Chapter five

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Pov. story teller

It had been six years since Toty had been saved by Tina's clan, and lived with her group, Toty was almost always treated as one of the group, but he felt excluded for being different, not only for that, however much he was accepted as one of the Clan he was treated differently from other boys.

Toty was sitting on a rock in the distance watching his Clan boys play in the river, he was very sad for being different. Tina, who was considered his foster sister, seeing that Toty was sad, decided to go to him to try to cheer him up. Tina knew when Toty was sad, and she knew how to cheer him up.

Tina approached Toty from behind, taking slow steps in surprise, and giving him a fright, she really wanted to get him.

Tina came from behind Toty, who looked towards the boys a little sad. Tina was approaching slowly trying to catch her friend by surprise, Toty caught Tina's presence coming from behind and smiled slightly.

I'm going to pretend that I don't notice that she's approaching - thought Toty.

He doesn't know. - thought Tina getting closer, and closer to her wolf friend.

She's getting closer - thought Toty smiling to himself.

Damn it! - Said Toty noticing that his tail was starting to sway, and he was giving away the game.

- Oh, it wasn't worth it! - Tina said getting close to her wolf friend, and hugging him from behind.

Toty started licking Tina's entire face as a sign of affection, while Tina smiled and, told him to stop because it made her tickle.

There Toty stop! Tina said pushing her friend's muzzle away, but Toty continued.

Why do you do this every time? You're drooling me all over, She continued trying to understand.

When Tina said that Toty stopped, the wolf was criticized for doing that, but that was his way of expressing affection.

What's wrong? - asked Tina noticing that Toty had been sad.

I'm different - Toty responded a little sad.

I wanted to be like other boys - Said the wolf sighing.

It's gonna be like that forever! Tina said hugging her friend.

Tina, do you think I'm ugly? Asked the wolf a little sullen.

-That it ! You are a very handsome little boy - Tina said caressing her friend's cheek.

Why are you saying this ? - Tina asked

Taboo said so - Toty said.

She said she wouldn't date me because I'm ugly, and I have a huge mouth full of teeth - said Toty.

Tina started to smile so hard she could hardly control herself.

Why are you laughing!? - asked the angry wolf. "You're funny," Tina said.

Wait, come back here! - Tina said seeing that her friend was leaving.

What do you want ? asked the wolf

-I think you're beautiful, but not like the other boys, you're beautiful being different - said Tina.

Like the other boys? - Asked the Wolf

Around! Tina said with a chuckle.

I have a surprise for you! - said Tina

What? Asked the Wolf.

Follow me! - said Tina taking Toty away.

Tina took Toty through a forest, and the two were already a little far from the tribe's core.

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