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Onika POV

"This is all dismissible—but I will definitely try my best." My lawyer said.

"What do you mean dismissible????—She almost killed me, why can't we use that to my defense. That was the reason I placed under a Jane Doe and moved without a trace."

"We can't use it Onika because you didn't press charges--- Did you press charges the other time she chocked you? Or the time that she kidnapped you from a restroom stall?"

I sighed. "No"

"Look—were going to go in there and do our best. Keep your emotions in check, they are going to try and bait you. Now I don't know who I'm going up against, but I'll do my best and I need you to do the same." She stopped and looked at me again.

"Onika... We can settle all this if you just give her weekly visitation---quite frankly she's not asking for much--."

"NO!" I quickly interjected. "That bitch doesn't deserve to get to know my son!" I felt tears overpowering the back of my eyes. Lauren quickly came to my side as my lawyer handed me a box of tissue sitting on her desk.

This past month has been complete hell, every other day I was being summons by whoever Beyoncé's lawyer was. The last summons basically demanded me to have Papa DNA tested—of course it came back 99.9%.

As soon as the courts received those results a hearing was set. Up until today's hearing, everyone was trying to convince me to just settle and give Beyoncé weekly visitation as she asked. But I didn't want her to have no contact with my child period. Call me petty—but she didn't deserve to even grace my child with her presence.

This bitch had an entire hidden life, and not once did she ever show me enough respect to tell me what was up. Instead, she would just gaslight my ass with her lies and toxic cycle of mental and physical abuse. Now she wanted to come and claim my child? --No fuck her.

A knock sounded at the door followed by a young lady popping her head in.

"Mrs.Reynolds—court will be starting in 15 minutes."

"Thank Jasmine...Onika let's go."

I sighed getting up from the chair followed by Lauren, Thembi and my mom. They were the only support system that I had right about now. We made our way down the elevator and across the street to the courthouse. The inside of my palms were sweating and my heart was beating 150 beats per minute. I just wanted to pass the fuck out to avoid all this today—but it now or never.

We entered the partially empty court room—when I looked to my left, I caught the faces of Beyoncé's mom and dad. When my eyes locked with Dr. Lawson's—she looked as if she felt sorry for me. That made me even angrier than I already was. When we sat down, I finally caught a glimpse of Beyoncé, her makeup looked untouchable, she was dressed like the money she had and smelt like it too. She held a demeaning look—one that made me feel unsettled.

She drummed her nails against the table as she looked at her watch—her lawyer wasn't here yet and we had exactly five minutes before proceedings began. A door opened behind the judge's podium as it was announced for us to stand. He took a seat looking over at both sides before calling Mrs. Reynolds to come forth. They were engulfed in small back and forth before the door open and in came--- Nasir?

"Oh, hell nooooo." I heard Lauren pop off.

The judge looked up giving Lauren a warning look, and I did the same. Today was going to be a rough day for both of us when it came to keeping our emotions together.

The preceding's began—I was placed on the stand and told my reasoning for protecting my child from his sperm donor. Every claim that I truthfully made Nasir knocked it down--- because I had no evidence of anything. The most hurtful part was the fact that Nasir knew deep inside that I was telling the truth, but like the bitch ass nigga he was he was, he kissed Beyoncé's ass for whatever reason.

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