Chapter three

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Pov. story teller

The foxes were on the trail of some footprints left by humans looking to find the newborn wolf, son of the leader of the wolves.  

I smell a wolf. A fox said to the search

"It must be him," said another fox. a small wolf - said one of the foxes .

- They are human footprints and it looks like humans took him - said another.

If humans are with him. Said the fox who carried the ivory knife in his hand. Let's kill them all! We have to find this puppy.

The group was being led by the fox who carried the ivory knife in his hand - the fox with the ivory knife was in front of the group, keeping an eye on the footprints and made the sign and the rest of the group started to follow

The footprints pointed straight towards a mountain.

- It won't be hard to find them
, not long ago they left here - said the
ivory knife fox

The rest of the group started to get more excited already starting to have the feeling of mission accomplished - because as they followed the footprints the smell was getting stronger and stronger.

One of the foxes in the group carried a spear made from mammoth teeth and when he followed the others a snowflake fell on his snout.

The fox felt a mini freeze on his nose and turned his head up, stopping for a few seconds to follow the group.

A fox was going with a wooden club in his hand and seeing that his companion had stopped, he turned around and asked - Is there a problem?

The rest of the group stopped walking and looked up and some flakes began to fall in larger amounts and gradually covered the footprints

- Damn it - said the fox with the ivory knife in his hand, seeing that the footprints were being erased by the snow

The flakes suddenly began to fall in greater amounts and a gust of freezing cold wind passed through the group of foxes - so cold it froze the spine, and made the teeth chatter against each other.

We have to go back! - Said the fox with the club in his hand

Go back? Never, let’s

not lose sight of the puppy -  said
the fox with the ivoryknife

We can't go any further, the snow is covering everything - said the fox with the spear in his hand.

No ! I will find this cub - said the fox with the ivory knife

Do not go ! Let's go back it could be dangerous - said the fox with the club trying the to hold

Let me go ! Said the fox with the ivory knife pushing the other fox away

You can freeze in this cold - said another fox in the group

I don't care - I will kill all the wolves in that tribe - until the last wolf - said the fox with the ivory knife.

The other foxes walked away trying to get back to the cave they had come out of to protect themselves from that biting cold and meanwhile the fox with the ivory knife had blood in his eyes.

- Come back here! Don't go! - said the fox with the club in his hand

The fox with the ivory knife couldn't get the chance to get revenge on all those wolves for what they did to his family, he was feeling so much hate that the snow was already on his shins, but he could smell that wolf cub still fresh in the air, and wanted to find him to end his life.

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