Chapter 10

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After hearing what Becky blurted out, Freen sprang to her feet, accidentally knocking her head against Becky's. Becky was staring at her with an intense gaze.

"Sorry, my bad," Freen quickly apologized, glancing at Becky's forehead. "Did that hurt?"

Becky shot her a glare. "Does it seem like it didn't hurt? Obviously, it hurts!" She pouted and rubbed her forehead.

Removing her hand, Freen examined it. Indeed, the spot where she'd bumped Becky was red – she had bumped her pretty hard. Even Freen's own forehead stung from the impact, but her focus was on Becky's discomfort.

Well, it wasn't entirely Freen's fault. Becky had spouted some nonsense again. If she weren't just a grown-up and not a kid at heart, she might have believed her. But by the way she acted, it was clear she was young at heart. Freen guessed Becky was still in her early 20s.

"Allow me," Freen offered, leaning in as if to plant a kiss on Becky's forehead. She'd read somewhere that kids liked it when someone older kissed their boo-boos as if it could magically make them feel better.

Becky, however, was taken aback by Freen's gesture. Did she just get a kiss? And why did it actually feel like it helped? She remained quiet after the kiss, gazing at Freen with innocent eyes.

"What was that for?" Becky questioned.

"Is it still hurting? I'm really sorry." Freen gently rubbed Becky's forehead and placed another tender kiss on it. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Inside, a memory stirred in Becky. If she recalled correctly, her mom used to do this when she was a child. Yet, why did it feel so different when Freen did it? Why was she feeling something she shouldn't?

"Enough of that joke," Freen sighed.

"What joke?" Becky inquired, looking puzzled.

"The one about needing to find someone in love, and then you go and have me look at you." Freen crossed her arms.

"Oh, I thought you were searching for someone with sparkly eyes. Well, I've got those," Becky responded, blinking repeatedly.

Unable to suppress her smile, Freen burst into a grin. Becky was beyond adorable, and Freen had the urge to shower her with kisses, though she knew that wouldn't be appropriate. She needed to rein in her feelings – she didn't want to end up in trouble for making advances on someone much younger.

"Anyway, seems like Bonbon is restless. Want to head out?" Freen proposed, causing Becky's eyes to widen. "What's with that look? I'm not stopping you from going out."

Becky stared at Freen, her eyebrows furrowed. Seriously? Was Freen acting like she needed permission? Becky was unsure if Freen was seeking a partner, a housemate, or a child to look after. Sometimes Freen treated her like she was still a kid, even though she was already in her twenties.

"I'll get ready now," Freen announced, walking off to her room.

Becky glanced at Bonbon, who seemed equally baffled by Freen's behavior.

"Do you think Auntie Freen is a bit strange?" Becky mused aloud to her dog as she scooped him up. "What if we tried to find her a boyfriend or girlfriend since it seems she's not interested in any of us?"

Bonbon barked and gave Becky's chin a lick. She giggled and nodded.

"Okay, okay. Let's play matchmaker. But where should we start?" Becky tilted her head. "Do you think the guy from the milk tea shop could work?"

Bonbon barked again, wagging his tail as if he understood perfectly.

"Alright, tomorrow it is. Let's invite him over and have him make Auntie Freen a milk tea." Becky planted a kiss on Bonbon's head and carried him into her room to change.

But as luck would have it, just as Becky and Freen were about to leave the house, the rain started to pour. Their plans were dashed, leading them to settle in at home and watch something until evening.

"What do you feel like watching?" Freen asked.

"Something with hot guys," Becky answered nonchalantly, not even bothering to look at Freen.

Now both seated on the couch, Freen cringed at Becky's response.

"Hot guys? Like models? Celebrities?" Freen inquired.

"More like playing with fire," Becky quipped with a mischievous grin.

"Your taste in movies is definitely unique." Freen rolled her eyes, about to change the channel when the lights suddenly went out.

Despite the darkness, there were no screams or panic.

Freen reached out for Becky's hand, but realized she wasn't on the couch anymore. She hadn't felt Becky stand up, either. Tentatively, she got to her feet and began to navigate the dark room. Unexpectedly, she stepped on Bonbon, causing him to let out a pained whimper.

Startled, Freen lost her balance and tumbled to the floor. Luckily, she landed on something soft.

When the lights came back on, Freen opened her eyes to find herself in an unexpected position.

Lying on top of Becky's chest, her face buried against it.

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