the company Faker" I repositioned myself and just lay back with my eyes closed and yawned.

"Tired? Came at a bad time then didn't I?" Sonic chuckled and I just groaned.
He came over and sat up on the bed, I felt his eyes on me. I kept my eyes closed and just asked him what he was doing the past couple of days and he seemed happy I did, as he just rambled on about what he did.

"You could just go on and on couldn't you hedgehog?" I sighed but I didn't mind, I liked listening to his voice.

"Well your lucky I do or we'd be sitting here in silence, your not very vocal Shadow" Sonic said, sounding slightly offended.

"Can't argue with that." I huffed, I know I don't speak a lot, though I don't speak to a lot of people I mostly just fight them.

"I know you can't. You should go to sleep Shadz if your tired you don't need to stay up to talk to me." The blue hedgehog sighed, and kicked his legs up.

"I like to talk to you, but if you say so." I smirked and repositioned myself to go for a nap and fell asleep nearly instantly.

Sonic's pov

Shadow likes to talk to me? Probably the first and last time I'll ever hear that, he was basically half asleep. I'll just lay back, I'm not too tired but if I fall asleep I fall asleep.

1 hour later

Oh guess I did fall asleep, wait is this a teddy bear?! That's weird never knew Shad- SHADOW!
Fuck this is embarrassing should I pretend I'm still sleeping? Did i just feel Shadow kiss my head? I'll pretend I'm still sleeping, wait until he moves me.

He hasn't moved me. I'm getting really bored and I guess I'll just have to deal with him laughing at me. Ughhh.

I started groaning, as if I had just woken up and sat up with my eyes not fully opened, hopefully I'm putting on a good act.

"Good sleep Faker? Seems like it after nearly suffocating me, how can you be sleeping and have such a tight grip?" He asked and fixed himself up.

"Mhm" I mumbled " Why did you not just wake me up Shadz"

"As much as I was stuck, you're really cute sleeping hedgehog" Shadow smirked and my cheeks flush a little, cute?!
I rolled my eyes at him and I heard a low grumble,

"Is that your stomach?" I looked confused, Shadow just nodded. "I'll order something then, do you like pizza?" I asked him and he just nodded again, like I said he's not very vocal.

Me and Shadow chatted for a while, and holding eye contact during silences, I was waiting for something to happen but I think that's what he was waiting for me to do. The food arrived and we watched another horror, bad idea I nearly dropped pizza on the bed..

"..OH FU-" I shouted at the jump scare and fell off the bed, nearly sending the pizza flying but Shadow caught it, thank chaos or I would have been dead.

"Damn hedgehog! It's not even that scary, get a grip!" He snapped, it is scary though..

Shadow's pov

I swear I was about to have a heart attack when he done that, at least he didn't jump onto me again or it would have been 10x worse. He crawled back onto the bed and continued watching, scoffing the pizza like a pig, disgusting.

I don't understand if I'm falling for him.. we're basically opposites and he's really giving me the ick eating like that, he acts like such a child, his little fox friend is probably more mature than him!
But when he's acting fine, I just want to throw myself at him, but obviously the leg is stopping me and that I'd be acting like Amy. I wasn't really paying attention just thinking when I felt the bed shake again and saw Sonic curled up, I turned to look at him and he smiled sheepishly, I couldn't help but slightly smile back and turned straight back to the tv.

"Nice to see you crack a smile Shadz, you look cute" Sonic said grinning, just because I called him cute doesn't mean he can call me it, I'm not cute!

"Say that again and I'll make you regret it." I stated, Sonic was still grinning and sat closer to me.

"Oh yeah? With a broken leg? Don't think so Shadz~" He teased, damn right I'll make him regret it.

I grabbed the azure hedgehog and brought him close to my face, I could feel the heat coming off of him. Fuck, he is so lucky I have a broken leg.

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