Chapter 7

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Harry is in the courtyard of Hogwarts and snow is falling all around him. A white cat with blue eyes slinks up next to Harry and brushes against his side, Harry had seen this cat around it would follow him often. The cat lets out a purr and hops up onto Harry's lap. Its coat is cold and the snow is melting on its back. Harry scoops up the cat hoping it doesn't bite and walks into Hogwarts. Hopefully, Harry isn't taking someone's pet, but Harry had a feeling this cat was wild. When Harry enters the Gryffindor common room soft voices fill his ears. The cat quickly leaps out of Harry's arms and runs up the stairs into the boy's dorm. Harry follows the cat into his dorm to find it curled up in his bed. Harry had never brought this cat into his common room so he had no idea why it picked his bed. He sits down next to the cat stroking its head.
"Let me dry you off," Harry says to the cat and stands up walking to the bathroom.
When Harry returns the cat is in the same position curled up on his bed, Harry lays down a soft towel and a spare hair brush. He starts drying off the cat and brushing its fluffy long hair.
"Stay," Harry tells the cat and walks down to the common room.
"Does anyone have a bow?" Harry asks into the room.
"I do!" Lavender shouts looking up from her book
"Let me grab it," she says running up to her dorm
"Thanks!" Harry says as Lavender sets a light pink bow into Harry's palm.
"I don't like this one so you can keep it!" Lavender smiles sitting back down. Harry nods and walks back up to his dorm. The cat is now curled next to his pillow watching the doorway.
"Here you go kitty!" Harry says setting down the bow next to the cat.
"We're going to Hogsmeade in an hour and you're coming with us! I'll get you a collar there." Harry explains to the cat.
Harry likes having an animal to talk to, Hedwig was doing a lot of flying lately and he didn't get to see her often. Harry slides onto his bed next to the cat and opens his book.

A few hours pass and Harry gets ready for Hogsmeade, he grabs his coat and a basket to carry the cat in. He swiftly scoops up the cat and sets him in the heavily blanketed basket. Harry makes his way to the front doors of Hogwarts and starts to walk down the path to Hogsmeade. Ron and Hermione were staying back today to catch up on homework so Harry was alone. When he meets Hogsmeade he finds the pet store and enters. A tiny Bell rings above the door as he steps in.
"Harry Potter! What an honor!" A young woman says poking her head around a pile of boxes.
"Hello, ma'am! I am looking for a cat collar and cat supplies can you point me in their direction?" Harry asks
"Of course! Right this way." The Lady says beckoning him forward.
"This is it, Tell me if you need anything!" she says nodding
"Thank you!" Harry smiles

When Harry exits the shop he has purchased a small cat bed, cat bowl, litter box, and light pink collar to match the bow. Harry has a lot to carry so he hurries into the three broomsticks and sets his things down at an empty table.
"Harry Potter! What can I get for you?" A man asks appearing by his side
"A butterbeer please and a bowl of milk if that is possible," Harry says
"A bowl?" the man frowns
"Yes for my cat," Harry says pointing a the cat curled in the basket.
"Of course!" the man says, sweeping away.
Harry didn't know if the cat was his but no one had said anything about losing a cat so Harry assumed he could keep it. Harry thought it was a girl but he couldn't be sure. He had to think of a name, maybe Ron and Hermione could help him with that. Hopefully, his cat and Crookshanks would get along.
"Here you are, sir." the man says setting down a bowl of milk and his butterbeer on the table.
"Thank you." Harry smiles
The man nods and walks away, Harry scoops up the cat and sets him on the table in front of the bowl of milk. The cat starts to drink and Harry takes a sip of his butterbeer.
When Harry is finished he pays and puts his cat back into the basket. He walks out of the three broomsticks and starts his trek back to Hogwarts.

Harry returns to Hogwarts just before dinner and sets up his room with all his cat supplies. The cat curls up on Harry's bed and falls asleep. Harry exits the dorm hoping the cat won't leave and walks down to the great hall.
"Hey Harry!" Ron shout beckoning Harry to sit.
The great hall is loud and people bustle all around.
"Hey guys guess what!" Harry says sitting next to Ron
"What is it?" Hermione asks
"I got a cat!" Harry says
"Really?" Ron asks
"I didn't think you were a cat person." Hermione laughs
"We'll I found this cat and it's seems to have no owner so I took it in! It's really cute!" Harry explains
"Is it a boy or girl?" Hermione asks
"I don't know, actually." Harry laughs
"I'll let it settle in then I'll name it and everything," Harry says
"Okay, I hope it likes Crookshanks!" Hermione laughs.
"Yeah me to" Harry agrees.
"Where's was Malfoy today?" Ron asks suddenly.
"I don't know," Hermione says
"Maybe he went to Hogsmeade." Ron shrugs
"I don't think so, I was there too," Harry says
"Probably in his common room all day," Hermione says digging into her food.
"Yeah..." Harry says
"Oh, there he is!" Ron points to the door as Draco enters. Harry can't help but let out a sigh of relief.
Draco looks pretty good, his eyes sparkle and his Harry is fluffy and neat. His cheeks are pink like he had just been out in the snow and it looks like he had got lots of sleep. Harry pulls his eyes off Draco and continues eating.

When dinner is over Harry rushes back to his dorm excited to have Ron and Hermione meet his cat.
When he enters his dorm the cat is lying at the foot of his bed, tail over its nose.
"Oh, how adorable!" Hermione says petting the cat.
"Does It kinda look like Malfoy?" Ron asks
"Um I mean I guess," Hermione says stroking the cat's head.
"I can see it, the blue eyes and white fur," Harry says trying to suppress a smile, Harry likes the idea of his cat looking like Draco.
Hermione and Ron talk with Harry for a while and then leave to get ready for bed. Harry tries to feed his cat but it doesn't eat, he will try again tomorrow.
"I don't care that you look like Draco, I actually like it," Harry whispers to his cat before he falls asleep, letting a smile spread across his face.

Harry is sitting in a dark room and a snake is slithering toward him faster and faster as each second goes by. He hears whispering from all around him but can't spot anyone. The snake closes in and raises its head to strike.
"No! Stop! Please!" Harry yells trying to stand up but his muscles don't move.
"Please!" Harry yells once more.
Suddenly Harry is yanked out of the dream, Blue eyes stare down at him. Draco? Harry wonders but then he sees that the eyes belong to his cat. Harry sits up wiping the sweat off his face and stroking his cat's head. The cat stares at Harry for a long moment and then leaps off the bed and walks to Harry's trunk. Harry slides off his bed and follows his cat.
"What's wrong?" Harry whispers
The cat meows and scratches the trunk, Harry reluctantly opens it with a sigh.
The cat leaps inside and pulls out his invisibility cloak.
"What?" Harry whispers in confusion.
Then the cat leaps out of the trunk still holding the cloak in its mouth and prances to the dormitory door.
"Uh okay?" Harry says confused and opens the door.
The cat slips out, cloak trailing on the floor behind it.
Harry quietly walks down the stairs and follows his cat to the door of the common room.
The cat meows and scratches at the door, Harry sighs and tosses the cloak over his head.
The cat leads Harry all the way to the room of requirement and then stops at the door.
"What the actual fuck..." Harry mumbles opening the door. The room is in the form of a cozy office space from a few weeks ago. Harry turns around to shut the door. When he turns back to face the room Draco is standing there.
"Draco! What the heck are you doing here?" Harry yells.
"Uh, I have something to tell you," Draco says.
"Okay?" Harry sits down on the couch.
"I am an animagus!" Draco says quickly.
"What? You are?" Harry asks shocked.
"Yeah... thanks for the collar?" Draco says, obviously trying not to laugh
"Draco! That isn't funny! I literally spent so much money on you!" Harry yells.
"I'll pay you back!" Draco says laughing uncontrollably.
"No, it's fine." Harry huffs.
"I mean I will still be your cat if you want!" Draco says dropping onto the couch next to Harry.
"No, no that's fine. I am just annoyed!" Harry says.
"Oh come on! It's a little cool!" Draco chuckles.
"No-" Harry cuts off as he looks over at Draco who is now the cat again.
"Why did you pick the cat as your form?" Harry asks.
"I just thought cats were cool and that I could be anywhere and fit in," Draco says turning into himself
"Yeah, I guess they do fit in anywhere." Harry agrees.
"Wait! You are such a stalker! You've been following me for days!" Harry laughs.
Draco quickly turns back into the cat and jumps off the couch.
"Draco! You're not getting out of this!" Harry yells standing up and running after Draco as he jumps onto the table. Harry grabs Draco and scoops him up. Draco hisses and squirms around in Harry's grasp. Suddenly He turns back into a human and grabs Harry's waist pulling him in, Their lips meet, and Harry returns the kiss. Harry clasps his hands around Draco's neck when Draco disappears and Harry is just standing there.
"Draco I am going to kill you!" Harry shouts as the white cat leaps away.

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