Chapter 1

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"Hey, who the heck are you? And why are you in my room?" Freen questioned the girl, clutching a blanket around herself and holding a broom. "How did you even get in here?"

The girl widened her eyes, taking in her surroundings. She stretched like she had just woken up and flashed a sweet smile at Freen. Standing up, she made Freen take a step back, then approached her. The girl gave a polite bow and apologized for intruding.

The girl's behavior felt like something out of a different time. Her white dress seemed old-fashioned but still looked surprisingly beautiful and sturdy.

"I'm—" the girl began introducing herself, but then paused.

Freen furrowed her brows, watching as the girl scanned the room, seemingly struggling to recall her own name. This girl was seriously odd, Freen thought.

"I actually forgot my own name. Weird, right?" the girl started, her gaze roaming around the room.

Freen couldn't stand the awkwardness, especially since she was only wrapped in a blanket. She needed to get this girl out of her room.

"Wait, do you know my name?" the girl asked in a British-sounding accent, but Freen couldn't care less about her accent.

"Are you kidding? Why would I ask for your name if I knew it?" Freen retorted, urging the girl to leave her room.

The girl looked confused, taking a step toward Freen.

"Need help fixing your dress?" She reached for the blanket, but Freen clung to it tightly.

"Stop! You'll see me naked!" Freen exclaimed, causing the girl to back off and release her grip on the fabric. "Just go, right now!"

Nodding, the girl lowered her head and exited. Freen let out a relieved sigh and headed to the bathroom to compose herself. Phew, that was a close call. Almost had a stranger see her naked.

Once she was dressed, Freen returned to confront the name-forgetting girl. She found her reading one of her collection books, handling it gently. Surprisingly, Freen didn't get as mad as she usually did when someone touched her stuff.

Freen was an author who stayed hidden from the public eye. Only her editor knew about her personality and appearance. It was like she was a mysterious author that everyone wanted to meet. But truth be told, she preferred solitude with her pen and paper.

"You're into Tom Sawyer?" Freen inquired.

The girl shook her head, still engrossed in the book as if she understood every word.

Old books could have complicated language, and even Freen sometimes struggled to grasp it. But this girl acted like she had it all figured out.

"It was still unfinished when I last read it. Funny how it's completed now," the girl mused. "Oh, and I remember my name."

Freen glanced at her, waiting for the answer. "So, what's your name?"

"Becky. I'm Becky," she smiled, closing the book and placing it back where she found it before settling on the couch.

Freen was puzzled. Becky was Tom Sawyer's love interest in the book, but their personalities seemed worlds apart. Maybe she just got the name from the book to throw Freen off her trail.

"Alright, Becky. Where's your family, and how did you end up in my room?" Freen probed.

"I'm not sure. I got into a capsule I created, and then I woke up here," Becky sighed, once again glancing around.

Freen could tell she was uneasy in this unfamiliar setting, hence all the looking around.

"What capsule? And what kind of institute are you from?" Freen asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

This girl was definitely out there. Who steps into a capsule and winds up in someone's room? It was only 2023; nobody had discovered anything like that.

With a sigh, Freen looked at her with a mix of frustration and disappointment. She was too pretty to be completely crazy.

"Science Institute, you mean? Armstrong Lab. My brother's a scientist, and he helped me—" Becky began explaining before Freen cut her off.

"Enough of the science talk. There's nothing like that here. And don't even tell me you're related to Neil Armstrong. He passed away a decade ago!" Freen exclaimed.

"I don't know him," Becky added innocently, looking at Freen.

Freen raked her hands through her hair in frustration. She couldn't handle this anymore. It was time to involve the police and let them sort out this girl. Another hour with her, and Freen would go crazy.

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