Chapter 11

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Freen found herself in a confusing dilemma. She wanted to stand up but hesitated, fearing her pale face would give away her emotions. The urge to escape this situation and erase it from memory tugged at her, but she was at a loss about where to go. She cursed her present circumstances, yearning for the earth to magically swallow her up.

"Having fun, are we?" Becky's voice finally broke the silence. Freen quickly rose, using her long black hair to shield her face.

"Um, I'm heading to the kitchen. Hungry?" Freen's words stumbled out awkwardly.

Becky sat up, trying to catch a glimpse of Freen's face, but the latter dashed to the kitchen, causing a chuckle to escape from Becky's lips. Was Freen blushing due to the earlier incident?

Bonbon darted over to Becky, thankfully unscathed. True to form, his tongue lolled out as he wagged his tail. Amused, Becky laughed while petting him.

"Auntie Freen's feeling shy. First time experiencing a... situation like that," Becky teased.

Freen's voice carried from the kitchen, "I can hear you!"

After whipping up a meal, Freen set the table for them. Prioritizing Bonbon, Becky offered him food before joining Freen.

The atmosphere during the meal was rather quiet. Freen grappled with what to say or whether an apology was even warranted. She hadn't done anything wrong—it was an unfortunate electrical mishap.


Their voices synchronized. Freen gestured for Becky to go first, but Becky motioned for her to proceed.

Freen cleared her throat, nodding slightly. "I apologize about earlier. I accidentally stepped on Bonbon and tripped into you—"

Becky interjected, "No worries. I kind of liked it."

Freen furrowed her brows. "What?"

"I liked it," Becky reiterated, a playful smile gracing her lips. "I liked being under you."

Freen's cheeks turned crimson once more. Becky's words caught her off guard. Was this innocent bluntness because Becky was still young, not realizing the implications? Being two girls, perhaps Becky perceived it as a normal occurrence.

This girl's innocence was absolutely endearing.

"You should probably avoid saying things like that. They could mean something different," Freen advised Becky.

"Like what? Is it a big deal?" Becky inquired.

"It can be, especially if you say that to someone you don't know well," Freen explained.

"But I know you. You hate noise. You're a bookworm. You can't stand tuna—"

Becky's words left Freen taken aback. She hadn't revealed the tuna allergy to Becky. How could she know? Did she stumble upon Freen's journal? But Freen kept that journal hidden.

"I never told you," Freen pointed out.

"What?" Becky asked, puzzled. "About the tuna allergy?"

Freen nodded. Her heart raced. If Becky had indeed read her journal, she was in deep trouble. It contained confidential information.

"Guess I must have mixed things up. I read a lot," Becky nonchalantly said, continuing to eat. "I won't say anything silly from now on. Sorry."

After the meal, Becky tackled the dishes, while Freen focused on a football match. Thunder rumbled, causing Freen to startle, her eyes reflexively shifting to Becky. Was Becky scared? Strangely, Becky appeared unfazed.

Another clap of thunder, louder this time. Freen glanced toward the kitchen, but Becky wasn't there.

How had Becky moved so stealthily?

Freen rose, scanning the small apartment. Despite its size, there was no sign of Becky. Where could she have gone? To her room? But that would mean passing through the living room.

"You okay, bb?" Becky's voice echoed. She remained in the kitchen, concealed beneath the table, clutching Bonbon.

Freen released a relieved sigh upon spotting her there.

"Don't worry, Mommy's here," Becky murmured to Bonbon. Then her gaze shifted to Freen. "Are you scared too?"

Freen grappled with how to respond. If she admitted her fear, would Becky offer comfort? Would Becky hug her as well? She maintained an impassive expression, simply meeting Becky's eyes. She longed for a hug but felt too shy to ask.

"Yeah..." Freen finally confessed.

Becky lifted herself, cradling Bonbon. She took Freen's hand, guiding her to the couch. They both settled down, Bonbon nestled between them.

"You two are such scaredy-cats," Becky chuckled. "Or scaredy-dogs?"

Safe in Becky's embrace, Freen disregarded the rumbling thunder outside. At this moment, all that mattered was being with Becky and cherishing this connection.

In this fleeting instant, Freen wished for something selfish—for Becky to remain by her side, if only this once.

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