Chapter nine

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It was starting to get very cold and Toty was still lying on the ground of that hard and cold mountain, Toty didn't care much because he was sad that his, father had been killed so unexpectedly and sad for Tina for whom he had mixed feelings.

Taboo, seeing that Toty was sad, took care to help him by covering him and taking something for  the wolf to eat. Toty hadn't eaten properly since Tina had arrived and he was getting weaker and weaker but none of that mattered, since Tina had left his life became sad and meaningless  and that's why he wanted to disappear and didn't want to do anything else, spending several hours alone on that mountain.

Time was passing and Toty was moving further and further away from his human Clan, sometimes it crossed his mind to leave and look for other wolves but he didn't have the courage to leave his mother or the place where he grew up because despite everything, he liked that place.

He has only had contact with species other than humans a few times and most times it was not a  positive experience.

Toty's adoptive mother was human she would miss her a lot and Toty knew it, the two were too attached and both he and she would suffer with the departure, but one thing that hurt in Toty was seeing all the members of his tribe with their partner and only he and Taboo were missing their own.

-    Would Tina accept me? - Toty asked himself thinking that maybe Tina would be happier beside him,  because he knew Tina wasn't happy.

-    I think she wouldn't accept me because I look like a wolf, and that would be very strange - thought Toty sadly.

The wolf found it strange to be with a human but at the same time, he loved her very much which left him confused, he returned to the sight he saw like a recorded tape in his mind on repeat, it was Tina.

Little by little Toty was falling asleep without dispensing with the sheet that Taboo had brought for hi.. When Toty was sleeping the winter started causing small snowflakes to start falling from the sky.

Toty ignored the cold, he was depressed and just wanted to die and more and more snow was falling all night filling the place where he was with snow.

Toty's mother was lying down but couldn't sleep, worried about her son who she knew was not well, that was a sad night not only for Toty and his mother, but for everyone as well. Tina on the other hand still couldn't get over the loss of her father, was a cold and sad night for her.

The next morning everyone woke up seeing everything covered in snow and  it was still snowing and very windy.

Toty's mother called him four times but he didn't answer, worrying her.

Toty was lying there while a small layer of snow was building up on his fur, but Toty didn't care and just wanted to die.

Taboo, seeing that something was not right, decided to go to the wolf and found Toty lying on the  ground with his fur white with snow.

-    Toty! - Said Taboo approaching the wolf that did not answer.

-    Toty! - said Taboo shaking the wolf who didn't respond to anything.

Taboo took the wolf's paws and they were cold but the wolf was alive.

-    Leave me alone – Toty finally said pulling his paw back.

-    What are you doing? You are full of snow, do you want to die? – She asked

-    I do - said the wolf letting a tear fall from his eye and the tear froze.

-    You being sad won't help anything. - Said Taboo.

-    I want to be alone – Toty responds

-    Your mother is worried - Said Taboo but Toty didn't answer.

-    You have to leave, you are getting very weak. - She says to him.

-    I lost my father, I wanted to have someone and I don't have it, and I don't have the courage to go out there and find other wolves. - Toty vented

-    Toty you have to go, staying that way won't do you any good. – Said Taboo.

-    Please go down for your mother, she is downstairs worried about you and it's very cold outside – said Tabbo.

-    Do it for her – She says taking Toty's huge right paw.

-    Alright! – Toty said agreeing to go down to where his mother was.

Toty had his fur all covered in snow and started to shake his fur for the rest of the snow to come out and it went everywhere a little landed on Taboo.

-    Sorry! - Toty said to her knowing that she hated that but, Taboo wasn't bothered not this time.

When Toty came to his senses, he began to feel very weak because he had not been eating properly for  days.

Toty walked feeling weak and felt that his mind was wavering, when he reached the solid ground  he felt his body lighten and his legs tremble and meet the ground.

Taboo, seeing that Toty was bad, held him in time and even shouted for help, Tora and his father ran to help Toty.

Toty woke up a few minutes later lying in bed with everyone around him looking worried, just not Tina, Toty was very weak.

Far from there, Dyra was trying to resist Neru's advances, which would not let go of her, the  wedding would be scheduled for the next spring, but the fox would not let go of Dyra.

Dyra hated him, but her parents were forcing her to marry him to make an alliance between the two  clans.

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