Chapter 4

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Draco is tired but he can't sleep. He is sitting at 2:00 a.m. on his favorite green armchair in the Slytherin common room. The fire is crackling low but other than that it is silent.
Draco needs to do something about the feeling in his gut when he sees Harry Potter. In the first year Draco had tried to convince himself that it was hatred or even pity. But now he knew it was not.
Draco stands up, walks to the bathroom and opens his medicine cabinet. All the Slytherins have their own but Draco's is by far the biggest. It is filled with large and small potion bottles and ivory-colored pills the size of a lizard's eye. Draco grabs a dark blue sleep potion and measures out a cup of it. He holds his nose and forces the slimy blue goop down his throat.
"If you keep staying up this late you'll look dead as a thestral" A voice chuckles behind him.
Draco whips around dropping the bottle with a small smash.
"Repario" Blaise says, pointing his wand at the glass.
"Geez Blaise, do you always sneak up on people like that?" Draco hisses as he picks up the newly repaired bottle.
"I am a Slytherin so I slither" Blaise smiles.
"What are you doing up this late?" Draco asks, walking out of the bathroom and sitting on the green sofa.
"Couldn't sleep, you?" Blaise says sitting on the sofa next to Draco.
"No, no just homework" Draco lies.
He had never wanted people to know about his insomnia. He felt as though it made him look weak.
"Oh, okay well I am going back to bed. Try to sleep too," Blaise says.
"Yep" Draco replies.
He doesn't sleep. He doesn't want to and even if he did he doesn't think he could.
The morning comes and Draco slides back into the dorm, he gets dressed in a white shirt and his long Slytherin robes.
Draco decides to go to breakfast early and without his fellow Slytherins.
When he enters the great hall the room is almost empty, as it is 6:00 and breakfast starts at 7:30. Draco takes a seat at the empty Slytherin table and opens his textbook.
Finally, breakfast starts, and students come piling in.
Draco stuffs a few eggs in his mouth and manages to talk to Pansy a little bit before he excuses himself and heads to the Room of Requirement.
Draco likes to go to the Room of Requirement just to have a break from everything. He hopes it will be empty. Yesterday during lunch Potter had been there and Draco quickly had left. He didn't want to be with Potter, especially alone.
To Draco's luck, the room was empty and it was in his favorite form. Draco had come to like the cluttered office space and a cozy couch. The Room of Requirement frequently gave Draco this room and he loved it. He would do his homework here and even try to take naps. It was calming for Draco to have his own space.
Draco collapses on the couch realizing how tired he really is and somehow he manages to drift off into a deep slumber.

A voice rings in Draco's ears.
"Draco! Draco Malfoy!" the voice yells.
Draco tries to open his eyes but it is clear that the sleep potion he took last night only took effect now.
"Draco, are you awake?" the voice asks.
Draco tries to say "Yes! I am up!" but it comes out more like a mush of words.
"I hope that means 'yes' because we are going to be crazy late for class if you don't snap out of it!" the voice scolds.
Draco didn't remember another person being in the room with him, maybe they had entered later?
Finally, Draco opens his eyes and meets the green-eyed gaze of Harry Potter.
"Harry?" Draco mumbles.
"Harry? When were we on a first-named basis?" Harry asks.
"I meant Potter, yes Potter," Draco says rubbing his eyes.
"You said late for class?" Draco asks.
"Yes, Posions started 10 minutes ago!" Harry says.
"Let's go!" Draco shouts either way too quiet or way too loud.
"Wait-" Harry cuts off as Draco tries to stand up and stumbles forward.
"Woah! Be careful. I don't think you're well" Harry says catching Draco quickly before he can slam into the coffee table. Their eyes meet for a split second and Draco feels his gut twist.
"Let go of me Potter we need to go!" Draco says.
"I don't think you should walk," Harry says, concerned.
"I am fine!" Draco says pulling away from Harry's grasp and immediately falling onto the couch.
"No, you're not and the teachers will understand that you had a medical emergency and-"
"I am not having a medical emergency!" Draco yells.
"He'll hurt me again if I continue being late to class and getting second to Granger!" Draco shouts.
Suddenly he is crying. Tears run down his cheeks, wetting his collar. Harry looks unsure of what to do as he stares at Draco.
"Just go!" Draco sniffs.
"No, I am not going to leave you here!" Harry retorts.
"What did you mean he is going to hurt you again? Who is he?" Harry asks really seeming worried.
"I know you want to know this so you can tell the whole school about how Draco Malfoy is weak!" Draco spits.
"No! I am... I am worried for you Malf- Draco" Harry says quietly.
Draco ignores Harry calling him by is first name because somehow Draco is calling him that too. Then he is telling Harry everything.
"When I was 6 it all started, Lucius only hit me but it got worse from there. The most painful was when I was in my first year at Hogwarts. It was actually because of you, and my failing to befriend you. My father wanted me to get information out of you for the Dark Lord but when I failed to become friends with you, he preformed Crucio on me." Draco exhales as the words coming rushing out of him. He had never been able to talk to people about his father and for some reason Harry felt like someone he could tell and be safe. Maybe something about his thoughtful green eyes and soft, curly brown hair- no no Draco couldn't think of Harry like this.
Like he was everything.
Blaise's words rang in his head.
Draco glances at Harry to see him deep in thought, his brow furrowed and his eye closed.
"I am sorry Draco," Harry says meeting Draco's eyes
"Don't be sorry, I deserved everything I got and more" Draco sighs.
"No one deserves that! Especially not you!" Harry shouts.
"Why?" Draco asks
"Why?" Harry repeats confused.
"Yes, why. Why especially not me?" Draco says staring at Harry.
"We'll because you- you are important." Harry says softly.
"To who?" Draco asks.
"To your mother and- and to me..." Harry says just above a whisper.
"To you? All I've done is bully you!" Draco yells. Suddenly upset, Harry can't just say that and mess up Draco's feeling even more.
"We'll yes, but for good reason. I got everything I wanted and more just because I survived something and you survived something much worse then me and you don't get anything! No happiness, no love. Only more pain." Harry says bluntly.
Draco is speechless, for the boy Draco thought hated him seemed to care for him. He stares into Harry's eyes for a long moment but then suddenly yet slowly Harry pulls Draco towards him and soon feels his lips on his. He can feel Harry's warmth radiating off him like the sun. Without thinking, Draco returns the kiss by leaning in, his stomach doing flip flops. Draco runs his hands through Harry's hair, feeling his curly locks between his fingers. When Harry finally pulls back Draco feels faint again and suddenly Draco's surroundings fade to black and Draco is out.

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