Chapter 8

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Draco's white paws click against the concrete as he walks up to Gryffindor's common room. Draco loves being an animagus because he can be with Harry whenever he wants without anyone judging him.
Harry named Draco's cat form Dray and he's not sure how to feel about it, he thinks maybe it's too obvious that it's Draco but Harry thinks it's fine.
"Hi, Dray!" Hermione says scooping Draco up.
This is the bad side of acting like a pet, Hermione and Ron always hold him.
"Oh, Dray's here!" Harry yells, excitedly taking Draco from Hermione.
"Sorry," Harry whispers to Draco as he walks into his dorm.
Whenever Draco tries to talk as cat it always comes out in a purr or hiss, so he usually stops trying.
Harry had promised he would do his best to not let anyone hold Draco and so far he was failing at keeping it.
"You know I wondering if you could talk to animals? Like when out in your animagus form." Harry asks.
Draco nods his head, whenever he talks to animals they seem to respond normally and he can understand them like English.
"That's awesome!" Harry shouts.
Draco quickly leaps off the bed and turns into a human, It feels weird to stand upright and he wobbles for a second.
"You know you ask too many questions, Harry." Draco sighs.
"They're gonna see you!" Harry laughs.
"It's fine." Draco rolls his eyes.
"Okay turn back, Let's walk around the castle before our classes start," Harry says
"All right, all right." Draco sighs and quickly changes back into a cat.

Draco and Harry were in the room of requirement now and it was in their favorite form.
"You know it's really annoying that my stupid ties ripped, and we all know it's your fault!" Harry says dropping his Gryffindor Tie on the table.
"I didn't mean to rip it!" Draco laughs sliding onto the couch.
"I guess I could use a spell but I am too lazy to," Harry says.
"Here I'll sew it!" Draco suggests standing up and walking over to the old sewing machine sitting on the table.
"You know how to sew?" Harry asks surprised.
"Yeah, and my tie has a cut in it anyway so I'll fix that too," Draco says, setting up the sewing machine.
"Alright, don't ruin my tie please," Harry says sitting on the other side of the table.
Draco finishes fixing his tie first and then Harry's.
"You know I wonder what you would look like as a Gryffindor!" Harry laughs.
"Not good! Red is not my color." Draco says.
"Oh come on try it on!" Harry says pushing the Gryffindor tie towards Draco.
"Okay, as long as you try on the Slytherin tie!" Draco laughs knotting the tie around his neck.
"Fine, fine," Harry says doing the same.
"Oh, you would be a good Slytherin!" Draco says observing Harry.
"And you a great Gryffindor!" Harry laughs.
"Class starts in twenty minutes, what do you wanna do?" Draco asks checking his watch.
"Please teach me how to sew!" Harry asks.
"Sure!" Draco laughs.

When it's Ten minutes before class starts Harry leaves the room of requirement. Draco waits for Harry to be long gone and then starts to make his way down to the Dungeons. Before Draco enters the room he glances down and sees a Gryffindor tie sitting on his neck. Draco and Harry had forgotten to return each other's ties before class! He really hoped Harry had changed his tie or there could be huge problems. Draco quickly turns into his cat form so he can run through the hallways without being noticed and sprints back to the Slytherin common room. He changes the Gryffindor tie for a spare Slytherin one and runs back down to the classroom.
Luckily he was fast enough to only be one minute late. When Draco enters the room it's full of chatter. Everyone seems to be working on potions, and Draco sits unnoticed next to Blaise.
"You care to explain why Potter was wearing a Slytherin tie?" Blaise whispers.
"That isn't mine." Draco lies, trying to stop his face from flushing.
"Don't lie, I know it was yours, and besides you are never late! Not even a minute so I am guessing you went to switch your tie." Blaise says.
"Okay it was mine, Harry wanted to see what I looked like as a Gryffindor so we switched," Draco explains.
"You know everyone is wondering who the tie belongs to, you better make sure they don't suspect you," Blaise says, dropping frog guts into their potion.
"I will. Maybe I'll do something really mean and make everyone see that I hate him." Draco whispers.
"Okay but keep your eyes under control." Blaise laughs.
"My eyes?" Draco asks confused.
"Yes! Even when you say mean things to him you always show how you truly feel in your eyes!" Blaise says exasperated.
"No, I don't!" Draco huffs.
"Uh yeah, you do! You look like you are a blind man seeing light for the first time!" Blaise chuckles.
Draco focuses on his textbook and tries to ignore his face turning bright red.

When Potions class ends Draco walks out into the courtyard where students are clustered. The snow had been starting to melt and everyone was enjoying the last bits of winter. Draco thinks this would be a perfect moment to make everyone see and believe Draco and Harry hated each other.
"So Potter, who is this secret Slytherin?" Draco sneers stepping in front of Harry. Harry's eyes gleam when they meet his and Draco tries to suppress a smile. Harry was so perfect and Draco didn't ever want to ruin their relationship by saying something rude. Hopefully, Harry would understand that Draco had to do this.
"Why do you want to know? Jealous?" Harry says eyes sparkling.
"More like discussed! Why would anyone like you Potter?" Draco spits.
"Maybe because I am beautiful!" Harry chuckles.
He really his beautiful Draco thinks, staring into Harry's bright green eyes.
"Ha, you wish you were!" Draco says advancing on Harry.
"You know Malfoy I think you're just sad that no one loves you," Harry spits, staring up at Draco.
Draco flinches and steps back from Harry, letting a frown spill onto his face. He didn't mean it, he didn't mean it! Draco repeats in his head.
"You believe that if you want Potter." Draco manages to say and then disappears into the crowd.

Draco sits through a few more boring classes and then disappears to his common room. Dinner was in an hour and Draco hoped to finish some homework.
"I think you should talk to Potter," Blaise says appearing next to Draco.
"Why?" Draco asks.
"Because you're obviously mad at him!" Blaise answers.
"I am not-" Draco cuts off realizing Blaise would see right through him.
"Yeah, I am." Draco sighs.
"So go talk to him! I'll lie for you." Blaise says pushing Draco toward the common room door.
"Okay, okay I'll go!" Draco laughs.
"Good," Blaise says.
Draco exits the dorm and swiftly turns into his cat form. When Draco arrives at the Gryffindor common room it's full of chatter.
"Dray!" Harry laughs scooping Draco up.
Draco hisses and leaped out of Harry's arms onto the couch.
"Oh, you're mad," Harry whispers sitting next to Draco.
"Everyone is going out to the courtyard want to come Harry?" Ron asks popping up next to them.
"No that's fine, you go," Harry responds.
"All right!" Ron says exiting the dorm with all the Gryffindors.
"You can be a human, We're alone and we need to talk." Harry sighs.
Draco obliges and turns back into a human.
"I am not that mad. It just kind of dug deep, what you said." Draco says.
"I am sorry, I just wanted to make sure everyone didn't suspect the tie came from you," Harry explains.
"It really is fine, I didn't just come to talk to you about that. I missed you." Draco says face flushing.
"I missed you too." Harry laughs leaning in and letting their lips meet. Draco runs his fingers through Harry's hair and lets a smile creep onto Draco's face.
"Um... Harry?" a voice asks from the doorway.
Draco quickly jumps back from Harry and falls over the back of the couch with a crash.
"Oh! Hermione, hi!" Draco hears Harry say in a high-pitched voice.
"Was that- who was-" Hermione stutters.
"Uh... no one?" Harry tries to lie.
"Harry is that who I think it is?" Hermione asks.
"Um no, I mean who?" Harry says.
"Harry, please don't lie," Hermione asks.
Harry leans over to the couch.
"Should I tell her?" He whispers.
"Stop." Draco hisses swiping at Harry's face.
"Harry I think I already saw her face, is it Luna?" Hermione asks.
Draco tries to cover his laughs, him, Luna Lovegood?
"Uh... yeah?" Harry says also trying to hold back his laughter.
"Okay, then why are you laughing?" Hermione asks confused.
"I don't care if you're with Luna!"
"She gonna figure out eventually, you said she was smart!" Draco whispers to Harry.
"It's not Luna..." Harry sighs.
"Oh! Well, who? I don't care who you're with Harry!" Hermione says.
"You might!" Harry laughs.
"Harry just tell me! Who is she?" Hermione asks exasperated.
"It's he..." Harry corrects.
"Uh, hi Hermione..." Draco says standing up.
"Merlin's beard! Malfoy?" Hermione yells stumbling back.
"Yeah, this is gonna be hard to explain." Harry laughs, scratching his head.
"Your snogging Malfoy!" Hermione says aghast.
"Well, yeah, I mean he is a good person I promise! You just don't know the full story!" Harry says.
"Sorry for being a prick." Draco sighs.
"Um, thanks? Harry, please tell me the full story!" Hermione says eagerly.
Draco quietly exits the common room and slips into his dorm. For once he feels like he'll be able to sleep so he collapses on his bed and lets the dream world engulf him.

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