Chapter 19

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Harry is sitting in the warm living room of the Weasleys. The fire crackles low, and hushed voices come from the kitchen. Harry's eyes are red and itchy, he hasn't slept in days. Whenever he tries to sleep dreams of Draco being tortured in The Malfoy Manor torment him.
"Mate, are you okay?" Ron asks, dropping onto the couch next to Harry.
"Ron, we need to get him back," Harry sniffs, images of Draco running through his mind.
"Malfoy?" Ron asks, tilting his head.
"Yes," Harry sighs.
"I kinda just thought he was a fling..." Ron whispers.
"A fling!" Harry yells, suddenly upset.
"Sorry, sorry!" Ron says in a hurry.
"I just- you know it's hard for me to think of him like that. Like he matters?"
"It's okay, I don't need you to understand. I just need you to help," Harry says, running his fingers through his hair.
"Okay, I think I can do that," Ron sighs, popping a mini cake into his mouth.
"Ron, don't be mad. But I think the Death Eaters are going to come here..." Harry says.
He guesses the Death Eaters and Voldemort will get something out of Draco. Harry hopes Draco won't be stupid and will try to protect him by lying about his whereabouts. That could only end in Draco in more pain.
"Here?" Ron shouts, almost choking on his cake.
"Yeah, Draco knows where I am staying. I think he might have told the Death Eaters," Harry winces.
"That foul git!" Ron yells.
"No! He didn't tell them because he wanted to! He was probably forced," Harry explains.
The word probably echoes in Harry's mind. Would Draco betray him?
No, Harry couldn't think that way. Then he would be the one betraying, He couldn't give up on Draco.
"Malfoy's father would never force him to do anything, Mr. My father will hear about this would never be put in harm," Ron sneers.
"Ron. That's not fair," Harry scowls.
The memory of Lucius performing Crucio on Draco flashes in Harry's mind.
"Harry If you are right, I think we should go," Ron says.
"I agree, and Ron," Harry says stopping Ron from standing up.
"I am sorry I put you in danger."
"It's all right, I think I am used to it," Ron smiles and shrugs.

The next morning The Weaselys get ready to leave the burrow. Harry was the first one to be packed, his trunk at the door. He had a feeling Lucius would be most likely to hurt Draco if Harry tried to help him.
But that didn't mean Harry wouldn't try, he would just have to be smart.
Harry and the Weasleys were going to stay at Sirius's old home, The Grimmauld Place. He knew it would be hard to be inside those walls without Sirius but it could be the only safe place.
"Harry! Help me pack would ya?" Ginny yells from the stairs.
"Be right there Ginny!" Harry shouts back.
He starts to make his way up the stairs, passing Fred and Georges's room.
"What do you need?" Harry asks opening Ginny's door.
"Oh, just fold my shirts," Ginny says.
Her red hair rests on her shoulders, and she grins and Harry.
"You know I wanted to ask you something," Ginny says, dumping her pants into her trunk.
Harry is suddenly nervous. What if Ginny tried to make a move on Harry? Of Course, Harry liked Ginny but not in the way he liked Draco. Maybe Ginny didn't understand that. He would mind telling her.
"It's about you and Draco," Ginny continues.
Harry's stomach drops and his hands start to sweat.
Most people had accepted Harry, and Ginny hadn't said anything rude to him. Really she had been offly quiet.
"Yeah..." Harry sighs, folding a Gryffindor sweatshirt.
"Well, how did it feel?" Ginny asks.
"How did it feel?" Harry repeats, confused.
"I mean like coming out," Ginny explains.
Harry's face flushes and he remembers all the eyes that had been on him at the Spring Dance.
"I guess I felt relieved, but I knew most people would accept me," Harry explains, turning to the pile of clothing.
"I need to tell you something," Ginny says in a rush.
Harry cocks his head in confusion, suddenly very interested.
"It's a secret I guess. So don't tell?" Ginny says.
"Sure," Harry nods, turning to face her.
"Well, me and Luna..." Ginny whispers, fixing her gaze on her feet.
"I think..." She tries again.
"You think you are like me?" Harry finishes.
"I Like her Harry, like I really like her," Ginny sighs.
"Well, I am happy for you Ginny," Harry says with a grin.
"Really? I didn't know how you would feel, I did like you but it's different now." Ginny smiles, looking up from the ground.
"Ginny it's good-" Harry starts but then he is suddenly cut off by a loud crash outside.
"Ginny! Harry! Get down here!" Molly yells.
Ginny stands up quickly, stuffs the rest of her clothes into the trunk, and rushes out of the room.
Harry shoots after her, fear crashing over him.
He makes it to the front door and sees all the Weasleys gathered. Ron's face is filled with terror as he stares out onto his lawn.
"We think there here! Everyone packed? Because we have to go!" Mr.Weasley shouts.
Harry nods his head and Fred and George start setting everyone's trunk by the fireplace.
"We'll use the floo network!" Molly yells, bustling into the kitchen to grab the powder.
Harry steps to the front door and looks outside.
The lawn seems to be empty, except Harry thinks he sees... But it can't be. A white cat is sprinting from the bushes, straight toward him.
Harry's eyes go wide as he recognizes Draco's animagus form. The cat stops a few feet from Harry, his fur matted and his white coat stained with blood.
Suddenly Draco appears, his face contorted in pain.
His hair is messy and his face is hooded. His blue eyes sunken in.
"Draco..." Harry chokes, tears filling his eyes.
"Harry!" Draco shouts, his voice hoarse.
"How... were his your father?" Harry asks, stepping forward and pulling him into a tight hug.
"He is near, I managed to escape for a moment. You need to go!" Draco says into Harry's shoulder.
"I shouldn't have come, Harry, I Love yo-" Suddenly Draco cuts off, and lets out a blood curtailing scream. He drops to the ground, convulsing in pain.
"Harry! Harry!" Draco shouts.
"Draco! Someone help!" Harry screams, kneeling next to Draco.
"We need to go Harry!" Fred shouts from the door way.
"The Death Eaters are here!" George yells.
Harry's head shoots up. Lucius stands at the edge of the lawn, his face emotionless. His wand pointed at Draco. Suddenly Harry's scar burns, and he crumples over onto the grass. Searing pain shoots through Harry's head.
Mr.Weasley runs out of the burrow, picking Harry up.
"Don't leave Draco!" Harry shouts, and then he collapses into darkness.

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