Chapter 26

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20 years later...

"Daddy!" Lilly calls from the kitchen.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Draco responds, following Lilly's voice into the kitchen.
"Scorpius won't share his chocolate frog!" Lilly whines.
"Well, he bought it," Draco says, patting the top of Lilly's head, which was covered with fluffy Brown hair.
"But I want some!" Lilly says, stamping her foot on the tiled kitchen floors.
"Let's get you a peppermint toad instead," Draco says, with a grin.
"Okay..." Lilly sighs.
"That's not fair!" Scorpius says, running into the kitchen with his chocolate frog.
"The Peppermint toad is bigger!"
"No, it's equal!" Lilly huffs.
"Calm down, calm down. Let's go check." Draco sighs, walking over to the pantry and grabbing a peppermint frog.
"It says... There the same size!" Draco lies.
"Oh, okay" Scorpius mumbles, scratching his white fluffy hair.
Suddenly Draco hears a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" Scorpius chirps, setting his half-eaten chocolate frog on the counter and running to the front door.
"Grandma!" Lilly yells, running after Scorpius.
Draco moves the chocolate frog onto a paper towel so it doesn't melt all over the counter and follows his kids to the door.
"Hey Mom," Draco says with a smile, giving Narcissa a quick hug.
"Can we go back to the magic store?" Scorpius asks.
"Nooo! I wanna go to the bakery!" Lilly whines.
"They certainly got louder over the past few days," Narcissa says with a smile.
"Definitely" Draco groans.
"I'll take them off your hands for I while. I know it's hard raising them after everything..." Narcissa says, shooting a nervous glance at Scorpius and Lilly.
"Yes, thank you," Draco says with a grateful sigh.
"Bye kiddos, Daddy loves you!" Draco says, kissing Scorpius and Lilly on their foreheads.
"Bye!" Lilly chirps, running out of the front door with Scorpius.
Draco slowly makes his way to his bedroom and pushes the door open. The floor was covered with half-folded laundry mostly from Scorpius and Lilly.
An old family painting that Narcissa had gotten for him, hung above the bed, with Him, Harry, Lilly, and Scorpius.
Draco tried to stop the tears from welling up in his eyes but he couldn't. Harry had died 2 years ago and it had been extremely hard on Draco since that's when they had just gotten the kids from Luna and Neville. A month after they got Scorpius and Lilly, Harry passed away from a rare disease.
Scorpius is 5 years old and Lilly is 4, they barely can remember Harry which is what hurts Dracon the most. Draco loves Lilly and Scorpius so much and he loved Harry so much too. He still remembers Harry lying in this exact bed, clutching Draco's hand. The doctor told Draco that the death had been quick and probably painless. Which gave Draco a small amount of closure. He just wished he could have driven Harry to a hospital. But their home is so far away from one and is hidden in the countryside. The doctor said it would have probably been too late even if Draco had gotten Harry to the hospital.

Draco opens his bedside table drawer and pulls out the only thing that still smells like Harry, his Gryffindor scarf that he would wear even after he graduated Hogwarts because he was so proud of his house.
Draco clutches the scarf and lets the tears fall. He slides down onto his bed and lets out a choked sob.
He then curls up on the blankets and tries to fall asleep.

"Draco, we're home!" Narcissa yells from the front door, jolting Draco awake.
He realizes he is still clutching Harry's scarf and he quickly stuffs it back into the drawer. Then he wipes the dried snot and tears off his face with a tissue and runs to greet his kids.
"How was it?" Draco asks, meeting Scorpius and Lilly at the door.
"It was great, we got some treats and saw Fred and George at the store," Narcissa says, answering for Scorpius and Lilly because they have lolly pops in their mouths.
"I am glad!" Draco says with a smile.
"Did you get some sleep?" Narcissa whispers as they walk into the kitchen.
"Yes," Draco answers.
"Thank you"
"Of course, I know it's been hard," Narcissa says with a sad smile, tucking Draco's hair behind his ear.
"Yeah, it has been" Draco sighs, turning away from his mother before she can see the tears welling up in his eyes.
"Let's see what trouble the kids are up to now" Narcissa laughs, following Scorpius and Lilly into the living room.
Draco takes a seat at the kitchen counter and wipes the tears from his eyes.
"Is Daddy alright?" Draco hears Lilly ask from the living room.
"Yes, he is just a little tired," Draco hears Narcissa respond.
Draco takes a deep breath, runs his fingers through his hair, and enters the living room, plastering a smile onto his face.
"See, Daddy's alright!" Narcissa says, with a smile.
"Yes, I am alright,"

That's it for this fanfic thank you so much for the support! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to give feedback!
Thank you,
-Your Author

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