Pull Up On Meh (II)

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Onika POV
Same Night

When I stepped outside in my oversized hoodie and fury bear house shoes, I met an all white Mayback trucked parked in front of the water fountain.

The tints were dark so there was no telling if she was in the front or the back. As I got closer the passenger door opened itself, and I could see Beyoncé dressed down in her black hoodie with cornrows going straight back.

She placed her head back on the seat like she was drifting in and out of sleep. Then I smelt the the alcohol.

"You drunk?" I simply asked getting in.

She nodded with her eyes closed. I sighed as I sat back uncomfortably trying to figure why the fuck I agreed to even come outside. I should have just told her to fuck off. But then again Taraji would have my head on the chopping block for not practicing 'safe communication skills'.

A few minutes of sitting in silence this bitch really started snoring in my ear. She was loud and annoying as hell too. I kissed my teeth opening the door before she pitched up.

She reached over me so fast slamming the door back I was lucky enough to save my foot.

"Man what the fuck you doing." Her eyes were now open and bloodshot red and the bass in her voice was ten deep. She was definitely drunk as fuck.

She hit the child lock and placed her hands in her pockets before turning her head the other way to fall sleep again!

"Beyoncé I didn't come down here to watch you sleep off your liquor. I came to talk to you about our child..." I said calmly as I could.

Her snores started again which only pissed me off more. When I tried to reach over the console to hit the locks she pushed my hand off.

"You can take Blue..."

"You could have said that over text. Now can I leave?"

"No." She ran her hands down her face and pushed her seat back lying flat.

I thought I was imagining things when she
lifted her stomach pulling her sweats down- setting her dick free.

I looked away so fast but I felt thong moisten immediately. I felt her touch my elbow, but I didn't turn her around which made her grab at my hand.

"Onika come over here and I'm only going to tell you that once."

I shook my head thinking this was all I wet dream, until I felt Beyoncé literally pulling me out of the seat. I kept my eyes shut as I felt my feet lifting from the floor. Soon enough she managed to pulled me onto her . I was still trying to wrap my head around how this truck suddenly had enough space.

"Open you eyes."

"Mh-mhm." I said shaking my head with my eyes sealed shut. I felt my cheeks turning hot and the burst of butterflies trying to soothe my aching lower half. Beyoncé adjusted me since I was slanted over the seat exactly on top of her. My thong ripped away from my skin without a struggle.

I felt her other leg resting right above my belly button oozing warm juices onto my skin.

"Onika look at at me—now." She growled.

When I finally opened my eyes her warm plump sweet lips were covering mines. I closed my savoring the moment still wondering if I was still in a dream. The way her lips moved delicately against mines made squirm my clit unintentional against her hardened mushroom. Her warm precum primed my clit as she dragged it up and down.

"Fuck!!!" I moaned involuntarily causing her tongue to steal a taste of mines. Our tongues engaged in a mini battle before she got hungry for more. The kiss reminded me of the first one we ever shared. The way she dominated mouth and still managed to entice my clit with her tip was driving me absolutely insane.

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