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Onika POV

Dr. Jenkins walked in clearing his throat. "Her heart is working at 35%. We need Dr.Maraj to perform her procedure to prolong the wait. The O.R is ready when you guys are...I'll give you ladies sometime."

The door closed leaving Beyoncé, Solo, Lauren, Tina and I alone.

"Mom why didn't you say anything?" Solange pried. "Your daughter is the top cardiologist in this country, this could have been reversed before this even started!"

Tina looked blankly against the wall, her silence was deafening. Something else was up— she was holding back for a reason. A reason I don't think her daughters knew nothing of.

"Fuck this...." Beyoncé pulled out her phone. "I'll get her a new heart—that muthafucka gone be in her chest in an hour or two."

Tina sighed turning to look at Beyoncé. "Don't waste your time Juju... I won't qualify."

Solo kissed her teeth. "What do you mean you won't qualify mama? You have no preexisting conditions, your in perfect health. I don't understand what your saying right now-"

Everyone stopped in their tracks when Tina peeled her tresses backwards. Her head was completely bald with a scar that cascaded from her ear to the back of her head.

"Because I have brain cancer..."

The room felt silent to her stunning revelation. Tears graced everyone's face—mines included.

"It's already spread...And I've come to that realization a long time ago. And I want you guys too as well..."

Solo kicked over the chair bedside her. "NO! I want to see your scans right now! I can't lose you! I already lost my wif— Momma I can't lose you too! You can't leave me here with Juju!"

Beyoncé rolled her eyes and wiping her tears. "I promise I'll make it worth your while."

Solo flew across the room getting in her older sister's face. "You seem awfully calm after our mother just admitted she's dying!"

Beyoncé slapped her hands away, bucking up against her. Solange pushed her storming out with Lauren on her tail.
"I HATE YOU!!!!" She spewed.

Beyoncé went to grab her but Solange was already out of reach. "Tell me something I don't fucking know!"

"Juju..." Tina firmly beckoned. "Come here..." she scooted to the side tapping the empty spot on the bed.

Beyoncé didn't move which made her voice gloat in sternness. "Giselle I'm not going to say it again..."

Her feet moved but you could tell her body didn't want to. When she sat on the bed Tina pulled her into a hug, which made Beyoncé feet lift from the floor as she snuggled next to her mom.

Tina placed a kiss on her for head wrapping her arms around her. "Let's finally have this conversation baby...." That was all it took, Beyoncé's tears began to flow.

My dumbass was standing there trying to squeeze my eye muscles down to avoid tears from spilling. I got the vibe and excused myself from the room. I felt like all the air around me was being constricted. I needed to get outside this hospital for some air.

I was walking down the halls, when someone pulled me into a room. I was met by Solo and Lauren standing in the reading room.

"I think I could fix it..."Solo said pointing toward some X-ray images. "It's not as bad as she made it same. It's a little risky but I need you to convince momma and Juju to do the surgery first . I can't remove the tumor unless you guys do so. It's no way she would make it off the table with that weak heart. I could remove the tumor after her recovery, in the meantime I'll get one of the best oncologist to start her chemotherapy."

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