Chapter 3

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Harry didn't like that Malfoy was mad at him. I mean he had always known Malfoy didn't like him but now it was different he really hated him for something Harry had done.
He is sitting at the Gryffindor table right now and they just finished morning classes. Harry is confused about why Malfoy is not at the Slytherin table this afternoon. Malfoy usually never misses meals.
"I wonder where Malfoy is," Ron says following Harry's gaze.
"We have more important things to worry about, The N.E.W.T. exams are coming up and Ron, you haven't finished the homework from a week ago!" Hermione scolds Ron in her teacher's voice.
"You said you let me copy of you!" Rob retorts.
"No, I did not-"
Harry tunes out his friends and focuses on his mushy potato salad.
" I am going to the room of requirement" Harry suddenly snaps.
"Harry, lunch is almost over Won't you be late for class?" Hermione questions.
"I'll be fine," Harry stands up.
"Okay," Hermione says wearily.

Harry frequently visits the room of requirement it helps calm his nerves. Most of the time he doesn't know what he wants the room to look like but the room always gives him something perfect.
Today the room was a cluttered but cozy office space with a soft couch a desk filled with blank papers and an old sewing machine. To Harry's surprise even a small bathroom.
He slumps down on the couch and checks his watch, 20 minutes tell the next class.
Suddenly the door slides open and someone steps in.
Harry could only see the back of them since they were closing the huge doors behind them.
They were tall, Angular, and had silky blond hair.
"Draco?" Harry breaths.
Draco whips around staring a Harry with a shocked expression.
"What I tell you about calling me that, Potter!" he snaps.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asks.
" I should ask the same of you, Chosen one. Shouldn't you be off parading with your group of dimwits?" Malfoy hisses in a mocking tone.
Harry doesn't like when people call him the "chosen one" so he especially hates it when Malfoy calls him that.
"I am just here between classes. Can you answer my question now?" Harry stands up and crosses his arms with a frown.
"Same as you. Now I will be leaving." Malfoy says sweeping out of the room.

Harry sits there for a little while in the room of requirement, thinking of what just happened.
Until he realizes his class started 2 minutes ago and it would take him another 3 to get there. He quickly exits the room and runs down to the dungeons, listening through the door to make sure he enters when the room is full of chatter.
When he walks in he spots Ron sitting near the back of the room with Hermione. Harry starts to walk towards them but then someone grabs the hood of his robe and pulls him back.
"Not so fast, potter" Snape hisses.
"So sorry sir I lost track of time," Harry says, turning to face his professor.
"For 3 days you've been five minutes late. Do have something to tell us?" Snape says gesturing to the class which has gone silent.
"No sir, just unfortunate timekeeping on my part," Harry says trying to pull away from Snape's grasp.
"30 points from Gryffindor now sit down" Snape lets go of Harry and pushes him towards an empty seat near the front.
Potions was with the Slytherins today and Malfoy sat near the back with Pansy. Harry is sitting next to Seamus.
"I'll do the work, Harry" Seamus says.
"Uh, that's fine" Harry responds.
"But you seem so out of it?" Seamus says.
"No I am fine and I don't want you blowing up the classroom!" Harry snaps.
"Geez well okay," Seamus says seeming hurt.
"Sorry, okay I am just tired" Harry sighs.
He's not sure why he's so upset today, probably has something to do with Malfoy.
The class goes by and Seamus is working on the potion. Suddenly a loud boom sounds and Harry is thrown onto the floor with a crash. The room fades into black and then out again. He sees the silhouette of 4 people crowding around him. he can identify two of them, Ron and Hermione. But the other two were unknown. One was tall and had a long cloke and the other seemed to be in in school robes. Maybe Seamus? Harry wasn't sure.
He closes his eyes and then a gentle voice speaks.
"His he alright?" the voice asked with worry.
"He'll be fine," Snapes says.
Harry still can't put a finger on the voice.
"And why do you care, Draco?" Snape asks.
Harry is shocked, Draco Malfoy is worried about him! He wants to open his eyes and talk to Malfoy but before he can sleep engulfs him.

Harry opens his eyes to the dim light of the hospital wing, Ron and Hermione sit on either side of him with worried expressions on their faces.
"Harry, you're up!" Hermione yells.
"Yeah mate you've been out for ages!" Ron laughs.
"Really that long?" Harry asks.
"Well not that long, only for 8ish hours," Hermione says.
"Oh okay, at least I missed the first N.E.W.T test!" Harry smiles.
"Well, you'll have to retake it soon," Hermione says.
Harry wondered if what he heard before he passed out was true, did Malfoy care about him?
"D- Did you hear what Malfoy said before I blacked out?" Harry asks.
"No? Did you Ron?" Hermione asks.
"He said something not sure what. Probably something smug." Ron laughs.
"Yeah," Harry sighs.
Maybe it had just been his imagination.

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