Chapter 32

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"Please get in line, everyone. It's time for book signings!" the staff announced to the eager crowd waiting for Freen's autograph.

Freen arrived, and her fans looked at her with admiration. This time, Freen wasn't hiding behind a cap or mask. She waved at them with a smile, and her warmth spread to everyone, making them smile and wave back.

"Oh my goodness, she's so pretty! I'm swooning!" a girl exclaimed, squealing with delight.

It was as if Freen was an idol they hadn't seen in ages.

Behind Freen, Becky scanned the line, searching for the girl she had in mind, but she couldn't spot her in the first group of fans.

"I've got something to tell you later," Heng whispered to Freen, and she nodded.

The book signing continued, and even with the third group of fans, the mystery girl remained elusive.

"Do you remember her name?" Freen asked Becky as she sipped from her water bottle.

"Friend," Becky replied.

Freen tilted her head, sensing familiarity but unable to recall the face.

"Can you sketch her?" Freen asked again.

Becky nodded, and Heng handed her a pencil and paper. As Becky sketched, Freen approached Heng to hear what he had to say.

"One of my relatives mentioned there are Armstrongs in England, particularly a famous one named Richard Armstrong," Heng whispered.

"Because of his scientific work?" Freen inquired.

"Not only that. Richard and Richie are the same person, but Richie was known for his prowess in science, while Richard gained notoriety for a tragic incident involving a family. I don't have all the details, but they've invited me to meet them and learn more. I'm quite occupied, so I thought I'd share this with you. If you're interested, we could meet them together," Heng offered.

"Sure, if we can't locate that girl, let's meet your relatives," Freen replied, thanking Heng before returning to Becky, who had just finished her drawing.

"She looks like this," Becky said, handing the sketch to Freen.

"Bec..." Freen was surprised. "We won't find someone with a stick figure drawing."

Heng chuckled and studied the drawing, his brows furrowing as he looked at Becky.

"Wait a minute, is this Friend? She's one of the editors here," Heng realized.

Freen and Becky exchanged disbelieving glances. Heng had recognized Friend in Becky's simple drawing because she had headphones around her neck and wore oversized shirts.

"Where is she, then?" Freen asked.

"Follow me," Heng gestured, leading them to a small room at the back of the bookstore, where they found Friend engrossed in one of Freen's books. She hadn't noticed them enter.

"Friend, you have a visitor," Heng announced.

Friend looked up, her eyes widening when she saw Becky, as if she'd seen a ghost.

"B-Becky?" Friend stammered.

It was confirmed; she was the girl from Becky's past. Why was Friend here? Why had she entered the capsule along with Becky? Freen couldn't comprehend, so she excused herself to let them talk.

As Freen left, Becky approached Friend, her anger evident, yet her grudge seemed to wane as she stood before her.

"Why are you here? It's dangerous," Friend warned Becky.

"It's dangerous, and yet you're here?" Becky retorted. "I might not remember everything, but I remember you betraying me."

"Becky, that's in the past," Friend explained.

"But we're both from the past, Friend. We need to go back," Becky sighed.

"I don't want to go back, Becky. I'm staying here. No chaos, no problems, just books and Freen," Friend insisted.

"You like Freen?" Becky raised an eyebrow. "AFTER BETRAYING ME IN THE PAST, NOW YOU'RE TAKING HER AWAY FROM ME?" Becky yelled.

"Whoa, I'm not taking Freen from you. She was never yours to begin with, Becky," Friend countered.

"No, I won't let you have her. You betrayed me, Friend. You chose a guy over me, and that's why my brother created a capsule to see what would happen after you made that choice," Becky said.

"No, Becky. Your heartless brother created that capsule to see if he could eliminate my lineage," Friend clarified. "I didn't choose to marry a man; I had no choice because, in our time, love didn't matter. Power did. So, even though I loved you, I had to let you go because it was the right thing to do."

Becky's eyes welled up. Why was the world so cruel? In the past, Friend hadn't fought for her, and in the present, Freen had let her go for what they believed was the right thing to do.

"Then why don't you come with me and confront my brother about it?" Becky proposed.

"Your brother is too cruel, Becky. I won't return," Friend insisted.

"But why? Why are you so afraid?" Becky shouted.

"Because if I did, Freen wouldn't exist!" Friend exclaimed. "I escaped the past to save my only descendant. If your brother caught me again, Freen wouldn't exist because she's descended from me. I entered the capsule twice, Becky. The other time, Freen didn't exist because Richie found me and my baby."

"You're a mother?" Becky asked.

"I've already given birth, Becky. My child is living in the past. If your brother finds me and her, Freen won't exist. She's my last descendant because of your cruel brother. Do you understand now?" Friend questioned.

Becky gripped the nearest table. So, her brother was the reason Freen had no family. Why Freen had suffered so much. It was because of her family.

"Show me how to go back," Becky requested.

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