Chapter 18

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Draco's eyes sting and the room is blurry around him. Voices come from outside the door one sad and one harsh, his mother and father. Once the room comes into focus he realizes he is in his bedroom.
A green Slytherin banner hangs on the wall and the smell of broom polish fills the air. Draco's room is always neat, papers are stacked on the table perfectly. He has OCD and everything in his room has to be looking and working the best it can for him to fall asleep.
His bed is soft under him, softening the pain in his body. Is father had knocked him out on the way back from Hogwarts. Lucius had said his face was too hard to look at. Draco's head throbbed and his ears rang. The room is too cold and Draco is shivering.
He is still in his Hogwarts robes, the cloth wrapped around him like a hug.
"Draco, The Dark Lord wishes to speak with you," Lucius says, opening the door.
Draco's gut twists as he imagines talking face-to-face with You-Know-who, The Man who had tried to kill Harry multiple times.
"Yes, Father," Draco mumbles, sliding off his bed.
"I will escort him," Narcissa says, entering the room.
Draco lets out a sigh of relief and follows his mother out of the door.
"Draco, what made you love Harry Potter If you truly do?" His mother asks in a quiet voice.
"Mother, I am not exactly sure why I love him. Maybe something to do with the fact I am now more unlike Father," Draco whispers.
"So you love him for your own reasons?" Narcissa presses.
"No, I love him because he makes me whole," Draco responds.
His mind is now flooding with memories, the first time Draco and Harry had kissed. When They said I love you. The feeling of relief when Draco realized he could share his thoughts and feelings without someone calling him weak.
"I see," Narcissa says, studying Draco's face.
"Good luck Draco, I love you," She whispers, stopping at the door to the meeting room.
"I love you too Mother," Draco says.

The Malfoy Meeting Room is cold, colder than Draco's bedroom. The Dark Lord sits at the end of the long black table, Nagini snaked around his chair.
"Draco, sit down," He hisses, gesturing to a chair next to his.
"Of course, my lord." Draco mumbles, pulling the seat from the table and sitting.
"I don't partially care what is going on with you and Harry Potter, unlike your father. Though I do need information, you see. So tell me where is he staying over the summer?" The Dark Lord hisses, clasping his hands on the table.
"He didn't tell me, my lord." Draco lies, a shudder rippling through his body.
"Draco, my boy, don't lie," He hisses.
"I would never my lord," Draco says, his hands shaking under the table.
"Oh but you already have," The Dark lord snarls.
Suddenly the door opens and Lucius walks in.
"Sit down and be quiet or leave," Voldemort snaps, to Lucius.
Draco's father nods his head and finds a seat.
"Let's try this again, where will Harry Potter be staying?" The Dark Lord asks, pulling out his wand.
"I d-don't know," Draco stutters.
"Crucio!" Voldemort yells.
Draco's body writhes with pain and lightning bolts of fear shoot through him. His body shakes uncontrollably and he lets out a scream.
Suddenly Draco's body lifts from the chair, and he floats above the table, just like muggles have when getting tortured by You-Know-Who.
"Where will he be?" The Dark Lord asks again.
Draco stays quiet, as the pain reduces. He can't tell Voldemort about Harry, he would never love Draco as he had before.
"Crucio!" Voldemort yells again.
Draco's body starts shaking once more and his vision goes blurry. Suddenly his body drops from the air, onto the table. Draco hears a small "crack crack crack," in his ribs, and his vision goes black.

Draco is sitting in his room, tears streaming down his face. He had been forced to tell The Dark Lord about Harry's whereabouts over the summer. Lucius was disappointed with Draco and hadn't fed him in a week. His body felt dead, and soon it could be. His hands constantly shook and his confidant demeanor was gone. It was officially summer holiday, and Harry would be at the Weasley's right now. Draco was dreading the moment he heard about what the death eaters were planning to do.
"Draco, come with me," Lucius hisses, suddenly entering the room.
He tries to wipe his tears away and steps off his bed.
"Of course Father," Draco says in a hoarse voice.
"Crying like a 3-year-old, are we?" Lucius snarls, rapping Draco sharply across the face with his cane.
"Father..." Draco sniffs, as more tears run down his face.
"Follow me, don't say a word," Lucius says, exiting the room.
Draco nods his head, following his father to the Malfoy Manor Meeting Room.
"He's just a boy!" His mother's voice shouts from inside the room.
"He is 16. Soon to be seventeen in a few weeks," The Dark Lord's voice hisses.
Lucius grabs Draco's risk, pulling him into the room.
Sitting around the table are all the death eaters.
"Draco," Narcissa chokes, reaching toward him.
Draco's mother is sitting in a chair with a visible binding spell keeping her there.
"Be quiet!" The Dark Lord snaps.
"Draco, will you help your aunt take down little Potter?" Bellatrix asks with a cruel smile.
"No!" Draco shouts, trying to turn to exit.
Lucius grabs his collar, pushing him into the room further.
"No? No!" Bellatrix shouts.
"Then we'll have to do it this way," The Dark Lord snarls, pointing his wand at Draco.
"Stop!" Draco shouts, backing up.
"Imperio!" Voldemort yells, his words snaking into Draco's ears.
Suddenly his throat closes and Draco is caught, his mind can think but his muscles don't listen.
"Come now Draco," Lucius whispers, grabbing Draco's arm.
Black fog whips around Draco's eyes as they travel.
His father and the other death eaters are on their way to the Weasleys, to kill Harry Potter.

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