Chapter 26

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"Freen, why did you choose to be an author?" Becky asked Freen as they strolled along the shore with Bonbon.

Freen tilted her head in thought. It was already day three of their beach adventure, and time seemed to be flying by without them doing much they had planned.

"Because it's my passion. I'm a bit of a loner, so writing became my way of expressing myself. It gave me a sense of freedom," Freen replied.

Becky nodded, her curiosity piqued. "Do you think I can be an author too? I want to write a story called 'Seven Days with You.' Is that a good title?" she asked.

"Yes, but it might be a tad too straightforward. When thinking of a story title, it should be unique and avoid being overly detailed or cliché to catch your readers' attention," Freen explained as they paused to watch the sunrise.

Becky sighed, gazing at the sun. "I'll miss this," she whispered.

"What?" Freen asked.

"The sea, the sky, and, well, you," Becky smiled, and Bonbon barked. "And, of course, you," she chuckled and scooped up Bonbon.

"I told you not to dwell on what happens after this week, remember?" Freen reminded her, but Becky couldn't shake her worries.

"I can't help it, Freen. The closer the days get, the more I think about it. I'm here with you, but you seem so distant," Becky confessed, looking at Freen. "I can't even touch you."

"What do you mean you can't?" Freen asked, removing Bonbon from Becky's hand and taking her own, guiding them to her cheeks. "I'm right here, Bec. Tell me what you want to do, and I'll gladly do it with you."

Becky smiled faintly. She was sure now – she was falling for the girl in front of her.

"My heart aches seeing you like this, Bec. Tell me, what's bothering you?" Freen asked, kissing her palm.

"I don't want to leave," Becky whispered. "I want to spend my lifetime with you."

Freen was taken aback. Becky had no idea how happy she made her, but that couldn't happen. If Becky stayed here from the past, it could affect the future. Something would change, and that would be a mistake.

"As much as I don't want you to go, I can't," Freen gently removed Becky's hands from her face and caressed Becky's face. "I'm not being selfish, and you shouldn't be either. You're a grown-up now, Becky. You need to know your priorities."

"I'll make you my priority, then," Becky replied.

Freen pondered it deeply. Becky had entered the capsule for a girl she loved, and remembered that the same girl had broken Becky's heart. But why had Becky followed her here? If she didn't love her anymore, why did she come? Perhaps Becky was just confused because she'd been seeing Freen the whole time. However, Freen decided to brush it off. Whether Becky was still in love with that girl or not, she wanted to have Becky for just a week. She wanted to borrow her for a week.

"Stop thinking about it, okay? What if we write prose and poems to ease your boredom?" Freen suggested, her heart skipping a beat.

Becky slowly nodded, and Freen kissed her forehead before returning to the cabin to write prose.


"Done!" Freen exclaimed, trying to sneak a peek at Becky's work, but Becky hid it playfully.

"Don't look yet," Becky said, gently pushing her away as she finished her prose. She was completely absorbed in her writing, making Freen chuckle.

When they were both finished, they swapped and read each other's work. They were both taken aback. The subject, the writing style, the structure – everything was eerily similar, as if they had planned it.

"It's amazing. You could be a writer someday," Freen said with a sheepish chuckle.

Becky looked at her, biting her lower lip. "Can I keep this?" she asked.

"Of course," Freen replied, smiling.

"I love every word you wrote in this," Becky said, folding the paper and hiding it among her belongings.

"I'm starving. All this prose writing has made me hungry," Freen announced, standing up.

After reading each other's work, they fell into a comfortable silence, knowing that their hearts shared a single wish, and their minds were in perfect harmony.

Freen's Prose:

In the quiet recesses of my heart, I grapple with the bittersweet truth that sometimes, love is not enough to bridge the chasm between two worlds. In my world, she exists as a constellation of dreams and memories, a radiant star that once illuminated my life. But in her world, I am but a fleeting shadow, a whisper of a past she has left behind.

The agony lies in the realization that the love we shared was not strong enough to defy the boundaries that separate our worlds. We danced on the precipice of what could have been, our hearts entwined in a delicate, ephemeral waltz. But as the music faded, our steps faltered, and the gulf between us widened.

I find solace in the knowledge that I must let her go, for to hold on would be to tether her to a world where I am a mere specter. I cannot ask her to forsake the life she knows, the dreams she pursues, for the sake of a love that exists only in my world.

And so, with a heavy heart, I release her into the boundless expanse of her world, where she can shine brightly, untethered by the weight of what might have been. I wish her every happiness, every success, and every love that her heart desires. For even though our worlds may never intersect again, the love I felt for her will forever linger in the depths of my soul, a cherished memory of a love that once was.

Becky's Prose:

I cling to a love from a bygone time, a love that defies the chasm of years and miles. I find myself adrift in the past, while the one I love has moved forward into a future I can't grasp.

Though the world has changed around me, my feelings remain steadfast, an unwavering tribute to the girl who once held my heart. I wish I could bridge the gap between our worlds, to tell her, even from afar, that my love endures.

"I will always love you," I whisper to the stars, knowing the words will never reach the one who now lives in a different world. Yet, my love remains, a constant presence in my heart, a testament to a love that can never be forgotten, no matter how far apart we are.

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