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"We all have our imperfections. But I'm human, and you know, it's important to concentrate on other qualities besides outer beauty."
Beyoncé Knowles

Beyonce POV

April 16th, 2020

New York County Family Court Division

"Your honor my client is a well established and respected surgeon. Holding the title of not only being a CEO but a wife and hardworking mother. What the plaintiff is asking for is absolutely insane. Taking the full rights away from my client to be a mother to her child, on the grounds of justifying her career as an impairment to her parenting is imprudent. Therefore, I'm asking for immediate dismal of this custody hearing. It's not only a waste of time—but an embarrassment to my client's reputation."

"Objection relevance—were here in the case of Blue Ivy Knowles, not her mother's 'precious' reputation." Ciara's lawyer scowled.

"Objection overruled—Ben stay relevant to the case at hand." The judge warned shooting him a daring look.

I was currently sitting in a courtroom fighting over custody of my daughter. Ciara was taking this shit too far—she knew that money was not an issue. But asking for $800,000 for Blue a month was insane! And I brought her to court just to prove it. I was not about to sit up and fund her and her broke ass husband's lavish lifestyle. My responsibility was to my daughter and my daughter only.

We had been going back and forth over a week in court—tired was not the word to describe how I felt right now. I was overwhelmed, disheartened and sleep deprived. I tried settling outside of court offering to take Blue for holidays and birthdays (which was our agreement at first). But I slept on it deciding that I do have a hectic work schedule with barely having the time to spend with my kids as is. What I thought would be a quick custody decision turned into a nightmare. Ciara's husband was terminated from the NFL then suddenly plans changed. Now I was being placed on child support and the asking price was ridiculous.

Ben had presented my case fairly well, so I was not too entirely worried. But it was something about how relaxed Ciara looked.

Ben pulled out documents and stood to present something. We had gone over his approach a few times, so I had an idea of what he was doing. Sometimes you had to get nasty to get what you wanted—and Ciara knew I was good for it.

"Your honor I present receipts of automatic payments of 20,000 or more being deposited into the defendants account, in accordance with the care of the child Blue Ivy Knowles. All being withdrawn from Dr. Knowles accounts—along with travel fees, medical expenses and education being covered as well. I wish that if Dr. Knowles will be paying child support payments—the payments should reflect the same that she has been paying without difficulties all these years. The defendant sudden increase for money has come about since her husband has been expelled from the NFL."

"Objection your honor relevance, my client's husband is not on trial here!"

"Sustained...Ben thread lightly." The judge warned again.

I felt my throat tightening, something felt off.

"I rest my case." Ben said sitting back down pleasingly.

Ciara's lawyer shook his head standing to his feet. A few seconds later someone walked in setting up a projector screen. I looked over at Ben being slightly confused, what the hell were they presenting with that. Ben squeezed my hand reassuringly, but he even looked confused.

"Your honor I want to present some conflicting images and files that goes against the perfect portrayal of Dr. Knowles' . The hardworking mother and businesswoman persona, that her lawyer has presented is false. In this first image here, you can see the Dr. Knowles wife Robyn Rihanna Knowles approximately three years ago, severely beaten at the hand of the woman 'holding the title of not only being a CEO but a wife and hardworking mother'. Is that how you described her Ben?"

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