Chapter 14

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"Wait, why is he here? And what do you mean by finding me a boyfriend?" Freen asked Becky, looking puzzled.

"I'm a matchmaker now, Freen. So, I'll let you two chat and won't bother you anymore," Becky replied, about to leave, but the guy held her arm.

"Wait, aren't you the—" Freen quickly covered the guy's mouth. "Why? I thought she's ma—"

"Go ahead, Bec. I'll handle this guy," Freen interrupted, motioning for Becky to go.

Once Becky was in her room, Freen led the guy outside the apartment to talk, sizing him up from head to toe.

"Who are you?" Freen questioned, arms crossed.

"I should be asking you that. Your wife told me you were looking for a milk tea owner. I must've misunderstood, she didn't mean it this way. Are you guys in an argument?" the guy inquired, looking confused.

"What's your name?" Freen asked again.

"Billy," he replied. "And you?"

"Freen. Just so you know, don't take everything she says seriously. She's playful, like a kid," Freen explained with a sigh.

"But I thought you were married to her?" Billy glanced at the apartment door. "Don't tell me she's your sister?"

"She's not, okay? She's a special friend," Freen clarified. "Don't dig too deep. Just move on."

Billy scoffed. "Your special friend made me close my shop to come here. How will you make it up to me?"

Freen was unsure what to say. She wasn't much of a talker, but this guy was persistent. It was really Becky's fault, and Freen could see where Billy was coming from.

"Fine," she conceded. "What do you want?"

"Just lunch. That's cool with me. I'm starving," Billy replied, grinning.

Freen rolled her eyes and allowed Billy to enter the house. She knew it might be risky, but it was still early, and she had a feeling this guy wouldn't cause any trouble since he seemed nice. Still, appearances could be deceiving, so she stayed cautious.

"Becky, come out," Freen called out, and Becky quickly emerged.

Becky had swapped her dress for something more comfortable, prompting Freen to push her back into her room and shut the door behind them.

"What are you wearing? We have a guest," Freen scolded, eyeing Becky's closet. She picked out decent clothes and insisted Becky change.

However, Becky didn't say a word and immediately discarded her pajamas, causing Freen to avert her gaze.

This girl was driving her crazy. Freen closed her eyes as she waited for Becky to finish changing, but when she realized Becky wasn't moving, she opened her eyes.

Freen was taken aback to find Becky standing in front of her, staring intently—completely unclothed. Freen quickly covered her eyes.

"What are you doing? Get dressed!" Freen exclaimed, but Becky chuckled.

"You act like you've never seen these parts before," Becky teased, changing her clothes. "I'm ready now. You can open your eyes."

Freen slowly uncovered her eyes and saw that Becky was properly dressed. This kid really knew how to make things awkward for Freen.

"After this, I'll give you some pointers. You're growing up, so you should learn what's what," Freen scolded.

"But I thought I'd always be your baby?" Becky pouted.

"Since when did I say that?" Freen questioned.

Becky tilted her head. "You didn't? Okay." With that, she left the room, leaving Freen once again dumbfounded.

Becky's behavior was getting stranger by the day.

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