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Show me your scars and I won't walk away- Beyoncè G. Knowles

Onika POV

1 month later

I was finally back at work full-time and let's just say life could not have been better. I had a whole new set of residents that I was training all while still being mentored by Dr. Jenkins. It was mentally and physically draining but I knew it would be all worth it. I still had 2 1/2 more years until I was officially deemed a cardiothoracic surgeon and I couldn't wait to finally be done.

Today was just one of those long shifts of running nonstop. I've been on call for 48-hours and running to the point my back and feet were killing me. I was only able to FaceTime the kids twice and I was missing my babies like crazy. I know they'd probably be in bed by the time I got home. My intentions were to leave work by 8pm the latest, but the emergency room had other plans.

At twelve in the morning, I finally pulled into the garage of the house. When I got in the house it was quiet— the type of quiet I needed to wine down and relax. I climbed the stairs and made it to my room where I immediately took a long hot shower.

After I was done, I wrapped myself around in the plush roman towel and lied down on the bed to air dry. My body felt so relaxed as the heat from the shower left my pores and the cool air condition based my skin. Within a matter of minutes my eyelids became heavy, so heavy to the point I was too tired to move.

There was a soft knock at the door, but I hoped whoever got the point. I felt a dip in the bed and looked up to see Blue sitting Indian style with her face glued to her phone.

"I made spaghetti—It's in the microwave, I can heat it up for you." Blue smiled.

"Thank you, Blueberry— But I think if I eat spaghetti one more time I'm going to throw up."

She grabbed her chest. "I'm hurt— you know that's all I know how to make. And Chef Rossi won't be back until next week."

I sat up holding the towel against me. "And I must say you do a great job chef Blue. I'm just not in the spaghetti mood. What time did those rugrats go to bed?"

"Ms.Anita put them down at 7pm, but Rumi wanted to be a brat per usual. She's always doing the most when mom isn't here."

I turned my body completely to Blue. "Did you hear from your mom today?"

"Yea we FaceTime this morning before we went to school."

"Ohhh..." I said unlocking my phone only to realize I've been so busy I hadn't heard from her all day. I checked my messages and call log with not even a single trace of contact from Bey.

"She's probably busy, she said she was leaving New York to fly into a meeting in L.A. She said she'll be back next Tuesday."

"Mhmm." I said getting up to find some pajamas.

After getting changed I walked out the bathroom to Blue lying across the bed, scrolling through the tv.

"Are you too tired to watch an episode of Love and Hip Hop with me? "Blue asked.

I laughed. "Never too tired for you and didn't your mom told you not to watch that?"

Blue rolled her eyes. "She's so dramatic—it's just a reality show. And besides this drama is staged."

I slid in bed next to her. "Well, I have enough energy for two episodes. Then I'm going to bed."

Blue smiled. "You're the bests step mom I could have asked for."

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