Bumble Bee 🐝

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Onika POV
Same Night

"Eyes on me babygirl." Beyoncé commanded pulling my legs apart.

I was in complete bliss at the sight in front of me me. She trailed her tongue down from my belly button. She stopped right at the hood of nerves pressing the bed of her tongue against it.

"Fuckkkk!" I hissed.

The heat of her tongue slid down my slit causing my back to arch involuntarily. The butterflies in my stomach tickled all my senses. The way she slowly made love to my lower lips felt enticing. I felt her fingers spreading my lips wider and wider, opening me to be completely demolished by her tongue work. When she dipped her tongue inside of walls, tears literally began cascading down my face. I felt the warmth of my thick serum slowly dripping down my cheeks, but she caught it all, moaning as if I was feeding her the best meal yet.

My core burned with the unintentional muscle spasms. She had me there, she had me so close.  Until a loud knock at our door, that repeatedly got louder.

My heart dropped when she got up, leaving my best orgasm ever yet to dissipate. I frustratingly sighed as she got up maneuvering around the room for her robe.

I got underneath the covers praying that whatever and whoever would simply be gone.

"Rumi..." Beyoncé sighed looking down at the little girl.

Her big brown eyes looked up at her mom. Those eyes that got  her whatever the hell she wanted from Beyoncé. "Mommy I want to sleep with you."

"No baby not tonight. You slept in here lastnight and the night before that. Mommy is busy."

Rumi folded her arms one across the other and I knew she was about to give her mom pure hell. "But it's a new night! And I want to sleep with you!"

Beyoncé sighed. "How about I come and lay down with you?"

Rumi shook her head. "No cause-cause you're going to get up and leave when I go to sleep!"

They stood there in a stare down and I could tell that Beyoncé was caving into her like she always did.

"Okay...But I'm taking you back to your room when you fall asleep."

Rumi smiled. "You so nice to me mommy."

I blew a sigh grabbing my oversized t shirt that was on the bed. I slipped it on just before Rumi came jumping on the bed. I got up to head to the bathroom before Beyoncé grabbed me around my waist.

"When she goes to sleep—I promise we'll finish what we started."

I pushed her arms off me. "No we good." I said entering the bathroom and slamming the door in the process.

Sexual frustration wasn't even the phrase to describe how I felt right now. It's been weeks since we've been intimate. I understood she was  depressed over Blue's custody situation and I gave her that needed space. But now I felt somewhat neglected by her.

I turned on the cold shower while taking off my t-shirt . When I stepped inside, the cold water didn't even phase me, the steam coming from my head alone was enough to make the water feel warm.

After thirty minutes I got out the shower and proceeded to dry my body off. I placed my damp hair into a bun and brushed my teeth. When I stepped out of the restroom Rumi was cuddled under her mom watching some Disney movie—sleep my ass.

I walked into the closet to get into something to wear. A few seconds later I felt Beyoncé rubbing against me.


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