Chapter 5

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Harry got a lot of weird looks when he was walking through the hallway with Draco in his arms. Draco was weirdly light even though he was taller than Harry. The Hospital Wing was pretty far away and Harry had been very tempted to leave Draco in the Room of Requirement and wake for him to get up.
"Potter!" A voice shouts behind him almost making Harry drop Draco.
"Do you care to explain why you are carrying Draco and why you and he missed potions class today?" Snape says coming up from behind Harry.
Harry wasn't exactly sure what to say but he knew that telling the truth wouldn't work.
"We had a fight, and I Knocked him out." Harry lies.
"Give him to me Potter and 100 points off of Gryffindor!" Snape says.
Harry knew arguing wouldn't do anything, so he let Snape take Draco and points off of Gryffindor.
Harry quickly went to his next class but couldn't help thinking about Draco. It was weird to care for Draco, the kiss really had changed a lot.
Harry didn't know what to tell his friends, he didn't think Ron would react well. But if they knew the whole story maybe things would be different.
"What's wrong mate? I heard you had a duel!" Ron asks tapping Harry.
"Oh yeah, it was great, the duel," Harry replies with as much happiness as he can manage.
"What spells did you cast?" Ron asks excitedly.
"Fun ones" Harry mumbles
"Like what!" Ron asks annoyed.
"Uhh, Stupefy" Harry lies.
"Awesome!" Ron yells.
"You know I never did stupefy but I did-"
Harry tunes Ron out and replays the kiss over and over in his mind. Harry didn't even know if he did like Draco but his feeling of hate was gone. Draco had told him so much and it felt like he was a whole new person.

The Classes are over for the day and Harry heads straight to dinner, Draco is sitting with his back to Harry. He seems very interested in his food, Harry wonders if he's mad at Him, but he knows there
Nothing he can do if he is.
When dinner ends Harry walks back to his dorm and slumps into an armchair by the fire. For some reason, he wanted to walk around the castle. So he goes up to his room and slides on his invisibility cloak. The common room is empty because almost all the Gryffindorors are out by the lake enjoying the sunset. Harry exits the common room and finds himself walking down to the Slytherin common room. Harry had no idea what the password was so he would have to wait for a Slytherin to enter and then slip in. To his luck, Crab was walking down the hallway.
"Pure blood" Crab whispers and the doors swing open.
Harry steps forward trying not to laugh at the code.
Pansy, Blaise, Theodore, and Draco sit around the fire. Harry's breath catches in his throat when he sees Draco, His blonde hair looks so perfect sitting on top of Draco's head and his grey-blue eyes stare into the fire.
"Hey Crab! Your finally here!" Blaise says looking up at Crab who is making his way down the stairs.
Draco lifts his eyes off the fire and seems to force a smile onto his face when Crab sits down next to him.
"So how are we going to get back at Potter for knocking out Draco!" Pansy asks excitedly.
Harry nearly falls down the stairs as he hears his name, his feet squeak on the stairs as he tries to balance.
"Did you hear that?" Draco mumbles staring at a place just to the left of where Harry is standing.
"No?" Theodore says looking up from his book.
"It's probably nothing," Draco says his eyes lingering on the stairs for a moment.
"What about Potter knocking me out?" Draco asks confused.
"He Stupefyed you?" Pansy says staring at Draco suspiciously.
"He didn't- Oh yeah, sorry I remember," Draco says with a laugh seeming to put the pieces together, that it was Harry's lie.
"Maybe you hit your head," Pansy says walking over to Draco and feeling his forehead.
Harry quickly pushes any jealous thoughts out of his head and goes to sit on the floor a good few feet away from the Slytherins.
"Any way we should get back at him!" Pansy says sitting back down next to Theodore.
"Sure, sure pans." Blaise laughs.
"Maybe we'll do a rematch sometime," Draco says glancing over his shoulder, right at Harry.
Harry holds his breath and stares a the floor until Draco looks away.

The night goes by fast and the Slytherins only mention his name a few more times. Once it's past Ten they start to trickle into their rooms and get ready for bed.
But Draco stays until the whole room is empty and you can only hear the fire crackling.
"Potter?" Draco asks in a hushed tone.
"Potter, Potter are you here?" He asks again.
Draco waits for a moment and then stands up and starts to walk to his dorm.
"I thought I was Harry?" Harry laughs ripping off his invisibility cloak.
Draco whips his head around and stares at Harry with a shocked expression on his face.
"I thought I was talking to air!" Draco chuckles, walking back to the fire and sitting down beckoning Harry to do the same.
"So I see you have an invisibility cloak," Draco says gesturing to the cloth folded up in Harry's arms.
"Yep!" Harry's says flinging the cloak over his head
"Geez, stop that's freaky!" Draco smiles.
Harry silently sneaks up behind Draco and grabs his head pulling him back.
Draco let's out a small scream, and try's to push Harry off.
"What the hell is going on?" Theodore says suddenly in the door way.
"Oh! Uh an ash burned me." Draco lies.
"Um okay, goodnight?" Theodore says turning around and walking back into the dorm.
Harry realizes his hands are still holds Draco's head and he quickly removes them feeling his face flush.
"Take that dumb thing off" Draco chuckles.
"Oh come on you think it's cool!" Harry says pulling of the Cloak.
"No, definitely not. It's Creepy." Draco says.
"Try it on!" Harry laughs shoving the cloak into Draco's hands.
"Uh, okay will I still be able to see you?" Draco asks.
"Of course!" Harry smiles.
Draco stands up and reluctantly tosses the cloak onto his head.
The cloak quickly covers Draco's body, and suddenly Harry seems to be alone. Harry looks around trying to find Draco but he's nowhere to be seen.
"Draco?" Harry whispers.
The room is silent, and Harry hopes that Draco hasn't stolen the cloak. Maybe it was a bad idea to trust Draco.
"Draco, Draco where are you? You're freaking me out!" Harry says glancing around the room.

Suddenly Harry feels hands on his face and Draco's head appears, then his whole body.
Draco slides the cloak to the ground and pulls Harry in, Draco's chapped lips meet his and Harry feels everything in his stomach flip upside down. Draco grabs Harry's face so hard it almost hurts and when they finally break apart, Draco's eyes sparkle, and Harry can't help but pull him in once more.
"How is this happening?" Draco asks breaking away from Harry and sliding onto the ground.
"I don't know..." Harry says staring at Draco trying to take in every detail of his face.
"Stop looking at me like that, Potter!" Draco mumbles.
"Like what?" Harry asks surprised.
"Like- like a puppy!" Draco says face flushing red.
Harry smiles and slides down next to Draco. Harry cups Draco's face with his hands and stares into his soft blue eyes.
"I don't know what this is- what we are but I do know that you, Draco Malfoy are different and I wish everyone could see that." Harry smiles.

Harry and Draco had been talking for hours and it was currently 3:47 AM but Harry wanted to stay nestled into Draco forever.
"My friends probably were wondering where I was when they came back to the common room," Harry whispers looking up at Draco's face silhouetted by firelight.
"Let them wonder. The Chosen One can do whatever he wants, or that's what I heard." Draco smirks.
"What do I tell them, my friends? The truth?" Harry asks.
"Merlins beard, no! They hate me so much!" Draco chuckles.
"They don't hate you!" Harry says laughing.
"They hate me," Draco says bluntly.
"Hermione would like you I think if she knew who you really were," Harry says.
"Do you know who I am?" Draco asks in a soft voice.
"I don't know. I've known you for Six years but I feel like after we talked in the room of requirement everything has changed." Harry says.
"The only thing that has changed is that we're snogging now!" Draco laughs.
"No that's not just it! I know things about you!" Harry retorts.
"Oh like what? My favorite color, wow you really must be the love of my life." Draco jokes.
"Well, I do know your favorite color is red! Not green like everyone thinks, you like how bold red is." Harry says poking Draco in the chest.
"How- how did you know that?" Draco stutters.
"I watch you draw, whenever you sit in front of me in class I like to look at your doodles. They're pretty and I've always noticed how much red you use." Harry confesses face turning pink.
"Oh wow, you really are obsessed with me Potter." Draco laughs.
"I know more than your favorite color. I know that you like to go to the second floor girls bathroom to be alone and I know that you talk to moaning Myrtle, or at least I am guessing you do." Harry says.
"How? How do you know I go there?" Draco asks shocked.
"Because- because I have this magic map and it shows me where people are in Hogwarts and- and I like to..."
"Like to what Potter?" Draco asks amused.
"I like to watch you." Harry mumbles just above a whisper.
"That's, that's I don't know creepy?" Draco laughs.
"Creepy?" Harry sighs.
"Maybe a little cute." Draco chuckles.
Harry grins and snuggles into Draco even more.
"But really Harry how is this- We going to work?" Draco asks softly.
"I don't know, but let's not talk about that now just live in the moment!" Harry says muffled against Draco's chest.
"Well okay if you say so..." Draco sighs stroking Harry's hair.

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