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Onika POV

Some months later...

I walked out hand and hand with Beyoncé after a very intense therapy session. When I say intense Taraji definitely did not hold back. We revisited almost every heart wrenching aspect of our relationship over the years. Both of our eyes were swollen from crying and both voice's hoarse from screaming. That Pandora's box I always tried to avoided definitely opened up today.

I desperately wanted to lock myself away for some days to recover from today's session. But Taraji warned that it would be detrimental to our healing journey.

"Go home, spend time with each other. Don't hold back, express how you feel. This session does not end here. Dwell on things in a positive light, be patient with one another. You both did fairly well today, I thought someone would leave in handcuffs." Taraji slightly joked at me.

I was two seconds away from picking up a vase to shut Beyoncé the hell up. I knew in the past she admitted to fucking certain women to hurt me. But knowing she did it with intention and no disregard to my feelings had me in a rage. I only loved her and I wanted that love reciprocated back.

But everything stemmed from her journey to love and heartbreak. We dug up things I never knew, visited painful aspects of her life that were absolutely gut wrenching. Things I thought I knew but hearing it from her made it more heartbreaking. I didn't expect her to talk about her assault, the way she was disregarded by her parents, the things she witnessed overseas in the army. There was definitely moments when she spoke I felt like I didn't even know the woman I fell in love with. She revealed things I could never imagine getting myself through. And she always did it alone.

We rode in complete silence, I looked down at the promise ring she had re-gifted me only a few weeks prior. This time it held a promise that we would do right by each other. Her keyword was 'patience', but mine was running thin. God knows I want to be there to see her through. But today just proved I wasn't ready like I thought I was.

She pulled into Del Frisco's, it was a little over 9pm and I knew they would be closing soon.

"I'm going to pick our food I'll be right back." She said getting out of the car.

I nodded reaching for my phone to call the kids. They were home with their grandmother and I prayed they didn't give her a hard time. Our session was not suppose to extend over three hours, but the way things went left we stayed for almost 8.

Tina was back home doing fairly well aside from the horrific side effects of her chemotherapy treatments.

I called Blue and oddly she hadn't answered. I called Tina instead and she answered on the first ring.


"Hey I was just calling to check in. I'm sorry it took so long."

"No worries honey, I just put the kids down. Blue went to bed earlier, so the house will be quiet when you guys get back."

"Is she okay? She's usually up until midnight."

"She's fine baby, they were in the pool so she's maybe tired."

"Okay...How are you feeling? Do you need me to bring anything?" I asked.

"Today was one of my good days aside from the nausea. Surprisingly, I didn't vomit today so I'm well. Solo stopped by with Lauren earlier they brought me some soup."

"Oh... Well okay I'll see you in a few."

"Alright baby."

I hung up somewhat shocked that Lauren came around. I hadn't seen nor heard from her in months. When I tried to reach out numerous times my calls and text messages remained unanswered. I was mainly shocked that her and Solo were still a thing. When I'd ask Solange about her she would vaguely answer. I won't lie and tell you that I didn't miss Lauren because I did.

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