Chapter 21

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Harry appears in The Grimmauld Place, clutching Draco's shirt. When they had apparated he had passed out. Draco seemed to have not been fed in days and the snake bike was still oozing blood. A mix of emotions tumbled through Harry's brain, sad, scared, happy, and most of all angry. He is so mad at Lucius, for treating Draco so horribly.
Harry kneels and picks Draco, supporting his head Harry walks to the couch and lies him down. The gloomy gray walls surround Harry, pressing in on him. Draco seemed to be closer to death each minute. Maybe, somehow Draco had been hit by Avada Cadapra or maybe he was already sick and dying. Harry rubs his palms together, staring down at the blonde. His hands are sweating and his breathing is fast. He briskly walks to the sink, turning the squeaky nozzle. Water rushes out of the faucet and Harry leans down, gulping the cold liquid.
Then he dips his hands into the water, scooping it to his face. Harry lets out a sigh of relief. He drys his hands on the towel and walks back to Draco. He collapses on the couch, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.
Suddenly a loud crackle echoes through the room, and Harry's friends show up. It was a huge amount of people, Harry had gathered. All of the Weasleys, Hermione, Blaise, Some of the Gryffindors, and many more. They all seemed to be safe.
"Harry!" Molly shouted, bustling over to him.
"We worried you would still be there!" She says, clutching Harry's face.
"Thank you so much, everyone!" Harry yells, to the chattering crowd.
People nod their heads and smile. Some apparate away, but Hermione and the Weasleys stay.
"His he alright?" Ginny asks, stepping around the couch and looking at Draco.
"I don't know. Molly, would you look at him? He seems to be starved and losing some blood. I didn't know what to do when we came back, so I waited for you." Harry explains, leaning forward to feel Draco's head.
"He seems to be breathing. I clean up the bite, Ginny you make him food?" Molly says, holding Draco's wrist and feeling his pulse.
"Oh wow, he is very cold!"
"He always his," Harry sighs, frowning at Draco worriedly.
"I'll make food," Ginny says, standing up.
"Thank you," Harry smiles.
"Harry, You never told me the details about you and Draco. I support you of course, but if I am going to be risking my life for him, I should know why," Ron says, sitting in an armchair next to Harry.
"Yes, I am sorry guys," Harry sighs, and then he explains everything, from their first kiss to their last.

"That's the whole story, I promise," Harry says.
"Wait, he's the cat!" Ron yells.
"Yes," Harry laughs. glancing down at Draco, Molly had unbuttoned his shirt, to examine any injuries. His chest was covered with cuts, most of them healed. Looking at Draco made the smile melt off of Harry's face. He looked dead, his skin pale as a ghost, and hair matted to his head. Blood had seeped through his white shirt, making a sick pink color.
His breathing was ragged, and his body was tense.
"I will prepare him a bed," Harry says quickly, he can't bear to look a Draco any longer.
"Harry wait!" Ron calls after him as Harry briskly leaves the room.
The wood creaks under his feet as he climbs the stairs. The walls of the Grimmauld Place are dark and the paint is chipping. Harry comes to Sirius's old room and his breath catches in his throat. He stops and runs his hand over the wooden door. The smell of wet dog and broom polish fills his nose. Harry hesitates before he opens the door. But then enters. The bed is unmade like someone has just been there. Pictures hang crookedly on the wall, and the desk is covered with books. Harry lets out a small sob as he sees a photograph lying on the bed. It's of him, Sirius, and Remus, smiling and laughing. He remembers when they took it. The sunniest day of the year, and Remus and Sirius's anniversary. They had been married for 4 years. Harry walks to the picture and a silent tear slips down his cheek. Gripping the photo in his hand he sits at the desk. A notebook lays there, paper sticking out of it. Harry opens it, and a few letters and pictures fall out. One photo is of a young Sirius, kissing the cheek of Remus, who is grinning childishly.
A single tear slides down Harry's face and drops onto the picture. He drops the photo and wipes his eyes, turning to the letters. All of them are from Sirius to Remus, dating back to 1976, when Sirius was in school. Harry is starting to read when a sudden yell comes from downstairs.
"Harry! Harry, get down here!" Ron's voice shouts.
He quickly jumps from the chair and runs out of the room.
"Harry, it's Draco!" Ginny's voice screams.
He picks up his speed, flinging himself down the stairs. Panic shoots through his body, as he enters the living room. Draco lies on the table in the middle of the room, Ron, Ginny, and Molly gathered around him.
"What's wrong?" Harry shouts.
"His heart stopped!" Ron shrieks.
"Did you try to use a spell?" Harry asks quickly, as his tears Reappear.
"No spell can bring back someone's life, Harry," Molly says, her voice filled with sympathy.
"Use the Muggle way!" Harry shouts, running forward. Tears start to stream down his face as he pumps Draco's chest.
"One, two, three, pause. One, two, three, pause," Harry mutters.
"Harry..." Ron says quietly, reaching toward him.
"I think it's too late,"
"No! It's not too late! He can't die! I can't lose anyone else! Especially not him!" Harry sobs.
Draco lies lifeless on the table, his platinum blonde hair dull, and his hands unmoving.
"Please..." Harry whispers, clutching Draco's shirt.
"Give him space," Harry hears Molly whisper.
"I love you Draco Malfoy," Harry chokes.
Then he leans forward and presses his lips softly on Draco's.

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