Chapter seven

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Pov. story teller

Toty rocked his adoptive father who was dead with an arrow through his chest while everyone in the village ran to the two

Toty rocked his dead father not believing that he had died so unexpectedly, toty did not want to believe that he was dead and hugged him with all his strength asking his father to talk to him while tears fell from his eyes

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Taboo who was colder couldn't stand it and let a tear flow from her right eye after seeing that scene

Tora was close to toty and he couldn't stand it and started to cry

Toty was crying but he felt a lot of anger like he had never felt before and he swore to himself that those men who had survived deserved to pay for having done that

In the middle of the people that accumulated around the two Tina appeared running and going to her dead father on the ground.

- Father ! No ! - Tina screamed when she saw her father lying dead on the floor.

Tina's mother saw her husband dead on the floor and started crying desperately wondering why that had happened to her husband

- Dad, don't leave me - Tina said hugging her father and just as Toty rocked him asking him to talk to her

Tina took her father's hand and squeezed it and the hands were cold.

He is dead ! - said Toty letting tears fall from his eyes

No he is not ! - Tina said shaking her father

- Father ! Father ! - shouted Tina not accepting her father's death while everyone around watched sadly

Toty hugged Tina to comfort her and she hugged him back - Toty was still covered in blood but Tina didn't care

- He can't have died! - Tina said while hugging the wolf

Tina's mother was inconsolable, but little by little things began to sink in and everyone accepted that Tina's father was dead.

It was a bucket of cold water to accept that Tina's father had left because he was very dear, they kept his body in his tent for two days while the village kept watch as if at any moment he would come back to life

In those two days, Toty isolated himself from the rest of the Clan, staying alone on the mountain where he used to stay.

Taboo got very close to Toty in those two days, seeing Toty alone on the mountain Taboo decided to go up and go to him

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Taboo was approaching Toty who had his back to the direction in which Taboo was approaching, feeling

that a presence was approaching Toty thought it would be Tina but he was impressed to see that it was Taboo

- Taboo? - Asked toty surprised to see her

Taboo sat next to the wolf and put his hand on his back, stroking him.

Toty felt Taboo's touch, strange, strange, she is
, she had a heavier hand than Tina but was more
still so close to him, it's just that she didn't like him very much.
- Why are you doing this ? asked toty seeing that Taboo caressed him
- I know how you feel
, and sad you lose someone you care about - said Taboo

Toty noticed that Taboo's countenance had changed as he had never noticed before her face was a little serene and tender, Toty found it strange because Taboo was very angry and did not show feelings or open up easily and now Toty saw another face of Taboo that I had never seen before.

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