Chapter 2

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TW, this chapter references abuse

Draco is confused lying on his bed at 4:30 in the morning. What happened yesterday?  Why did it happen to him? Why did Harry freaken Potter kiss him of all people?
Draco wasn't a very confident person and he could make enemies fast and friends slow. At the start of the first year at Hogwarts Draco tried to befriend Potter but he had said no and then another rival was added to Draco's list.
It was sometimes hard to see Potter with his friends because Draco had wanted to be the one sitting next to him instead of Weasly and Granger but now that could never happen.
He knew his father would never approve of Draco's thoughts and feelings but he couldn't help feeling and thinking them, could he? His father had always been a role model for Draco from a young age but recently he'd been looking less careful and more cowardly. Draco knew Lucius was a Death Eater and it had always made Draco more scared of his father's abilities. His father was the one who had given Draco the scar along his abdomen.
It had been a cold night when Draco was 10 and he had dropped his father's favorite class candle holder when he had been looking at his father's study. He hadn't done it on purpose and he told his father that as he came storming into the room, wand in hand. Draco had started apologizing. but his father didn't care if he did it on purpose or not and if he had said sorry. So Draco's father, Lucius drove the sharp fangs of his snake staff deep into Draco's stomach.
It had taken a while for Draco to heal and when he did it had left two puncture wounds that looked like a snake had bitten him, so that's what he told the people who asked.

Draco had managed to get around 5 hours of sleep that night which felt well-rested for him.
Draco had been diagnosed at 12 with insomnia and only could get a few hours of sleep each night.
He checks the clock on his bedside it reads 6:00. He has been lying down for a while then. He likes laying in bed just thinking. He'll get up now since breakfast starts at 7:30 and he likes to be on time.
He rolls out of bed, his dorm members are still asleep. Draco slips on his robes and walks out of the dorm adjusting his tie, tight around his neck.
The common room is empty and the fire burns low in the hearth. Draco sits down in a green armchair and flips open a book.

It's 7:20 now and Draco's friends are awake, He calls them friends just because it is shorter than my father's friends' children who are somewhat allies.
He does like Blaise though he can be genuine.
Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Theodore all walk down to the great hall and sit down at the Slytherin table. Draco can't help but glance at the Gryffindor table in hopes he can see Harry. He's only looking so he can't make fun of him of course.
For once Harry is there on time and Draco's breath catches in his throat for some unknown reason.
Suddenly Harry turns and stares right into Draco's eyes. They sit there for a moment staring at each other. Then Draco feels a tap on his shoulder and he whips around almost smacking Blaise in the face.
"Woah! Watch it!" Blaise laughs.
"Why are you staring at Potter like he's- well like he's is everything," Blaise says confused.
"Ha, he wishes he was everything" Draco sneers.
"Yeah," Blaise says looking at Draco for a long time, then he sits satisfied.
Draco didn't know what he was feeling, he had always hated Potter for not wanting to be friends but somehow Potter had got inside of Draco's head and he hated it.
Well, whatever Draco felt for Potter he couldn't have people saying things like Blaise had. Draco didn't like Potter. Potter was just messing with him and Draco needed to toughen up.

Their first class is Charms with Filius Flitwick and to Draco's annoyance was with the Gryffindors as well. When Draco stepped into the classroom he felt three eyes on him, Granger, Weasly, and Potter.
He knew Potter would be in this class but still everything was too weird. Draco hated Potter for kissing him it made him feel weak and he felt like Potter would tell everyone how Draco had reacted.
The seats for Charms were all spread out at arm's length and Slytherins and Gryffindors were scrambled around the room in a messy assigned seating.
Draco seemed to be very unlucky today as he was seated next to Theodore and Potter. Theodore was fine but Potter was not.
The class started and seemed to move unbelievably slowly, Draco took lots of notes to not miss anything.
Suddenly a paper slid over Draco's open notebook.
We need to talk -HP
Draco didn't want to know what HP meant but he did and he knew that Potter wanted to talk.
No, we don't, Potter -DM
Draco hesitantly wrote back and slid the note over to Potter. If anyone asked what they were writing about he would tell them Potter was asking for answers and Draco had said no.
The paper slid onto Draco's book again interrupting Draco's thoughts.
  Please, Draco I need to talk to you -HP
Draco tensed as he read his name, Potter never called him Draco and Draco would surely not call him Harry.
Don't call me that ever again, Potter -DM
Draco tried to keep his hands steady as he wrote.
He slid the paper back to Potters's desk and stared down at his paper.
A paper slid onto his textbook once again and Draco read it.
What the fuck are you and Potter writing about?
Draco looks at the note confused for a second and then recognizes the thick hand righting of  Theodore Nott. Draco lets out a sigh and rights back
He's asking for answers and I told him no -DM
Draco is passing the note back to Theo when Harry returns their note.
I am sorry, but we do need to talk -HP
  Draco responds reluctantly,
I won't talk to you so whatever you have to say        write it -DM
Theo slides the note back onto Draco's desk.
Oh okay, lot a of talking for just that. Just say no and don't respond.
Draco is tired of passing notes and he just wants to listen to the class. He can't be failing this class and Herbology his father might actually kill him.
Yes, I will tell him to stop -DM
Draco responds to Theo.
Potter slides the note onto Draco's table and Draco slides Theos note of it.
Okay, I will write it. I just wanted to say sorry I didn't mean to be I don't know rude. I mean I guess I wanted to mess with you and now I realize I have gone too far. You can ignore me and bully me but I just wanted you to know that when we were eleven I never intended for you to be an enemy. -HP

Draco felt all wrong. The school day had ended and he lay propped up with a pillow on his bed. Blaise and Theo chatted nearby but Draco couldn't see them since his curtains were pulled all around his bed. He fingered the torn notebook page filled with Potter's and his writing. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep but still, he lies down and lets the darkness engulf him.

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