Chapter 4

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Dealing with people was always a challenge for Freen due to her introverted nature. However, tackling individuals like Becky, who constantly spewed nonsensical stories about the past, was even more trying.

Freen often daydreamed about Becky being from the future. That way, she could inquire about the steps to attain wealth. Yet, the notion of trusting someone from the past seemed ludicrous.

"Are you really taking me to a mall?" Becky inquired with a puzzled expression. "What even is a mall?"

After hearing Becky's question, Freen facepalmed. How could she possibly explain it? An indoor place full of stores? A complex meant for buying stuff?

"Let's just go, and you'll figure it out," Freen responded, shaking her head, and they drove off.

At a different boutique, Freen treated Becky to a variety of clothing – sleepwear, formal wear, casual outfits – covering all her everyday needs, including personal care items.

Becky proved to be easygoing, agreeing with whatever Freen suggested. Although she didn't have much choice, many of the things she saw were novel to her. In her own time, she'd been a privileged daughter of the Armstrongs, a family that excelled in everything. But in this new world, she felt out of her depth.

"Let's eat now," Freen said, pulling Becky from her thoughts.

They walked together, carrying their shopping bags, and entered a fast food restaurant. Becky was bewildered by the options, leaving Freen to make the choices.

As they waited for their food, Becky's eyes roamed the surroundings, taking in every detail.

"I've got a question," Freen began, letting out a sigh. "If you're really from the past, why can't you remember everything? Is it amnesia?"

Becky smiled and shook her head. "No, Freen. I'm gradually regaining my memories, but it's going to take some time."

"Why's that?" Freen inquired.

"My brother told me that when I entered the capsule and ventured into a different timeline, two outcomes were possible. Either I'd experience temporary memory loss, or it could be permanent. I might only remember my name and nothing more. So, I'm thankful that my memories are slowly coming back," Becky explained, her smile warm. Their waiter arrived with their food, and her attention shifted.

Seeing the food, Becky's eyes lit up, and she dug in. Freen observed her with curiosity, still unsure about Becky's story. She wished she could believe, but she needed proof. Just because something came from an attractive person's mouth didn't make it true.

After lunch, they returned to the apartment, where Becky organized her belongings in her room. Fortunately, there was a spare room available for her; otherwise, Freen would never have agreed to let her stay. Aside from her discomfort with sharing a room, Freen was accustomed to sleeping in the nude.

"So, are you planning to keep her around?" Heng's voice came through the phone.

Freen pondered for a moment. "I'm not sure. She insists she's from the past, but she can't provide concrete proof beyond her behavior and words."

"What's your plan then? If you have doubts, maybe consider a foster home?" Heng suggested, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"She doesn't look like a kid, Heng. A foster home might not take her," Freen responded, letting out a sigh. She settled into a chair in her study and rubbed her temples. "Someone out there must be searching for her."

"Do you want me to look into it?" Heng asked begrudgingly. "I'm your boss, not your investigator."

"You do remember I'm the one raking in the money for you, right?" Freen retorted with a smirk, even though Heng couldn't see it.

"Fine," he relented. "I'll ask my contacts about her. Send me a picture so I can show it around."

Freen was about to comply when she realized she didn't have a picture of Becky. She knocked on Becky's door and entered quietly. Becky was brushing her hair, gazing at herself in the mirror.

Dressed in a white satin spaghetti strap nightgown, Becky looked almost angelic. Her long brown hair enhanced her already captivating face. Freen found herself entranced by the beauty before her, as if gazing upon a goddess. It was truly ethereal.

"Is there something you need?" Becky's voice brought Freen back from her reverie.

"Nothing," Freen responded quickly and closed the door. She placed a hand over her chest, her heart racing.

Why was she feeling this way? She hadn't even had coffee tonight, so it couldn't be heart palpitations. Rushing to her own room, Freen examined her flushed face in the mirror. This feeling was unfamiliar and unsettling.

a/n: To all students who have classes today, goodluck! Make new friends and make a good impression. I'm rooting for you! ❤️

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