Chapter 2

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"I can't come to your office right now, I still have something to finish."

Freen explained to her editor and the CEO of the publishing company, Heng, about the strange incident that happened earlier that day. Both she and Heng were finding it hard to believe what Becky, the mysterious girl, was saying.

"But I really need your help right now. There have been a lot of complaints about your books. People want you to write something romantic," Heng urged, brushing off the whole Becky situation.

"I'm a mystery/thriller writer, Asavarid. If they don't like my writing style, they should find someone else who can handle romance," she replied, focusing on the road as she drove.

Freen was on her way to the nearby police station to drop off Becky. She couldn't make sense of Becky's talk about science and time machines - it all seemed too unbelievable. Dealing with her editor's demands was enough stress; she didn't need any more complications.

"Freen, everyone is waiting for you to step out of your comfort zone. They want to see a new side of you. They're eager for something different," Heng tried to convince her, but Freen brushed it off.

How could a writer force themselves to write something they had no connection to? Freen understood her readers wanted variety, but asking for romance felt like a stretch. After all, mystery and romance were worlds apart. Maybe she'd consider if they suggested a fantasy theme instead.

"Heng, how can I write romance when it makes me cringe? I'm not into romance movies or books. I'm all about adventure, thrills, and suspense. I'm not feeling inspired for that genre," Freen countered, pushing back against her editor's persistence.

"Alright, let's talk later once you've sorted out your current situation," Heng said before ending the call, leaving Freen with a sigh of relief.

Looking at the passenger seat, she saw Becky gazing out the window in wonder, taking in the sights of the city. It was like she was a kid seeing skyscrapers and fast cars for the first time.

"Before I take you to the police station, can you at least tell me where you're from?" Freen asked when she parked the car. She looked at Becky, who met her gaze innocently.

"What kind of answer are you looking for?" Becky replied.

"I want the real answer, Becky," Freen said, her frustration growing.

"From my mother's womb," Becky answered, causing Freen to hit the steering wheel in exasperation. "You said you wanted the truth."

"Not that kind of answer! Are you..." Freen bit back her frustration, stopping herself from losing her temper. "Fine, let's just go to the police station. Maybe they can help you."

Freen got out of the car, guiding Becky inside the station. The officers were puzzled by their presence and asked how they could assist, but Freen sighed and motioned for Becky to sit on a bench.

"Has there been a report of a missing girl who looks like her? I found her in my room and I'm not sure if she's in the right state of mind," Freen explained to the officers, who turned their attention to Becky.

Becky appeared modest and innocent. The officers weren't sure if Freen's concerns were genuine or if she was overreacting.

"Looks can be deceiving, officers. Please, just help her," Freen said, giving Becky's shoulder a reassuring pat before leaving.

Back in her car, Freen let out a sigh. She glanced back at the police station and saw Becky looking at her with a hint of sadness in her eyes, as if waiting for Freen to come back and rescue her. Shaking her head, Freen drove away.

As gorgeous as she might be, Becky was still a stranger. Freen was an author, not a babysitter, and she couldn't take responsibility for her.

"Heng, where are you?" Freen asked as soon as her editor answered the call.

"Why? Aren't you supposed to handle things first? Can we talk now?" Heng responded.

"Yes, let's meet at the café. I'll be waiting there," Freen replied before hanging up and hitting the gas pedal.


"Give me a year, and I'll write a romantic story," Freen told Heng. She wanted to appease him and finally put an end to his pestering for a genre she felt disconnected from.

"Seems like that girl changed your mind, huh? Where is she now?" Heng inquired.

"I don't know. I left her at the police station. She should be safe there," Freen said, taking a sip of the drink she had ordered.

"What if she doesn't have any family here, Freen? Are you really okay with leaving her there? What if someone bothers her? You mentioned she's attractive, right?" Heng prodded, trying to manipulate Freen's emotions. She brushed it off.

"Okay, if you don't want to take her in, then I will. Maybe she has potential as a writer too."

Freen shot her editor a stern look. "Don't you dare exploit her like you did with me years ago."

"Excuse me, Chankimha. You're the one who asked me for a job. Back then, you only knew how to write. I took a risk by starting a publishing company for you," Heng retorted, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"But now your publishing house is the most successful and profitable in our generation, right? Thanks to me," Freen rolled her eyes. "Don't manipulate that girl. She's young."

"She's young, yet you left her at the police station?" Heng questioned, shaking his head. "I'll call Mew to find that girl. What was she wearing again?"

"A white dress. She's Caucasian. Mew should be able to spot her easily," Freen sighed, crossing her arms.

Heng got in touch with his police friend, Mew, to search for Becky. However, Mew informed him that Becky had left shortly after Freen's departure. They assumed she had followed Freen's car.

"What? What kind of officers are they?" Freen exclaimed, astonished, as she grabbed her coat.

"Why are you so concerned?" Heng asked, perplexed. "I thought you didn't care about the girl?"

"She's young, Heng. She's unfamiliar with this place. What if she wandered into a dangerous situation?" Freen retorted, rushing out of the café.

Heng was left bewildered by Freen's actions. This was a side of her he hadn't seen before. Freen usually kept her distance from everyone. What was it about that girl that had triggered such a reaction from her?

a/n: I'm new to this kind of perspective. I hope I'm not disappointing anyone with this story. I love you all! ❤️

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