Chapter 14

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It was the night of the Spring Dance and Harry was in his common room with Ron getting ready.
"I think this looks weird," Ron says adjusting his dress robes in the mirror.
"It looks fine Ron!" Harry laughs.
"I look like a girl!" Ron spits.
"Ron, you look fine," Harry sighs.
Harry was dressed in black dress robes with red string stitched on the cuffs and Ron was dressed in brown dress robes with yellow string stitched on the cuffs. It was 7:00 and the dance started at 7:30, Ron and Harry were dressed and ready.
Ron was going with Hermione because he couldn't get a date, but really Harry knew that was what he had wanted all along. Harry was going with Ginny which felt very wrong. He liked Ginny but not in the way he liked Draco, and Draco is his boyfriend, he should be going with him. Everything was messed up and Harry regretted saying yes to Ginny when she had asked him to go with her.
"Harry, should we go down soon?" Ron asks.
"Sure, let's go." Harry sighs and follows Ron to the door of the common room.
"Okay, boys! It's 7:10, let's wait and leave at 7:30 so the dance actually is going when we get there." Hermione says appearing beside them in the common room.
"Hermione, you look beautiful!" Ron says turning to look at her.
Hermione was wearing a long blue sleeveless gown with purple flowers climbing up the skirt.
"Thank you, Ron, you too," Hermione says her face flushing.
Ron, Hermione, and Harry sit down, and Hermione immediately flips open a book.
"Why are you reading Hermione? Were about to leave?" Harry asks.
"Well even if you only have 15 minutes you should always read," Hermione says promptly.
Harry laughs and picks up his book. The book he was reading was the same one Draco was reading. Draco loved books and would always want to talk to Harry about what he was reading, but Harry couldn't relate to anything. So Harry had bought the book Draco was reading and had quickly become invested and now Harry could relate to Draco. Looking at the book used to make him happy but now he felt sad. he desperately wanted to have what Ron and Hermione had, to be able to be public.
"Harry? Are going to open the book?" Hermione asks, studying Harry's face.
"Oh, yeah, I was just admiring the cover," Harry mumbles as tears well up in his eyes.
"The plain black cover?" Hermione asks confused.
"Yeah..." Harry sniffs.
He couldn't cry. He couldn't, Ron would be so confused. Harry sucked in his tears as much as he could and opened his book.

"Okay, the dance started 5 minutes ago, We can go now," Hermione says, closing her book.
Harry stands up and follows Ron and Hermione out the door. They walk down many flights of stairs before they reach the Great Hall. They can hear the muffled music coming from behind the doors as they push through the crowd of people.
When they enter the Dance, students are everywhere. Couples dance in the middle of the floor and people crowd around the food tables.
Harry is looking for Draco but doesn't see him anywhere. Ron and Hermione disappear onto the dance floor and Harry goes to find Ginny.
He spots red hair near a food table and B-lines toward it.
"Harry!" Ginny shouts over the music, waving him over.
"Hi, Ginny! You look wonderful!" Harry says.
"Thank you! Do you want to dance or eat first?" Ginny asks.
"Eat?" Harry says with a laugh.
"Okay, the good songs aren't on anyway," Ginny says walking over to the soup table.
"So Harry, I feel like I never see you anymore, Where have you been all year?" Ginny laughs scooping a bowl of soup for herself.
"Well mostly defeating evil." Harry chuckles.
"Oh sure, but really?" Ginny says turning to Harry with an oddly serious face.
"Nothing crazy, just busy with the classes and stuff like that," Harry says.
Harry was getting slightly nervous. Had Ginny noticed how Harry wasn't showing up to lots of events? Maybe she knew about Draco.
"Oh, that makes sense I guess." Ginny shrugs.
Harry lets out a sigh of relief and follows Ginny to a table.
They begin to eat and Ginny and Harry talk. Then the good songs come on and they step onto the dance floor.
"It's a slow dance!" Ginny says excitedly and puts her hands around Harry's neck. Harry pears over Ginny's shoulder and searches the crowd for Draco, and finally, he spots him. Draco is with Pansy and they are dancing, a few people away. Draco is facing him but seems to be avoiding his gaze.
Ginny pulls Harry's head down and smiles up at him. Harry forces a smile but can't help glancing at Draco once more.
Jealousy bubbles under Harry's skin and he longs to switch places with Pansy. Harry knew it was his fault he wasn't dancing with Draco but he still couldn't stop the rage building up in him.

Finally, the song ends, and Harry rushes back to his seat.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Ginny asks sitting next to him.
"No, I just have a headache. You go have fun! I'll be here." Harry says mustering a smile.
"Oh-okay" Ginny hesitates but then she disappears into the crowd.
A slow dance song was on again but Draco wasn't dancing, he was sitting at the other side of the Great Hall and Pansy seemed to be gone.
Harry stares across the hall at Draco, he is wearing a white top with black slacks, and his platinum blonde hair brushed perfectly on his head.
Draco and Harry's eyes meet from across the room and Harry tries to pore all his feelings into his gaze.
Draco's blue-grey eyes stare into Harry and Harry can see how much love Draco feels for him.
Suddenly Draco stands up not breaking eye contact and starts to walk forward. Harry doesn't exactly know what he's doing as he pushes past couples and makes his way to the middle of the floor, but he doesn't care anymore about what people think of him.
Draco and Harry meet in the middle of the Great Hall and stand there for a moment. Harry can see the fear in Draco's eyes but he also can see something else, determination.
Suddenly Draco pulls Harry in and their lips meet, Harry clasps a hand around Draco's neck and runs his other through Draco's hair.
When they pull apart, Harry moves one hand to Draco's back and pulls him into his arms in a warm embrace.
"I love you, Harry James Potter," Draco whispers into Harry's ear.
"I love you too, Draco Lucius Malfoy," Harry whispers back.
Draco smiles and pulls away from Harry, and then Harry remembers where they are.

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