Chapter 9

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Harry had explained everything to Hermione and she seemed to understand. She had said that she wanted Harry to be happy and if Draco did that, then she would support them. Hermione really wanted Harry to tell Ron but he knew that he needed more time to plan an explanation.
It was February and all the snow was gone, Harry hadn't talked to Draco in a while and he was becoming restless. Harry had done a lot of research lately on animagus and he kept on thinking about how cool it would be to become one. The spell was very complex but not impossible, he had to keep a mandrake leaf in his mouth for an entire month and then create a potion. Harry's not sure how Draco had enough patience to complete the spell, but maybe if Draco could do it Harry could too.
Harry was in Care of Magical Creatures and so was Draco. Hagrid was going on about something but Harry didn't care enough to listen he was too fixated on everything Draco was doing. Harry missed Draco so much all he wanted to do was talk to him in a friendly manner for once. Harry just wanted to be with Draco without having to lie to everyone he loved, but he knew that if they were public Lucius would find out and Draco would get hurt.
"So that concludes class! Did everyone hear who their partners are?" Hagrid asks.
Harry hadn't been listening in the slightest so he would have to ask Hermione.
"I can't believe I have to be stupid Potter and Granger's partner." a voice spat from behind him.
Harry turned to see Draco standing only a few feet away, the closest they had been in weeks.
"What?" Harry asks confused.
"We are partners with Draco, Harry. Hagrid wanted us to be with the opposite house." Hermione explains.
"Yes Potter, can you get that inside your thick head?" Draco sneers.
"Yeah, yeah Draco," Harry says annoyed.
"It's Malfoy to you!" Draco shouts looking around anxiously.
Mostly all the students were gone, going to their next classes but some remained chatting amongst themselves.
"We all have a free period, right? Let's go find an empty classroom to work in." Hermione suggests.
"Yes, let's go." Harry agrees.
They start to walk back to Hogwarts and  Draco trails after them muttering, Harry longs to go talk to him.
"Just wait till we are inside, then I'll say I need to use the restroom, and you guys can talk." Hermione whispers following Harry's gaze to Draco.
"Thank you, but doesn't he seem mad at me?" Harry asks.
"No, I think he is just a good actor." Hermione smiles, bumping Harry on the shoulder.
Harry returns the smile and follows Hermione into the doors of the castle.
Students bustle everywhere and it takes Draco, Hermione, and Harry a while to locate an empty classroom.
Hermione opens a door to find Ginny and Dean snogging.
"So sorry!" Hermione quickly says as they pull the door shut.
"Oh, Potter are you jealous? Wasn't that your girlfriend!" Draco sneers.
"No! You know perfectly well who I am dating Malfoy!" Harry spits.
Draco's face immediately flushes a dark shade of fuchsia and he stumbles back.
Harry lets out a laugh and follows Hermione down the hallway.

When They finally find an empty room, Hermione starts to explain the assignment and Draco pulls out his Monster Book of Monsters. Suddenly the rope holding the book shut snaps and the book shoots toward Draco. Harry quickly leaps off his chair and tackles the book and Draco to the ground. He quickly strokes the spine of the book and it stops moving. Harry realizes he is pinning Draco to the ground he quickly rolls away his face flushing.
"Sorry," Harry mumbles returning to his seat.
"Uh, it's fine." Draco laughs, running his fingers through his hair.
"Anyway, I was saying-" Hermione continues but Harry quickly tunes her out and stares across the table and Draco.
"Harry! Harry!" Hermione suddenly shouts in his ear.
"I am going to use the restroom, Be back in five minutes," she says with a wink and exits the room with a sweep of her robe.
The room is dead silent and Harry shuffles his feet on the floor awkwardly.
"So..." Draco trails off.
"So..." Harry repeats, scratching his head.
"You look... good," Harry whispers. He's not sure why this was so awkward, it wasn't like they had fought.
"Yeah, you too." Draco mumbles.
Harry quickly stands up and walks around the table to Draco. Draco's eyes sparkle with curiosity and he tilts his head up to look at Harry.
"Have you been avoiding me because of your father?" Harry asks.
"Well, yes, because I was scared if he found out he would hurt you! Or use me to get to you and I couldn't let that happen. I just realized how much you matter to me, and it would kill me if you got hurt or worse because of me." Draco explains staring at the ground.
"The only thing that can truly hurt me is if I am not with you. Maybe this is selfish but I just want to have you all to myself, and I don't care if it puts me in danger. But if it puts you in danger too it's your choice." Harry says, lifting Draco's chin so their eyes meet.
"I love you, Harry James Potter, I love you," Draco says letting a grin spill onto his face.
"I love you too." Harry smiles.
He quickly pulls Draco in and their lips meet, He feels like there are no problems in the world when he kisses Draco, and that when they're together nothing can go wrong. The moment Draco and Harry finally pull apart the door swings open and Hermione rushes in.
"Hello, boys! I hope I am not interrupting something but we should get to work!" Hermione laughs.
"We're ready!" Harry says his face flushing as he sits back down.

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