Pull Up On Meh (I)

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Onika POV
Same Day

I sat on the step outside of the house listening to Nasir's pain filled screams. This went on for what felt like forever until his screams ceased. I felt like I was on a high ass cloud, gloating in victory that the demon was finally gone.

But my heartached for B...I've never heard her in so much pain before. And I could not imagine what she was going through right now. Matthew wasn't shit but at one point in her life she loved him. Thinking back to the family pictures I saw in their home back Houston proved that.

The door opened up behind me and I felt someone sit next to me on the steps. When I looked over I noticed Kim had an open gash on the top of her eye.

"I hope this shit don't leave a fucking scar. I've never been pistol whipped before!" She practically cried looking into a small mirror.

"You'd probably need one or two stitches. Use shea butter every night you'll be fine." I sighed.

She sighed looking around. "Beyoncé paying me big bucks for this shit. But that Maserati and jewelry not gone cut it. She need to get me a plastic surgeon asap."

I didn't say anything else but then something came over me.

"Yo that comment you made earlier I forgot to check you about that. I know B' got some could dick. But I promise you if I get the slightest feeling y'all ever fuck again, that scar ain't gone be the only thing you worried about."

"Amen to that." Beyoncé sighed causing both me and Kim to jump off the step.

She ran her hands down her face as the house behind her started lighting up in flames. Julius and some guys came walking from the back of the house assessing the scene.

"It's looking good boss lady. I'll give it about ten minutes to reach the main gas line, so we need to get out of here." One guy said.

She nodded and grabbed me up by my arm like I was a punished child toward the truck. She pushed me inside and took the keys for the rental car.

From the tinted windows I could see her throwing the keys toward another guy before she walked over to Julius to converse.

Some minutes later she came into the truck without so much as another word. She sat in front with Julius which was first.

I sunk back in the seat sulking in regret. Things would have probably turned out differently if my ass wasn't there. But then again ain't no telling if Nasir would have just killed Beyoncé on sight.

I knew I had definitely threw him off his game. He already knew what was up before he even got there. But I knew Beyoncé wouldn't have looked at it that way.

We pulled up to the church looking structure some minutes later. Julius had turned to Beyoncé who kept her eyes on the window.

"Take her inside...I can't even look at her right now." She said loud enough for me to hear.

I wanted to say something but ain't no telling where her mind was at right now. I sighed taking Julius hand as he helped me out. Some guy came walking up the side walk with my purse and carry on bag from the rental. Julius took the items and directed me to follow him.

As we got closer I was slightly amazed at how beautiful the structure was. The rising sun escaping through the pink skies even made it even more picturesque.

I followed Julius upstairs to the master suite. As soon as the door opened I could smell Beyoncés halogenic scent all over. Julius left me alone in the room and went to go do whatever. I walked over to the window and watched as him and Beyoncé pulled off.

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