Family Matters

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Beyonce POV

3 months later

Endurance, Faith and Discipline were my hardships for the last 90 days. I was camped out in my hideaway condo in Santa Monica relearning how to walk, having intense physical therapy to learn how to speak, enduring endless doctor visits regain myself back.

I fell into a loophole of despair darkened with depression. Despite having so much to be grateful for I felt at disadvantage. I should have been so indebted for the opportunity at life again, but I felt at my lowest. I knew what I needed; I knew who I needed. But I couldn't bear to burden her with my misery.

I felt terrible pushing her away—but I had to think selfishly. Putting her in the position to have her take care of me broke my pride. Giving her the responsibility to mother my kids made me feel more than burden. She never asked for this, and I never once blamed her. I loved her too much for that.

But I will say, I would have pushed her out of the way a million times again before letting a single bullet hit her. I would endure the physical and mental trauma again— to spare her.

I knew she hated me— I could feel her anger even though we were miles apart. With even feeling it, Julius always reminded of how angry she had become, how cold and disconnected she was becoming. I had her waiting for too long— I needed to get back to her. I needed her to know that I do love her.

Ninety days was more than enough and within those ninety days I worked hard to regain my physical health back. Somedays I had pushed my body beyond it limits, putting me back into that God-forbidden bed. But I never gave up because I knew she needed me —my kids needed me.

I had just gotten back into the condo after meeting with my trainer. My heart was beating out of chest. Pushing a car up a hill was something I needed to accomplish, and I did just that— my work here was done.

I was grabbing a bottle of water out of the refrigerator when a text message from Lauren came through.

Lauren: We've landed, she's not suspicious or anything. Heading to the villa now. You better make this right, I put my neck on the chopping block for you. Safe travels...

I sighed giving the message a thumbs up before retrieving to the shower. I never wanted to get Lauren involved with the reunion of my family. But she was the closest person to making the woman I love listen sometimes. Having Julius coordinate things on that side would have been too obvious.

Lauren most definitely gave me harsh earful of what I needed to hear. I can't count how many bitches and whores I was until she eventually calmed down. A free trip to island had her ass on mute. She only requested that her and Solange have their own accommodations which piqued my interest. But I kept it cute, I was at her mercy, and I understood her frustrations.

After getting out of the shower Julius met me at the front door with my bags already in hand. We got into the awaiting SUV and made our way to the private airstrip. My nerves were doing a compete 360. I popped a Xanax to calm my anxiety and hopefully catch up on sleep. It was about to be a long 10-hour journey....

Onika POV

St. Maarten

February 2021

We had been in St. Maarten for 24 hours. The kids were enjoying the beach and everything the small island had to offer. I was bit skeptical taking Lauren up on this offer but watching the kids have so much fun made me happy.

I felt like a bad mom. I was snapping at them for the smallest things and becoming annoyed by the situation their fucked-up coward of a mother left me in. She disappeared without a trace and not even a word. I was still her POA but everyone at the hospital became tight lipped when I showed up the following day demanding to see her. Well, I had packed up the kids to go live with her at the hospital because bitch two can play that fucking game.

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