Chapter 6

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Draco opens his eyes to the early morning light drifting in through the window, he checks his watch and it reads 5;20. He glances down and spots a fluffy black pile of hair sticking out from a pile of blankets.
"Oh my god! Oh my god, Harry wake up!" Draco shouts shaking Harry's shoulders.
"What?" Harry mumbles rubbing his eyes.
"We fell asleep! What if someone sees us!" Draco yells.
"Too late..." A voice laughs behind them.
Draco whips his head around to find Blaise sitting on an armchair behind them.
"I can explain!" Draco says stumbling to his feet.
"No need! I knew you were gay for Potter!" Blaise chuckles.
"Has anyone else seen us?" Draco asks in a rush.
"Nope, your good." Blaise says.
"Blaise, if you are really my friend, please! Please don't tell anybody!" Draco pleads.
"Oh I won't if you tell me when this started!" Blaise says smiling.

Draco explains the whole thing to Blaise and Harry slips on his invisibility cloak and slides back out the door.
"So what are you? Boyfriends?" Blaise asks Draco as he gets ready for breakfast.
"I don't know, we didn't make anything official," Draco says.
"Well, have you kissed?" Blaise presses.
"Uh yeah, two times I mean you could say three."
Draco says his face flushing.
"Haha that's so funny you and Potter!" Blaise laughs.
"Draco and Potter what?" A voice asks from the doorway of the bathroom.
"Uh me and him have duels." Draco quickly lies.
"Pansy what are you doing up here it's the boys bathroom?" Blaise asks.
"Oh I just wanted to see what you guys were up to." Pansy laughs and walks away.
"But really don't tell anyone!" Draco whispers to Blaise once Pansy is out of earshot.
"Oh, I won't! But you have to promise to tell me all the drama, I mean it's a secret relationship there's gonna be drama." Blaise chuckles knotting his tie and walking out of the room.
Draco hopes Blaise isn't right but he can already see how awkward it would be to act like he hated Harry.

Draco enters the great hall and sits down next to Blaise. He scans across the room trying to spot Harry.
"Trying to find your boyfriend?" Blaise whisper laughs.
"Stop it!" Draco says shoving him in the stomach.
"I was just trying to help! He's over there." Blaise says pointing to Hermione, Ron, and Harry sitting clustered at the end of the Gryffindor table.
Draco can't help but hold his breath and try to take in everything about Harry.
"Geez Draco if you keep staring at Potter like that someone will think you are in love with him!" Blaise says kicking Draco's shin under the table.
"Ow- I mean he wishes I was in love with him." Draco tries to sneer but his friends ignore him and go back to talking.
"No need to kick me! I would have stopped staring!" Draco Huffs glaring at Blaise.
"Oh yeah stopped staring in an hour!" Blaise chuckles.
Draco lifts his head and meets Harry's eyes from across the room, he wants to smile but he can't show anyone how he feels. Draco gives a slight nod and then looks back down at his food.
"Oh very subtle Draco, very subtle!" Blaise snorts.
"You really need to stop!" Draco says annoyed.
"Oh come on it's funny!" Blaise laughs.
"It's not!" Draco protests.
"Okay okay, I'll stop," Blaise says rolling his eyes.
"Let's just go to class." Draco huffs and stands up.
They would have to pass Harry to get to the door so Draco tries to muster a normal face.
Harry is a few feet away and Draco fixes his gaze on the floor. When Draco sweeps by Harry he hears Ron mumble.
"What's his problem?"
"I don't know." Draco hears Harry sigh as he exits the great hall. What if Harry was mad that Draco let them fall asleep? What if he would never talk to him again?
Blaise and Draco are walking in an empty hallway when Draco hears a voice.
"Draco wait up!" the voice says out of breath.
Draco whips around and finds Harry running up the hallway.
"Geez you walk fast!" Harry pants.
Draco's not sure how to react. Blaise knew that Harry and Draco liked each other so maybe Draco could show affection.
Draco quickly walks forward and grabs Harry's face pulling him in, Their lips meet, and Harry's eyes go wide then he returns the kiss.
"Well, now I feel like a third wheel." Blaise laughs as Draco and Harry break apart.
"Oh don't feel bad Blaise, Do want me to give you a kiss?" Harry laughs.
"Please don't" Draco sighs.
"Aw, you're jealous!" Harry says poking Draco.
"No!" Draco face flushes.
"Okay, really guys do want me to leave?" Blaise laughs.
"No, no it's fine we have to go to class anyway." Draco says.
"Yeah I just wanted to say none of my friends know so don't you talk to them about us please." Harry explains.
"Yeah, I won't, bye," Draco says.
Harry turns and walks away and Draco stares after him for a moment.
"You really do like him?" Blaise asks staring at Draco intensely.
"Yeah I guess I do... sadly." Draco sighs.
"Why sadly?" Blaise asks starting to walk down the hallway.
"We'll it will never work!" Draco says.
"Why? Maybe people will exept you! Like I did!" Blaise says hopefully.
"Maybe..." Draco sighs.
Blaise didn't know about his father even though he was Draco's closest friend. So Draco couldn't tell Blaise that the real reason he was worried was that if Lucius found out about Harry, Harry could get killed.

Their last class was Divination with the Gryffindors and Draco was dreading it because Harry and Draco were Partners. When Draco enters the room he slowly makes his way to the most private table and sits, waiting for Harry.
"Hey, Dr— Malfoy," Harry says sitting down across from Draco.
"Hello, Potter," Draco says attempting a sneer.
"Well this feels weird..." Harry whispers.
"Stop being so obvious!" Draco hisses.
"How am I being obvious?" Harry asks.
"I don't know You're looking at me weird!" Draco says.
"Oh, I am!" Harry laughs blinking rapidly at Draco.
"Stop!" Draco says closing his eyes and trying not to smile.
"All right! Today we are going to look into our crystal balls and find out whose hearts belong with who! Most of you will see strangers some of you will see friends or partners. So one partner close your eyes and imagine a heart well the other partner waits there turn." Professor Trelawany says.
"I'll do it," Harry says.
Draco nods and watches as students close their eyes.
Harry's curly hair pushes against his glasses and Draco can't help but stare at Harry. Everything about him was so perfect, so rich. Harry was the complete opposite of Draco and he loved that.
Suddenly the Crystal ball swirls and Draco pops up on the ball.
"What- What does that mean?" Draco whispers poking Harry.
"I don't know," Harry says opening his eyes .
"Maybe I should ask." Harry starts to raise his hand but Draco quickly pulls it down.
"No! I think I know what it means." Draco says.
"What?" Harry asks.
"That- that you're my heart's match..." Draco whispers.
"Oh..." Harry says.
"I mean good! It's good" Harry says meeting Draco's eyes with a smile.
"What did everyone get?" Trelawany asks
People say their answers some people gasp and smile and some people do nothing.
"A Random girl" Harry mumbles when it's his turn.
Soon it was Draco's turn and Harry's image swirled up onto the crystal ball.
"That's what I thought" Harry chuckles.
Draco swats at Harry, But he can't stop a smile from spreading onto his face.

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